Even under Clinton, was culture as degenerate as it is now? And were liberals as bad as they were back then!
How were society and people like 20 to 30 years ago?
The culture has been fucked since the mass domestic brainwashing campaigns started after WII
>mass domestic brainwashing campaigns
aka technological progress and increased comfort
Jersey Shore was like a decade ago now, grandpa.
But no, the 90s where the pinnacle of white western civilization. All the best shows were white, all the best music was white, all niggers had a curfew and would get lynched if out after 9 pm. It was bliss.
9/11 changed everything, it was a Kike/Mudslime/Nigger psyop designed to weaken White America and it worked wonderfully. Now we live in it's dystopian afterwake barely recalling the life that once was... indeed, many on Sup Forums probably have already forgotten or will get angry at being reminded.
Shut up gay faggot
>All the best shows were white, all the best music was white,
All the shows from the 90's were shit, they planted the seeds for what the culture today has become.
The liberals have always been there, it's just that social media has given them a spot light from which they can grandstand.
Then why is Asia not affected so much?
This, the 80´s were better, the true golden times.
70`s and 60´s slightly degenerate.
Old maple fag here.
Born 1979.
The 90's was the stealth years that (((they))) made the most moves, those years they accumulated the degenerate poisons, and positioned them at target points and it was around 1996, they went for it.
Google 1996, music, movies and military operations in the west.
>can't name the goal of progress
>just destroy everything human history is founded on
>in the name of progress
>because we're progressing
>to the happy land of progress
Essentially the 90's were the calm before the storm and well past the half way point because the (((plan))) was entrenched.
Ahh the 90s. A simpler time.
90s nostalgia bread? Post your greentexts. Make them as sickly nostalgic as possible.
Violent nog crime was through the Earth even Clinton called them superpredators
there wasn't nearly as many tattoos, kids who smoked pot were considered losers, fags were something you didn't talk about
definitely degeneracy seems to be accelerating through the kikeosphere
that today image is 7 years ago though because I can see that it's jersey shore
desu jersey shore was way better than the shit we have right now
I don't think no one actually had the thought that it could get way fucking worse than that
>neighborhood kids, my brother and I used to play a game called 'deer hunt'
>One group of guys would sit on the roof of the fort/tree house behind a wooden partition
>another group would hide out in a field, grown-up with weeds
>we all had pellet guns
>first to get shot in the field is "out"
>guys in field have advantage of hiding in weeds
>guys on fort rooftop have sight advantage
fun times.
Ah the 90's peak abortion and crime rates, the crack epidemic
The rise of gangster rap, OJ's shenanigans and the LA riots
If social media had existed back then the US would be a smoldering crater
The goal of progress is more widespread comfort and prosperity for everyone, and making life easier for as many people as possible.
The eighties were the best. Nineties was when things started going down the drain. Seventies were cool.
That's bullshit, according to the experience of the last 30 years, "progress" is the practice of disenfranchising the majority on account of an extreme minority and the normalization of the most base, unnatural, perverse behavior.
> the 90s where the pinnacle of white western civilization.
The federal mandate in the mid 90s called the "Children's Television Act" basically killed saturday morning cartoons.
The TV shows in general was shit. Jerry Springer became a very popular show. Tell me that wasn't a show about degenerates (inb4 it was all fake). And the music as well was shit. Britney Spears, Spice girls, all that pop shit.
The real pinnacle of white western civilization was in the 80s. The cartoons weren't shit and were mostly American made. Fucking space cowboys in the future with a transforming robot horse shooting lasers. You won't find that in the 90s. There's a reason why people tend to want to go to back to the 80s and not the 90s.
It had some degeneracy, but not nearly as much as now. And Librals before were more of the trolling type towards the Christian conservatives that always got butthurt, always said that what they did was free speech, and were very anti-war. Now the Liberals love the pope, get butthurt aburdly quickly and want to show down free speech, and seem to want more wars. Maybe the whole party-switching myth has its merits.
Railroads. People thought their whole world revolved around heavy industry and machine and technological innovation. The notion that the language centers of our brains would dominate ordinary life did not exist. It was, compared to present times, highly anti-political. The left recruited young people by throwing techno parties with club drugs: marijuana, crystal meth, and ecstasy. Relatively unintelligent people could hold down jobs and support families. The TV was nonstop social programming that was essentially an advertisement for the world of today. There was a lot of creation of media by people, who, for whatever reason , thought a world was being built for "other people", not their people, so there was a lot of putting down your emotions and life story into art, film, music. MK ultra was essentially unknown, or considered a failed experiment from the 60s, in spite of technical, sophisticated films like Natural Born Killers.
A lot of people felt they couldn't handle the future, so they expressed themselves and drove their lives off the track and died.
If you are alive today, you are genetically a fit for this world. Not everyone who was alive 20-30 years ago had that faith.
There were weird people everywhere. They didn't care about fitting in because the economy was big enough for a mainstream culture and a counter-culture.
The counter-culture was merged back into the mainstream culture. Actually, the mainstream culture just decided to stop distancing themselves from alternative culture after facebook and twitter.
Dorks and dweebs then.
Dorks and dweebs now.
Dorks and dweebs forever.
You kids are too young but the 70's were very fucking degenerate but it was more isolated into specific urban centers
We sort of had a reprise in the 80's and 90's
It's interesting now because we do have very degenerate culture particularly among the young but at the same time many things about America today are far nicer
Restaurants, houses, the quality of your furniture and cabinets etc. electronics and crime is way down.
Compared to 1950 we are degenerate as fuck but compared to 1976 we are not.
So it's tough to say.
Girls weren't as whores as today. No social media like fb/ig. No cell phones, internet. More christians, more christian/pro-family influence in Hollywood.
Less mixed couple, less race-mixing propaganda, less cultural marxism and identity politics. Not as hard feminism as today. Every people live within is own social circles (blacks, white, asians). I'm talking about the early 90's.
>Topanga in a dress to her ankles
>>Joel J. Feigenbaum
Here is a scene from the movie PCU from the early 90's which depicted college life of that time. (The PC stands for "politically correct")
libfags were always around... they just had to meet up in person to organize and spread their cancer back then. Now they simply gather by the millions on Tumblr pages and Twitter.
IF you are young and havent seen this movie... go do so. It's om youtube in full. It was made in 1993. SJW cancer is nothing new.
The introduction of gangsta rap into white society (thanks Jews!!) was really the beginning of Americas fall into degeneracy. Kids started emulating the criminal culture they heard talked about in the music because it was rebellious and 'cool'. Girls started acting like hoes becuase they thought thats what boys wanted based on the music.
tl;dr Blacks and Jews destroyed white America starting in the mid 1990's
How has the majority been disenfranchised? How has your life been demonstrably worse as people who are different than us become more accepted in society. I think you're just upset that it's no longer ok to hate other groups of people to make yourself feel better.
>be me
>bbe 12
>get first family pc
>decide to play doom
>get /comfy/
also felt hope for the future
people are giving up on society
Do a few cake bakers ring a bell?
You're talking to a man who was raised by a sodomite parent. I can tell you one thing. This sort of behavior and social engineering experimentation is harmful to children and to the society as a whole.
That was before Fox News and mass alternative media.
Before then we pretty much all had the same news sources so we got along better. No internet and there was 20 channels on tv
holy fuck they are annoying
Maybe you and people around you are. What makes you think most people are "giving up on society?"
The human condition now is the best is ever been, and will continue to improve despite those who soon to hold it back.
so why are mass shootings going up, more people are on antidepressants and anxiety meds
she was qt
Now, I have to leave to take my family to mass.
Progress is a moving goalpost and should never even be invoked because there is no damned definition. It changes every generation. Just like the term "liberty" and "freedom."
They ALWAYS get altered to mean the "liberty" to practice some sort of sexual degeneracy in the public sphere. That's what this is about.
Progress is like a tomato seed. When you think you've pinned it down with your index finger, it pops right out from beneath it. No one can define it because that's the nature of the game--without definition, anything goes.
That's the point. From the little dialogue you've given, I can tell you're a young person. Don't fall for the bullshit.
I grew up in the 90's, and can confirm people and culture were different back then. You couldn't just do whatever you wanted as long as you made sure to frame it in terms of a social cause like people do today. It's paradoxical too, because people didn't have the internet then, and yet they were more educated than they are now, because the post-secondary education system ('college') hadn't fallen apart yet.
Basically, it was much better than now, and I spend a lot of my time reading and watching and playing things from the 90s because that's back when I remember the world made sense, before everything became so thoroughly infiltrated that the whole culture just turned into a huge steaming pile of shit.
>boohoo a couple cake bakers are forced to accept money for doing their fucking job
>waaaah anti-discrimination laws exist
Fuck off, crybaby
>more people are taking medicine to help make life easier
This is a product of progress
When you feel like you're living in a surreal world because non-whites can act uncivilized but get a pass because it's "their culture"
>The federal mandate in the mid 90s called the "Children's Television Act" basically killed saturday morning cartoons.
While it was enacted in the 90s, it didn't really have an effect until the 00's. Saturday Morning Cartoons ended, really, in like 2005 or so.
The 90s had a plethora of Saturday Morning Cartoons and it was still GREAT. It's been downhill since 2001.
For me, however, 1999 was the peak year. God I miss it.
Back then liberals voted for Clinton because of his immigration policy. Trump used same speech as Clinton and now it's racists. Retard population is up ten fold.
Do you really measure prosperity by the number of mass shootings? And are you really claiming that people weren't depressed/anxious before?
Perfect example of the majority being forced by the almighty State to accommodate an extreme minority--even to the point of losing their business and receiving death threats.
Phew, thanks for helping make my point.
>going crazy and increasing suicide is progress
they were, but it was on a lower scale
>now it seems more like and more people are upset
I bet you'll find that overall mortality rates are down though
You should have avoided rap music like your grandma told you.
*Citation needed
No one's really happy anymore, no one's life has meaning anymore. There's no goal to work towards in life other than just get a job and have a family. It's all meaningless. That's what progress gets you. If any of us were born 100 years ago we'd have many more opportunities, less distractions, more willpower and energy to do what we want. Nowadays we just have meaningless distractions like video games, the internet, and television. All these things may seem fulfilling, but they're not. Why do you think so many people in the west are depressed?
that doesnt mean that people are less disenfranchised and happier
times were good and counter culture basically just bitched about how good it was. USA was whiter but still trending downwards in whiteness and men were a bit more manly. Every generation testosterone levels drop. There is no conclusive evidence as to why, although many theories have been raised.
USA continually feminizes as a society with each generation though. In general, the 90's were a decade of potential. It's not coming back.
>Be me
>pay 89cents - dollar a gallon for gas
>other than just get a job and have a family
Lol, not a valid argument sir.
>family man of five young ones thus far
No, times were just different you autist. Not just in the US but in the entire world
Well, you've identified a problem. What's your solution?
Just because you can't find meaning in your life doesn't mean that others can't. Progress doesn't take away meaning, it makes people find their own meaning. Finding a purpose may not be as easy as it was in the 1940s, where it was just "fight the Nazis" but it allows us to choose our own passions. I'm interested in music, so that's what I decide to devote my time to. You should find something you enjoy, and make that what you do with your life. Maybe you'll find meaning that way.
Despite progress on the medical front which has easily doubled our lifespans, life is still short, and we need to make the most of it. Stop fucking worrying about what others are doing and do your own thing.
90s were peak MTV degeneracy like the Real World & spring break sluts brainwashing
>grew up in a nice neighborhood
>would ride bikes and play outside with neighborhood kids
>would go sledding on snow days and then go inside and play video games and drink cocoa
>going to blockbuster on friday nights to rent a movie
>walking around the neighborhood with your friends
>ride in the car with dad while he listens to Rush Limbaugh and complains about Bill Clinton
>Go swimming every day in the summer
all of those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain
idk, this book went into why technology will make people upset and ruin lives..but maybe an emp will destroy all tech
Eversince Jews controlled media around the world and owns the biggest banks in existence we have had problems with liberals. Of course only recently have I finally caught my eye on their communist, faggot side.
The solution you've come up with is to destroy the very technology that has allowed the human race to prosper for the last few decades?
if lead to mental illness and destroy the planet is prospering
Donald Trump was just some really rich dude with a TV show
Yeah the meaning of life is you making autistic music in your bedroom that no one will ever listen to. How could we think something was missing?
I was a kid, but I vividly remember that things were much different.
Kids who were into grunge for example were considered outsiders and "extreme". That's fucking laughable today. Everyone called each-other fags, and getting pussy was no small feat. It actually took some leg work.
I don't care if you like it or ever listen to it. I do it for myself. What do you do for yourself?
>it's no longer ok to hate other groups of people
lol if you think that is currently true
There has been an economic explosion as a result of new technology. The average American family today lives Bette and more comfortably than the Rockefeller family (wealthiest in the 1800s) did back then. To deny that technology allows us to prosper is just wrong.
9/11 is when the transition from high trust to low trust society began. I'm too blackpilled to think things will ever get better
>The average American family today lives Bette and more comfortably than the Rockefeller family (wealthiest in the 1800s) did back then. To deny that technology allows us to prosper is just wrong.
so why are people upset more now..its like the rat utopia experiment..once you get everything you go mad
How should we measure happiness? And how was it better a hundred years ago? It seems like you are taking for a time when everything was spelled out for you. If you're unhappy, no one can help you with it, you have to figure out on your own why you're unhappy, and fix it.
im planning on going into the woods and living off the land..im done with this so called "modern day society"
Would you rather be yourself now, or a worker during the industrial revolution? What do you think would lead to more happiness?
It sounds like you've found your calling. If that's what makes you feel happy and fulfilled, than go do it. I think you'll find that you miss the conveniences of modern life though.
i dont know..maybe the people in the industrial revolution factories had fun..we cant tell
Because the vast majority of it is still dirt poor or under communist regimes??????
Japanese didn't improve
t. controlled opposition
Your must know about the working conditions, especially the lack of child labor laws, during the industrial revolution. 15 hour workdays in a hot uncomfortable and dangerous factory are "fun?"
The early-mid 00s were still pretty awesome faggots. Right before smartphones hit, the last bits of quality entertainment petering out. Video games and tv shows were still fucking great up to like 2007. But after that literally nothing is great
So, they had shit living conditions and were happy.
What's your excuse for being such a faggot then? It's all on your mind.
Lmao, what the fuck was gyaru culture even supposed to be?