Fuck it let's have an SA thread
Someone give me a rundown of what's happening in the country. I feel so disconnected.
Praat afrikaans, maar engels is beter as jy nie die buitelanders weg wil jaag van die draad nie
Fuck it let's have an SA thread
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ooga booga go back to sweden white devil
A single drop of Anglo blood is a thousandfold times as valuable as seven seas of Gentile blood. You do best to remember that, boer scum.
this is not a good start
That makes me cringe. What leftist cunt wrote that sketch?
psha I'm not even south african and I can read that creolespeak. andere talen is tegen het regels hoor.
did all the white south africans died?
probeer nog n keer in n paar minuten, met toch n beter pic, mischien n afrikaaner vrouw?
White schools are filled with anti-white rubbish, kids taught that apartheid was the worst thing ever, along with colonialism and whites being naughty. People will go to laughable lengths to support this view.
Congratulations, you can read the daughter language of another language you already know
truly inspiring
so.... do you guys protest against new-zealand? they have legal apartheid, the council area you belong to is different for your race, even though they all arrived within 50 generations of each-other.
seriously I would bring this up at school.
meanwhile the country is going to shit all around them
reality will red pill the fuck out of them eventually
Ek het ge hoop dat clickbait prentjies nie noodig is nie
Vlaat bumnabaan ist untehr afrikaaaaanerenes. Me like oin beeg blaak peniz.
mutually intelligibile = same language. that's how it works in english. that's why we tasmanians don't write with umlauts and long vowels. I can see 100% why would you wouldn't want to be dutch though.
Pity my country doesn't afford refugee status to white SAfricans fleeing violence. I'd be happy to have 250k of you guys relocating here no questions asked. But yeah, white only. Maybe a handful of coloureds.
toch wel. sorry.
I've got nothing against dutch people man, the netherlands is a great place and dutch people are great. Afrikaans is different enough from dutch to be more than just a different dialect though. For dutch to understand afrikaans is very easy, because it's simplified dutch. The other way around is a fair bit harder
The pawns pushing the agenda know fuckall about the outside world.
It's the usual whites try and keep to themseles and blacks try and integrate with the whites. Many of the females have become race traitors and are now dating black men starts when they are teenagers you should see the jungle fever in the shopping malls. Everything has become more expensive. It's so much harder to find a job in this country. Sundays are still quiet. Blacks have taken over everything. Due to the Guptas a lot of people have resigned from business and state capture is the hot topic now. 15 million blacks are on social grants and yeah. It's a country that is decaying and at the heart of it is the black race. Thank the ANC for destroying something that was functioning. Oh and blacks will kill you for a cellphone now days.
Do you think the country is salvageable? What's the inevitable outcome here for whites?
oh, I have everything against dutch people. from the sreaming turks on the quiet train to the way all the students would agree with my authority no matter what I say. they are more scared of bad marks than telling lies.
in any case, I understand because in my dialect, foreigners can be excluded from the conversation at will. perhaps in the future I will be less racist towards south africans, but never the dutch. I will consider you guys as "the ones who escaped"
Is there any country that provides refugee status to South African whites? The idea that white people are victims of violence is laughed at openly, despite white people being the victims of 40% of homicides and 7% of the population.
Sweden Yes. at least, in 2009.
some memesters around here started this petition
The murder rate has skyrocketed and the economy plummeted but hey, at least we aren't racist.
Turks aren't dutch
But yeah, dutch culture is a little pussified nowadays unfortunately
Is endogamy common in south afirca? What ideology/culture/narrative makes south africans more endogamous/exogamous?
Do white south african practice arranged marriages?
Have the educational scores improved for whites and blacks?
post more stories. Say why you think people act differently.
Our countries both literally destroyed Rhodesia and South Africa. We destroyed their people beyond anything and us as citizens ignored their cries for help.
We will probably get some sort of judgement for it if there is a god.
RIP Rhodesia to be honest, I miss that place
>Guptas have taken over business
It's competition you moron, you have an equal chance.
>government literally talking about genociding you
>white women are still race traitors
It's a dark fucking future.
How hard/time consuming/expensive would it be to adopt a white south African child?
>Both our countries
>Letting the Eternal Leaf off scott free
Nice try.
Had to redo all the work on the farm today myself.
>not a lot to do on weekends
>only 1 nigger works for about 30 min in them morning and 30 min in the evening
>pay them $4 for the day so they are eager to work
>nigger gave the wrong feed to the sheep, didnt give the animals water, didnt close the gates of the rams
>had to fix it all, just got done (6pm here) and showered
>bitch isnt going to get any pay for the weekend
there just arnt any good workers anymore. one I have is still pretty eager to work, but his common sense is non existent (literally struggled to fit a rectangular object into a rectangular hole for 2 minutes before I interrupted him and told him to turn the object 90 degrees, and it went in), but he does a good job if you give him simple tasks.
one of the worst thing now is that almost all the children want to leave the farms, they go to the townships and become corrupt, start hating whitey, then come back and try to rob us and the other blacks on the farm. Some come back and rob their parents for some reason. all my workers are over 40 years old because no young people want to work for minimum wage (+ free meal a day, +transport, +accommodation, + land for their cattle, + free food after the harvest if it was a good year), and then they complain about the low employment rate.
>het regels
Only neuter words use "het".
Just burn it, let them starve like in Zimbabwe.
Problem is im really attached to this land. my family settled here 6 generations ago, in the early 1800s. Thats since the first time people (except maybe some hunter gatherer niggers) have been in this area. Since the first structure was built in this area, my family has owned this land. Every single willow tree planted here, even the ones that were large trees when my grandmother was a child, was planted by my family. The niggers that live here have worked for my family for generations, the maid in my house working for me worked for my parents as well, her mother worked for my grandmother, and her grand mother worked for my great grandmother. There are multiple houses on the farm built by my family, the one im in now was original built by my great-great grandfather as a small 2 room house, each generation has since built onto it and you can see the different materials and trends in the building from room to room with each generation (honetly it looks like shit, but its my shit). Its really hard to just leave something like that.
I have family in america, canada, australia and argentinia, but I really feel that if shit hits the fan, ill probably die on this piece of land rather than run.
there was an SA user who posted a story from a blog about blacks taking over some city one day, just walking into business building and taking over..it was like a rl zombie story.
I want to show it to someone
I'm marrying an SA girl, bringing her here
Am I forgiven
dit reen nou hier vir die eerste keer na die winter. ek kan my deure oop los vir die koel windjie want die kaffers roof nie as dit reen nie.
>ill probably die on this piece of land rather than run
Same.I accepted a long time ago that im going to die in this country
My favorite was the Jewess traitor cunt Blach Sash Helen Zille getting kicked out of the party for reminding kaffirs that Whites brought them language, clean water, infrastructure, etc..
Dit reen ook hier in Pretoria.Dis fokken lekker na die doos warm week
that's the one, excellent thank you
>I'm marrying an SA gir
and you don't know that Joberg is the city in question you're on about?
The descent to Johannesburg from the plateau made the city look great. Beautiful, big, modern. Some skyscrapers here and there, some nice Victorian-style buildings. Green lawns, blue sky.
Upon actually entering the city, the picture changed drastically.
It looked completely abandoned.
There was no electricity.
Piles of trash just lying in the streets.
Burst sewer pipes flooding several spots.
The only thing clear of debris was the main road, the only functional electrical devices were the traffic lights.
And this was the city center, the relatively safe part of the city.
Prior to riding into the city, the driver appointed by Mikhail read us a short "do's and don'ts" lecture. He seemed very tense, gulping often and suspiciously looking around as he spoke:
"If you cunts want to survive this, do exactly as I say.
After we enter the city, NO LOUD NOISES, do not ATTRACT ANY ATTENTION!
NO FUCKING IPHONES OR CAMERAS flashing through the car windows!
DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT with ghouls! (that's what he called niggers)
And no matter what happens, DO NOT OPEN THE WINDOWS!
Because suddenly a lamp post can fall and block the way, and the ghouls will fucking siege us.
And remember that I have kids, so at least follow these rules for my sake..."
Anonymous Wed 21 May 2014 04:32:12 No.30209609 Report
Quoted By: We spent two hours riding around the city center.
It was quiet enough in the bus to hear a pin drop.
To understand what happened to the city, a small historical flashback is needed.
After the apartheid was over, a two-million swarm of Africans flooded the city, opening the era of African Reqonquista. They were not natives, they just left their usual places in the desert and went wherever life was better. Mikhail, the guy who got us the driver, lived in Johannesburg at that time and told us:
russians are pussies
you need a higher birth rate with such high deat rates
Most white people have 2 or 3 kids.The problem is that young people are leaving the country because of affirmative action
my father told me stories of when they caught russians in the bush war. you must remember for us it wasnt a race war. it was a religious war. a war of 100% christian white south africa vs atheist russia and their nigger puppets. here we grew up on stories of christians being persecuted in the ussr. For us it was God vs the devil...
So when they caught a russian they interrogated him then tied him to the bumper of their caspir/mine resistant vehicle. They would then drive around the bush until the russian was torn to shreds. Its a good story ja?
Bump. Are we allowed to expat if we kill a certain amount of nogs?
- You could have higher birth rate maybe? Depends on white men and women wanting and having the will to procreate.
- You can create diaspora communities, that will be endogamous. Marrying within the ethnic group. Keep your language at home.
1. Do you practice arranged marriage?
this graphy says you have a lower tfr than between 2-3 meaning 2,5
At least the roads are maintained with all those new toll roads.
hmm, usually with these types of threads or comment sections in news stories there are immediately "SA" people screaming that nothing is wrong there and everything is fine, no racial strife, economy booming
Thats probably anglos pulling us down
Can't you go to Botswana? The blacks there don't have the same attitude problem towards whites.
Saffas are all cunts
You again?
in school here every Wednesday all the boys had to wear army issued clothes. we learned how to march and salute. we were dealt up in platoons etc.
We also had a 1 hour class each week called "geestes weerbaarheid" spiritual strength. Where we were taught about communism and their aims.
yes I know, but she just mentioned the other day she was looking at pictures of joburg and how dirty and black it had become..I told her about this story and wanted to find it for her
I see my posts have caught on, a fellow anglo here also posted it
>Reality will redpill them
It already has, people talk about this stuff all the time, they just don't advertise or protest it like they do in the States
I have a job at a much better garage now, owned by an anglo, not a saffa cunt
>anglos calling anybody cunts
At least we can keep white rule here, Pieter
Lol.are you posting from the local mosque?
keep in mind we are both 46..she would have been around during this invasion
>At least we can keep white rule here, Pieter
Are you posting from your cuck shed while Z'gungu fucks your afrikaaner wife?
Remember what happened if you forgot to wear your browns? Happened to me all the time. Nothing like that o fuck it's Wednesday and I'm the only person in a regular school uniform.
Rape, murder and larceny is rampant af. Whites are actively working against there own interests but there is talk of a tax revolt.
At least the bananas are cheap, not sure if that should come as a surprise considering the demographic crisis.
Ons Vir Jou Suid Afrika!
>in school here every Wednesday all the boys had to wear army issued clothes. we learned how to march and salute. we were dealt up in platoons etc.
>We also had a 1 hour class each week called "geestes weerbaarheid" spiritual strength. Where we were taught about communism and their aims.
Not anymore i take it. Do you go to sunday school or ethnic clubs?
All whites should leave all at once and go back to Europe since they're hated so much. It'd be fun to watch how fast S.A. devolves into another African shit hole.
Never said my country was any different, only that you're wrong.
This wikipedia article (below) makes me wonder what white south african tfr is? as the gap is between 1,4 - 2,4 TFR "children per woman"
Do you know something? Experiences? Or links to someone who monitors demography?
A lot of people born post 94 don't know any different though. I thought houses which were boarded up like forts, being scared to walk down the street in your neighbourhood and not being able to play in the park without your parents watching was normal everywhere.
>All whites should leave all at once and go back to Europe since they're hated so much. It'd be fun to watch how fast S.A. devolves into another African shit hole.
At first I interpreted S.A. as South America instead of South Africa. Now that I realize it, South America would become a continent-sized Guatemala without their white upper class.
how about we just stay here and wait till all our niggers flood europe?
>Someone give me a rundown of what's happening in the country. I feel so disconnected.
Kaffers fok die land op, dagga is wettig.
Is dinge beter daar in Ausie land?
Seriously not sure what the correct tfr is. There is probably a bit of a difference in urban populations and rural populations, as everywhere else.
Come down her soutpiel, my Irish friends will fuck you up :)
Is your text describing now or before?
You need to learn then, demography is destiny.
The total fertility rate (TFR), sometimes also called the fertility rate, absolute/potential natality, period total fertility rate (PTFR) or total period fertility rate (TPFR) of a population is the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime if:
Ons het 'n moerse storm in Zululand gehad, nou moet ek kaffers betaal om die takke op te tel.
african niggers are more comfortable buying from poo niggers
I know what TFR is, I just don't know what ours is. I doubt that we are at replacement level and we have emigration to contend with too. If demographics is destiny, I suspect we are fucked.
Oh man, why don't you get the hell outta there?
I honestly don't understand why white South Africans are still living there. Why not go to New Zealand, Britain, USA, or any number of other countries? It's not like you're at a tipping point where you're staying is going to help things, and quite honestly the nigs deserve to have the country go to shit when you all disappear anyways, which of course it will.
Nowadays. From what I've heard even the most anti-racists still admit that the country was far better run under apartheid. I was surprised as a kid (born after apartheid) that my parents could walk a few kilometers to their friend's house without the slightest fear.
>I honestly don't understand why white South Africans are still living there
Ignoring economic restraints, we still live here because this is our country and we love it.
Some of us still have a hope that the bantu invaders will be repelled.