What the hell.
Jake Paulers Riding
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he looks like a school shooter
reading up on this guy he probably some manufactured celebrity. Probably created by the Jews
BWC dominating hispanics in CA
How will Mexican bois ever recover?
>tfw you realize you're going to get molested
>used to work for (((Disney)))
I think hes only 19, wouldnt be surprising to look like a student while still a teen. Or he could just have a baby face
i'm dead
Jesus christ what the fuck. Those kids look like they've seen a holocaust or two. Where the fuck are the parents? This is the parenting quality of the 21st century.
How and why does this exist?
>American culture
Young white girls dancing to hip hop sums up modern day America.
>He put out a casting call for dozens of skimpy dressed preteens
Planned controversy and you guys give him clicks. Just ignore this shit.
Why did he make the preteen girl on the right dress down to her underwear?
Why is she playing with her phone during the shoot?
They're actually normal, the problem is that they're dressed like modern sluts when they're well below the age of puberty, thus they look emaciated.
>Planned controversy
Yeah everything new and degenerate is *planned controversy*. No, we've really fallen this far, faggot.
There is literally nothing wrong with fucking your daughter.
they are probably children of the Jew producers & Friends of jew producers. Look at those faces
I weep for this timeline.
Where the fuck are their parents in this? All to get for their 5 minute fame i guess.
Hi poodz
serial experiments lain?
They do have that (((look)))
Probably the Jew School classmates or Synagogue youth group of the producers kids
don't fuck with jake paul. he's hard as fuck youtube.com
\i saw a news report about him, those tweenies hang around outside his house literally all day so he probably just invited them in. Still creepy.
Also this looks suspiciously like a cult. He's literally making a song about himself and how great he is with a crowd of people chanting and dancing along. Someone grab the kool aid
I mean, he did admit that 100% of his videos/relationships/situations are scripted, and compared it to pro wrestling.
This shit would already be bad if it was real, but knowing it's all fake makes it that much more intolerable
wtf I love Jake now?
sad thing is they buy his merchandise , i'd say he's in prison within 2 years minumum.
Why do all the girls look like jews? And not the pretty isreali women... is this what americans look like?
theyre literally all kikelets and the jew daddies would love their kids getting bleached
i dont endorse this desu but jake paul is 18 probably dont give a fucc about preteens its only only kikes who love kids.
not only did the girls want to be in the video but their parents explicitally begged and probably payed to have their kids in the video
kill yourself tonight reddit
That picture is our future if we carry on. That is some serious le 32% faec.
He looks like a 50 year old dago wop with bleached hair. What the fuck is going on?
If I click this link am I gonna get v&?
No, your compuer will be tagged as that which is being used by a teen girl.
make sure to have instagram open for extra points
It won't be long now.
This isn't only in the video, even kids in Bulgaria act and dress like this. The Liberal American propaganda influences style and everything. Also this is the generation that grows up with smartphones.
Will this stop once the culture shock goes away?
jimmy saville and big paedos have this thing of being so brazen about it nobody will do anything, it's too much effort to try and stop him
also young boys are worshipping him in a pseudo sexual way a lot of paedos abuse.
Yea this guy is like someone they put in place like the those 2 jew brothers who made the fucked up (((prank))) videos.
Oh jesus why
Who is this guy and what did he mean by This?
>ywn have a loli army
"We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because...........it's obscene! "
Let's try to keep this in perspective guys.
so much hater shit, just mad ya'll can't kiss and fug teen and preteen girls.
>he looks like a school teacher
look at those girls
>implying society hasn't made them want exactly that
Gen Z is fucked.
logan probably wont get any accusations because hes decent looking and if he did anything id assume it would be consensual. Jimmy was an ugly cunt and i have no doubt everything he did was non consensual
fuck this is too blatant
Is little Jake tied in with the pizza groups? are (((they))) financing his success?
What the fuhhk, thanks for posting this timestamp user. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am surprised.
>Can I give you five dollars if you can fuck us teehee
t. 10yo Jake Pauler
who cares cuck
just stfu all they need
is self defense, bit of self mastery
common sense and a bit of
street knowledge n theyll
be fine relac fuck boi
The fuck kind of haircut is this?
What the fuck is this shit? This guy is on some Disney show about youtube that my kids watch.
understand his brother
wayyy cooler
people in the comments saying that the girl said "plug us" ... hmmm
It's called the "ruined perm".
Fuck off Jake we know what you're doing. FBI is coming for you.
>that one feckless gay kid
I have seen 2 videos by this guy, looked about 10 minute each.
I can never ever remember a single sentence or point he makes.
She said "plug us" as in plugging whatever social media bullshit they do.
i cant take this shit anymore
God there's something rotten at Disney. This guy is either a rampant pedophile or is playing the very long game.
she's jewish
I would've made an excellent jew hunter
why are all his fans preteen girls
goy advertising
Gen Alpha is going to be the most degenerate generation of all time.
Don't think so. Disney cut ties with him. He's off the reservation rn and they don't approve. He has kids camping in front of his house trying to meet him every day.
There's something off about him. The narcissism and showmanship might come with the profession, but there's a sense he takes liberties with preteen girls. That he wants to be /theirguy/ in a more intimate way than entertainer. Offputting.
Does he add these little girls on social media and PM them? That's the hallmark.
It's Disney man. Straight satanic pedo shit all day every day. Jake seems like a decent kid. Those preteens show up at his house every day. On the plus side you've got a younger generation worshipping a white dude, so their will be future bleachings.
they said "plug us" i.e. give our youtube channel a shoutout
Plugging preteen girls
>judgeing kids on sexual attraction
Calm down Ahmed
all his fans are little girls. they all want Chad cock early. he's gunna get caught up in a scandal when it comes out he's fucking his young groupies
You're right. Only jews and their degenerate puppet goys would do this to their children.
>It is perfectly normal Goy
>Perfectly normal
See pic.
What if it's a big pedo recruitment scheme?
Big money invested in him.
that girl in front is standing so funny because
well you know why Sup Forums
you don't want to think it, you don't want to admit it
but you know why
Proof hypergamy is real and innate to women.
>ywn have four preteens rummaging with the sweaty hands for a feel on your cock while you record it and Youtube pays you millions
Look a couple girls to his left. She wearing some weird dentist mouth thing.
>slippery slope isn't real, they said
The Chad pedophile can expose his perversion to the whole world and be loved for it (while being financially rewarded)
The virgin pedophile ends up in prison because there was a CP thumbnail cached in his browser
Watch the guy in the pool bottom left - what did he mean by this?
90% of those girls look very jewish, the other 10% are probably stealthjew shiksaspawns
oh fuck that's brilliant some drawfag do this one
Who is this cringy faggot? That song was literally worse than the justin bieber crap.
You telling me that he is a pedo too?
The parents of those kids should be in jail
I don't think he started out a pedo.
I think he got lots of action when he was younger, sure. So he knows firsthand that girls that age like to make out and finger bang and suck dick, he's practically same generation as them so nothing's changed morally in society since he was their age.
From there its a constant barrage of girls throwing themselves at him, every time he is in a crowd some are sneaking grabs at his cock in the chaos and HE's being molested by THEM.
From there its a slippery slope.
Not sure if a rich honorary Aryan or just a Jew puppet trying to pervertize the kids