Cant we hire an assassin to kill anita sarkeesian?
Cant we?
Kayden Sanders
Brayden Hill
Pewdiepie? What's up nigger!
Andrew Nguyen
No. Also should would become a Martyr instead of fading into obscurity like she is now.
If Anita were "assassinated" then Briana Wu and the like might gain actual power.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Sup Forums and Sup Forums tried a few years ago, nothing came of it.
Henry Rogers
nice felony there
Andrew Reed
Anita pls go
Lincoln Cooper
if at first you don't succeed... roll over and let yourself get ass-fucked by Anita Sarkeesian.
Alternatively, try again you cucks.
Isaiah Nelson
Hey Girl, Send Me a Link to your stream or at least some pics
Caleb Martin
She's now a gamercaust survival.
Brody Howard
Contacting the FBI.
Bye OP.