(((Netflix))) is airing an animated pedo show by pre-teens going through puberty


>that animation
fucking gross

>that godawful animation
>those fucking character designs

why is Netflix funding so much shit, they can do better than this

I liked the vagina

>mfw watching

You're advertising this trash more than Netflix. Fuck off.

>Complaining about shit in an ocean of shit.


What is it with Netflix and that very, very shitty animation style which is very cheap to produce that they use for all their shows???

You just answered your own question


im not even a Sup Forums (maybe a little)

but fuck this style its ugly, unappealing and disgusting.

Anime is pure

I wish they hadn't butchered the Magic School Bus with it but I know they're going to.

Looks like almost the entire cast is Jewish. Imagine my shock. I don't even need to check the production team.

Last kid is the reincarnation of Pepe.

reported, have fun in the pokey, faggot

Can't wait 'til leftists lambast this garbage because it doesn't cover enough LGBT issues or some other such nonsense.

The worst part of it is that it's rated MA. I'd be ok with a cartoon geared towards helping pre-teens go through puberty, but this seems like it's geared towards beta adults

should i cancel my netflix subscription guys?
i like the service but i kinda feel bad for giving money to the streaming jew

>this is a show

(((Netflix))) was bought out by Soros last year. Cancel your subs if you're still paying for this satanic propaganda.

This is a proper pedo show
That is an abomination

Your tears are so sweet

Behold the future of entertainment

This cartoon is HOT

Anything else that Soros has recently SJeWed?

is this what jews find sexy


This is some warped funhouse mirror shit. Nasty.

Oh wow... a show exploring the absurdist nature of puberty.

You cunts are triggered. Get off your moral panic.

Sure but it's target audience is adults considering it's rated MA
Kill yourself before someone else does pedo

Ayaya is sexy.

It's much more than that in a society where were told not to make fun of or joke about things that people can't control this is one of those intensely private and revealing changes that a person has to go through.

If it's ok to joke about this then why do you call people out for joking about blacks or Jews?

me on the right

Why does Western animation look so fucking bad? The japs can make cute girls at least

>pic related, my waifu

>show to gf
>everything is fine up to the pussy mirror part
>"that's the line, they crossed it"


she looks like some sort of human-fish-insect hybrid what the fuck

Why do they have nigger lips?

the writing seems pretty stale and the shock value is not that great.

I thought that at first too, but I got used to it desu. Still my waifu

Created by (((Nick Kroll))) and (((Andrew Goldberg)))

It looked like it could be good, but holy shit they have no idea what comedic timing or pauses are.

Why the fuck is every (((comedy))) like this now? It's always rapid fire dialogue/jokes with no timing or recovery? Shit is boring.

Because you're not supposed to be attracted to the children in the show, retard. This show was created to help kids understand what's going on with their bodies, not to get you (or them) off.

>he thinks this show is that deep
Best case scenario its a really terrible show. I could barely get through the trailer.
Its worst crime is ruining Billy Idol for me.

I swear to God Netflix is the most Jewish propaganda I have ever seen.

Watch Scream series

>Main character is a bulldyke looking weirdo, her bugman best friend states not to worry that she's 'bi-curious' after she is videoed kissing some dyke at school

Watch The Mist

>Main character gets date raped in first episode, jock who did it is instant pariah despite defending MCs best friend - a guy who wears make up - when some other dude calls him a faggot. He actually pulls a 'current year's. Main characters father is the most Jewish looking kike imaginable they try to shoehorn into an action role

Watch Bill Nye

>My sex junk, etc

Fucking burn Jewry.

They could at least draw it to be nice to look at. The characters are as ugly as fuck, they don't need to be wank material. If you want to help kids go through puberty don't show them some Jewish cartoon

Looks jewish as fuck. Even the kids look like little Moshe's.

>Look at me, goyim
>We're the whites now

>to help kids
>uses adult humor
Are you even trying?

>god awful animation/character design
>abhorrently sexualized message for kids
>it eve has a talking vagina

This is fucking disgusting

Animation design is atrocious. Even if the show was actually good I couldn't even stand to watch it


Why has animation gotten so bad over the years?

>teenagers don't understand sex jokes
How fucking sheltered are you fags that keep complaining about this.

Family Guy proved that quality doesn't matter.

Mcfarlane is such a subhuman piece of leftie trash


>Andrew Goldberg


so happy i stopped watching jew-toons back in 2010 when everything went to hell

Really wish he was on the plane that day we call 9/11