What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>a few leftists who ironically bought maga hat burn them to false flag Trump supports disowning him
>False flag fake rally yesterday that nobody showed up to because it wasnt a real rally at all in the middle of 90% blue/nigger DC
>Constant shill posts
Reminder the left has been boxed in to a corner to keep their precious dreamers here legally in exchange for a wall and their only play is to make it seem like Trump is losing support for playing them.
Nothing, just shills buying MAGA hats. Basically donating to his campeign.
If you're not done and finished with Flumpful Drumpskin after this then are not a true Conservative.
>electing the chaos candidate
>not expecting chaos
Wew lads.
I thought a load of Trump supporters had now decided that they loved the immigrants all along. Dude's in a sweet position - he can literally do anything and his supporters will love him for it.
I elected trump for one reason
Making media heads and politicians of all types left or right cry
I don't give a duck about policies because I'm just a normal person living a normal life and I know nothing matters
>he can literally do anything
Drumpflings finally realizing they should have voted for Hillary. Orange Hitler is a lying corrupt warmonger and a puppet of Wall Street.
nihilists will hang first
Well, I didn't want to say it, but yeah
Exactly, LARPers playing a Trump supporters
Ah, yes, a female leader. Those are always good for the country.
I wonder what kind of hissy fit Drumpftards will throw when they will finally accept the fact that their God-Empelol isn't going to build any wall. They should buy some extra hats, i guess.
No, you should have voted third party.
Only morons fall for the manufactured two party false choice of horseshit vs dogshit.
It is a fake hat. The real ones do not have sewing going through the words.
The only time the media ever cares about a Trump supporter is when they (apparently) do something fucked up, or they stop supporting Trump.
Nothing went wrong, except the media still digging their heels in like this is a winning strategy.
Whoah. Is Trump, dare I say it... finished???
Hasn't he already said that repairing the fence counts as building a wall?
>What went wrong?
nothing praise kek, we are getting rid of the true deplorables.
It was only, under 10 people, who, cares
This train came without brakes for a reason
Anyone who would burn their hat or even have a panick attack over the president and congress negociating Daca and immigration is a level 9 mongoloid retard
At least wait until a law has been put to a vote before getting mad about it, and then you still have the ability to legally challenge it or get trump to veto
lol maga!
The DREAM Act fucking failed to pass Congress.
This almost proves that we have Washington Post shills amongst us. I'm not saying that Trump didn't cuck out, but burning MAGA caps and overplaying the severity of the backlash is exactly in their interest.
Third party is a guaranteed loss.
Might as well not vote at all.
And you know what? Merkels biggest betrayal to us germans was when she let 800k refugee shitskins into the country. But something like that would never happen with based Amnesty Don. He is going to deport anything that moves.
Get used to these stories, you're going to be seeing them for 8 years.
Trump fans wish they voted for Hillary, Brexit voters fucking hate themselves, etc.
If you give amnesty to the Dreamers then you may as well not even have a wall you stupid fuck.
it would be better if they burned it while it's on their head
Its only now that i see the benefits of accelerationism, i guess hindsights 20/20 though
Thank you for buying hats we make lot of money. I love USA
Other than a few hundred beaners not being deported I don't see how a Hillary presidency would've been any different. Democracy is a joke
mine is still wrapped up in the plastic. I'll prob wear it to the range but thats about it. Fucking school and town i live in while finishing up would go nuts.
This. Fucking Larpers.
if you dont build a wall you might ass well give amnesty to a number of illegals 10 times bigger than your precious dreamers talking point
We don't even know what's going to happen here yet, Hanz, so don't get your little pecker all hard. We already know what's going to happen to Germany as even talking about the possibility of deporting Muslims gets you imprisoned.
>Art of the Deal suggests asking for more than you want so you have room to compromise
>he makes statements appealing to further right voices than anyone in years
>empowers everyone sick of PC culture
>scares the shit out of lefties of all flavors
>most people want a return to normalcy, a few want to push further left or right
>Trump meets relatively in the center because deporting DREAMers that have never lived anywhere else is unethical, but he has leverage for immigration reform because the parties in control don't like the high tensions
A lot more shitflinging with Russia
Gotta be honest here - Shillary would have been the same old shit, Trump is just a novel type of shit. The only thing I think is worse is that Trump is, if anything, even more of a sellout big bank and business whore than the Clintons.
Concern trolling
Fake news
>Gotta be honest here - Shillary would have been the same old shit,
Nah hillary "common hemispheric market" clinton would have crashed this economy with no survivors and made conditions perfect for a fascist uprising, Trumps gonna try to keep shit together for the next 4 years and enforce the (((Status Quo)))
A wall is meaningless if you allow a demographic that will vote for changes to immigration policies that the wall was supposed to enforce.
this, the only thing I am questioning is why north korea hasn't been turned to dust by now
lol what wall
>"""Trump supporters"""
proof that the media are mindless cunts who'll believe anything
>you should have voted for hillary because Trump is rumored to do something hillary would have done
shouldn't you goys be happy?
The Russia narrative fell apart, So now the PTB have attack Trump in a different manner. Make it appear that Trump is betraying his base and that his support is dwindling.
Remember, nothing is set in stone until its sign by Trump. I feel sorry for anyone falling for shareblue's shitty meme's.
>Trump breaks promise
>Trump supporters upset
Bill Mitchellism is the one true faith.
>The Russia narrative fell apart
When did that happen? I must have missed it.
The narrative has never fallen apart because lies don't need proof. A lie with proof would cease to be a lie.
Nice try antifa
I don't know what the final straw was but it seems that the MSM has moved on from that narrative for now. Though there seems to be a few shill who didn't get the memo.
for the most part this is true, but for the most part the news moved on to op's narrative.
OP's narrative isn't bad because in a way it contains a kernel of truth. Pat Buchanan rightly analyzes it as Trump abandoning Congressional Republicans because of their indolence. Democrats are evil, but they get shit done. If Trump wants results he won't get them from the majority party.
>what went wrong?
Too much fakenews and other shills outing you as just another one. That's what went wrong.
You shills are so obvious. You can't even pretend to be one of us on an anonymous board because you're very words betray you. "Flumpful Drumpskin"? Really?
No one's off the Trump train - you guys are just giving money to Trump's reelection campaign by buying his hats and then burning them. Thanks.
I never said bad
This is what Trump does, he makes deals, he finds a common ground, and he makes sure he gets the better part of the deal. However the media is going to paint the situation with broad strokes to divide Trumps support anyway possible.
It will upset Trump supporters because they don't like the decision he made. It's not the media's fault that Trump's base opposes this decision. The media might play it, but ultimate responsibility rests with Trump.
nothing went wrong
everything is going according to plan
>ITT: niggaz who still don't understand what CHAOS means
>Sharejew kikes won't even buy an OFFICIAL MAGA hat to burn for their psyop
>Flumpful Drumpskin
After the war we are going to hunt and kill you. All of your IPs are logged, forever. I don't care whatever brown shithole nation your kike bosses have you VPNing in from, you can be tracked down.
"But I was just pretending to be a faggot on the internet" is not going to save you. "Ironic" faggotry is still faggotry, faggot.
LET the GOD Emperor TRUMP make a DEAL!!!'!
He is setting a TRAP !!!!! , all Ilegals are going to self deport after building the WALL
Dude why wouldn't you vote for horseshit, its way better at fertilizing crops
>article says they took to twitter to brun their hats
Does anybody have a link to these supposed hat burnings?
I think he was a real choice. usually, it's a choice between two globalist traitors like Jeb! and Hillary.
Trump wasn't red pilled, obviously from his Jewish connections. He had no idea.
Then he went into the swamp and the swamp got him.
Fucking nigger
Believing a businessman saying he cares about the People.
Capitalism Must die along with socialism.
This liar is the greatest example of the corruption money can do to the soul of a Nation.
tougher on*
2/10 for the effort
>Deporting millions of welfare leaches you promised to is unethical
Clearly normies dont understand 62DDD underwater transdimensional spectral chess.
Exactly. Its like walling cockroaches inside a habitat. They will just breed and be trapped overpopulating the other critters and insects around them.
Nothing went wrong.
You chimps are getting exactly what you voted for.
When it was discovered that the amount of data transferred at the speed it was transferred could only have been done with a flashdrive because the speeds would be impossible to do online through a VPN, the only way it could be "Russia" having done it. That's why the media completely dropped talking about Russia all at once in unison weeks ago.
You realize he was LARPing clowning the lefties with that name right? Also, if they use a VPN, how could you log their IP's? Don't make us on the right look like retards please.
lol so fake
Something tells me they wouldnt use the word 'retard' in their propaganda...
>What went wrong?
Well, retarded liberals like you post bull shit lies online. And you retards are so fucking bad at is that the entire world just laughs at your kind.
>he didn't get the cheeto memo
report upstairs please
A few Twitter accounts post burning a maga hat doesn’t equal Trumps base turning on him
I know you OP and many others this past week are foaming at the mouth with threads about how much his voters dislike him now but it’s all fluff and lies
Amnesty fell apart within hours after reporting he was granting it
Wall not being built fell apart within hours
Paris accord fell apart within hours
You can keep spamming this site with but tronaldy derumpfy supporters are bailing on him
It’s as laughable to believe it as it is to believe the garbage poste every day on media sites since his election
Most voters of his look at the bigger picture, were not myopic and easily fooled to believe your sharia blue shit
This is a new jew tactic. They tried it with this, they tried it with the Paris accords, both times the WH denied it. And just suddenly all of the kike media has these "Trump supporters abandoning him" stories just ready to go. No coincidence there.
>What went wrong
You are bot betraying anyone by getting mad. You are making sure that what you voted for happens. Tell the President that this is wrong and you won't support it, call congressmen and tell them they're going to be removed if they vote for DACA, burn hats and get angry.
Dissent is part of the system, if you won't stand for yourself in defiance of foul deals you can't say you're a free man. You are not beholden to him, he is beholden to you.
And what was touted as the biggest Trump rally only had hundreds showing up. Just a coincidence.
>Dissent is part of the system
I think it woke him up.
false flag.
>Few morons burn their caps
>This is dire and relevant news t. leftist media
>Trump impeachment any day now t. increasingly nervous man
Is this really all you pinkos can muster?
Sup Forums can forget subtlety in anger. We either think a man is /ourguy/ and love everything he does or he's a shill or trash who needs to be stopped.
If Trump signs in DACA outright, then yes he's dead to us, but right now all of this is just righteous corrective rage on his actions. He's maybe playing a long game or just that corruptible, either way this is a clear and present sign that this is not something he can fuck around on. He goes full retard, we're done. Make noise, make it clear he can prevent this. But don't rest comfortably expecting Trump to run on autopilot. We are the mob that keeps feet to the fire and Trump needs us to do that too.
Call up, burn hats, get mad, make it clear that he's got a job to do and you're not his yes man. He's a proud narcissistic man, and that's what got him as far as he did, but he needs to be corrected if he's going to be useful.
You are not his employee, you are his voter, and you are more powerful than him. Make him remember this.