is time travelling Sup Forums approved? if you could time travel where/when would you go?
Time travelling
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i would go to the 7th century and shoot whoever was responsible for the christian dark ages
then go back to the 12th century and enjoy modern technology
>is time travelling Sup Forums approved?
I would teleport an entire bunker filled with weapons and food and time travel to the middle ages. Then I would take over kingdoms single-handedly with mosin nagents and m60s. Or become a freelance assassin for kangz with 1850 cartridge converted navy colts.
>go back in time assassinating popes
>inadvertently cause Christians to become even more tight-knit and actually prolong the Dark Ages
Congrats, Moor
Time travelling is a jewish concept and it doesn't exist. The only thing you can do is to reach the future faster.
Time travel is something BBP(Black Budget Project) related, I have done threads talking about it in the Archives:
Any changes you make in the Past, creates a parallel timeline. You cannot go back to your original timeline.
well OP I'm traveling through time right now
in fact, when has anyone ever NOT been traveling through time?
tl;dr the link, but at that point are you sure you're not travelling to a parallel timeline from the start instead of reaching a previous point of your own timeline?
I'm a time traveller. ama
go back to the start of religion and destroy it then go to 100ce and enjoy modern technology
From which time did you travel?
Three caveats with current theoretical time travel device:
>requires maintaining orbit within event horizon of black hole
>sends you randomly into past/future light cone, with no control over what state that universe would be in, even with absolute certainty of the date of arrival
>no chance of getting back to the timeline you left, shit's gone forever
Knowing that it's a one-way trip and you'll only have the thoughts in your head to go by, go full yolo and set up a discrete but respected homestead in colonial America (or equivalent burgeoning nation). Demonstrate your superior (almost prescient) knowledge and weasel your way into becoming a Founding Father by chilling it up with the boys in Philly. Subtle changes to wording and how to handle certain slavery-related crises (should they arise in the future) might be enough to create a true American empire that ends up choosing the right side of history.
Advanced Maneuver: learn how to build simple dynamo, smelt down some copper wiring, make rudimentary compressor filled with homebrew radiator fluid, hook all up to a waterwheel, and invent the first indoor electricity and air conditioning 100 years before they were even designed. Expect all the unwashed puss you can stomach.
>believing a jew
Time phone. Quantum computer. Morse code, SMS, even more.
What's the point of your posts and archive? Why should I believe you know things such as craters on plants from bombs and ark warfare?
I would want to go back a few years carrying market knowledge. I think I'd see if I could refine the recent history of pop culture too, carrying back information about how intellectual properties went over to prevent projects that were both annoying to me and flops.
>not realizing religion civilized man
>technology came from civilization
enjoy your primitivity
Back to the start of time to smoke a joint and see whats what
I'd go to Mohammed and tell him i have been sent by god to tell him that his wife is wrong, the voices really are demons