Gran Torino

>Gran Torino
>Falling Down

what are some other blackpilled films that encapsulate the downfall of white America?

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Buffalo 66

Gran Torino is a God-tier movie. Also we need more based Koreans to help us fight in the impending race war.

Sausage Party (2016)

Yeah I guess if I had to I'd throw in with the yellow dogs to defeat the muds.

Taxi Driver
Lakeview Terrace
American History X
Spring Breakers

John Carpenter's They live

Brazil by Terry Gilliam

Ghostbusters (2016)


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

what does Taxi Driver have to do with race?

Oh and redpilled as shit Angry Birds

Always wondered how many of the "rooftop koreans" had prior military service in korea, whether the war or mandatory service requirement at 18yr

No Country for Old Men


Eastwood is GOAT

>fight club
>american beauty
>saving private ryan
>toy story 3
>every super hero movie ever, esp avengers

Travis Bickle hates blacks and kills a young negro robber in one scene. In another he glares at a pimp insidiously.

Falling Down. It may not be intended as one, but it certainly works as one if you ignore the apologist BS.

>I take people to the Bronx, Brooklyn, I take 'em to Harlem. I don't care. Don't make no difference to me. It does to some. Some won't even take spooks.

but he kills 3 white guys in the end of the movie. I would argue he hates criminals, regardless of race

Rambo 3

Ironically this

>toy story 3
that movie was the straw that broke the camels back. I became totally black pilled after seeing it. I wish I could unsee and go back to normal but im stuck with it forever. If you havent seen it, please, PLEASE, do not watch Toy Story 3, you will be blackpilled for life.

Dr. Strangelove

Oh fuck. I didn't read the whole title. My bad OP.

Love me some Clint Eastwood
Watching Unforgiven rn

I watched it recently. Apparently I missed something. Please spoonfeed me on why it's blackpilled.

>lakeview terrace

is samuel l. jackson an honorary white man or something

it's alright. I finally got around to watching it. I liked it. It was a good commentary on consumerism, the frustrations of marriage, etc. No way a movie like that could be made today

I haven't seen the movie but its premise is SLJ is pissed at his white neighbor for being married to a black woman

Anything Solondz

Also Death Wish.

season 2 of True Detective

but as to movies

Rampart (2011)

Out Of The Furnace (2013)


The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia

Alpha Dog (stupid rich degenerate liberal white kids)

Havoc (stupid rich degenerate liberal white kids)

God Bless America

Please elaborate.


Everyone should go watch an episode of All in the Family, Archie Bunker hated niggers and commies before it was cool

Gay Niggers From Outer space

Gayniggers from Outer Space is a documentary. It just hasn't happened yet.

Got me woke

But Matthew "Sport" Higgins is a Jew.

World War Z, where brad pitt escapes from the infinite tide of BLM negromites

>t. 17 years old

I rewatched Dredd yesterday. As much as it is satirical, I also loved to see authority prevailing. They never state how the US ended up in such a poor existence, but regardless the Judges are fighting against lawlessness.

Paul Blart Mall Cop


The comics explain.


Demolition Man. A bunch of smug, numales who sing ad jingles and think sex is gross. Self-driving cars are great because actually driving is too dangerous. Guns are a relic of the past.

Repo Man has some good Redpills

Credit is a sacred trust, it's what our free society is founded on. Do you think they give a damn about their bills in Russia? I said, do you think they give a damn about their bills in Russia?

They don't pay bills in Russia, it's all free.

All free? Free my ass. What are you, a f***in' commie? Huh?

No, I ain't no commie.

Well, you better not be. I don't want no commies in my car. No Christians either.

wtf I love taco bell now

23rd September, its going to be fabulous!

All in the Family was a fun experiment. Archie was supposed to be the ignorant blue collar regressive antagonist, but he was the most popular character and nobody likes Mike and Gloria.

He hates criminals, yes, but he actively immerses himself in predominantly crime-infested areas that coincidentally happen to be black. It's kind of like how people who come to this sit have this almost masochistic urge to be subjected to bad, awful stuff, except Travis Bickle just does it IRL.

Meathead sjw btfo

how the grinch stole christmas. shit changed my life

Some did but many were just citizens who embraced American gun owning rights to defend their stores. Even before the riots they still were redpilled about the real nature of urban gorilla warfare.

Sadly, the Korean's actions during the riots were used as a counterpoint against gun ownership in California following the riots. Just another example of divide & conquer used by Jewish elite to undermine American values while using a cover of racial hostility as a smokescreen.

what is this webm I love it

Almost every science fiction epic seems to be an allegory about the downfall of the White Man.

Traveller...The White Man. In effect, gone. Too few whites left.
Guardians... Russians. Literally the last bastion of whites is in Russia.
Cabal... Chinese. Out to get the White Man's power for himself.
Fallen... Europeans.
Hive... non-whites
Taken... mixed races

Begun, The Franchise Wars have.

Season 2 of True Detective is seriously one of the most misunderstood/underrated shows in history. It probably comes closer than any other series to showing the corruption and hypocrisy of politicians in LA (Maxine Waters comes to mind). No wonder it was critically panned.

Good one, it's political correctness turned up to a thousand, it's amazing how a crappy movie that clearly wanted to be just that could become a ghastly prediction.

Give the writer's name for Traveller, i cant just guess it.

Does it involve a non white invasion?

it also references a library named after swarztennegro, before he ran for office

what did the writer name the Traveler?

The Traveler is a big white ball that goes around developing civilizations/colonies and when he leaves, they go to shit. He's a big white ball of nation building.

What did the writer name him?

No, you said all sci-fi is an allegory, and i thought you started naming novels.

Like, if Guardians is a novel, so i wanted to see who wrote it so i can find it easier.

Or you just wrote it on an inspiration.


>Gran Torino is a God-tier movie.
Gran Torino is everything wrong with cuckservatives.

Does old Clint try to straighten his estranged family out? Does he engage with their struggles? Is it his granddaughter he warns away from "spooks"? No, instead he dismisses them as baffling and foreign and undeserving, and passes his wisdom and his property down to actually foreign (and actually criminal) non-white immigrants. He sacrifices himself for them, to help strengthen them to rise in Western society.

And we've been so thoroughly Jewed by Hollywood that we take this as a heartwarming right-wing message.

Stop listening to what he says in the movie. Start paying attention to what he does: he's helping destroy the West. (oh, but the ethnic food is so good!)

Funny how you racists never understand the point of these movies. At the end, every single time, the main character realizes the person of the other race is a human being, just like him.

excellent points

Every film from


Gran Torino is the Jeb Bush bio pic
Low energy

youre a good leaf

Thats right, that movie was shit btw. Fuck that old fuck.

I've never seen White Mans Burden with John Travolta but I know it's about a world where black people are rich and whites are the poor ones... or something. Could be worth a looking at though

Max Headroom

Fair points, but in the movie his family is legitimately complete shit and his relationships with them are clearly beyond any sort of repair. None of them give a fuck about him and don't deserve anything from him.

He gives the asian kid his car and dog, but I'm not entirely sure that constitutes as "giving them the west". His white family is already extremely well off anyway. If it was blacks or mexicans (basically any brown skins) then that would be different, but the asians in the movie are good people that in the end seem like they won't be a net drain on society.