Public Nudity?

Is the criminalization of public nudity the greatest oppression humanity has ever seen?

Who does it protect, the children? Children dont find the natural state offensive until they are taught to be ashamed of their own body.

Should we fight to normalize public nudity for the sake of humanity? Well Sup Forums?

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the instinct to cover yourself from natural harm is ancestral, it has nothing to do with oppression

no one wants to sit naked on a seat that was just vacated by a woman on her period.

I sure ass hell don't want to sit and see naked ugly fat women in class or on the street

Public nudity isn't a "crime". Per say

You can't get in trouble for just being nude the law is public indecency, so you can get in trouble for doing sexual acts in public, urinating defecatinf in public or otherwise flaunting your genitalia in some sexually intentice way.

Just being nude isn't a crime, although it is expected you woudl ware clothes so don't be surprised if the police make you leave or tell you to get dressed or an owner/whoever kicks you out for it

I didn't read your text but I think it'd be weird to spend thousands of dollars to join a nude hairdressing class.

Also what is the context here is this like a porn or something?

Nudity is degenerate, you fucking animal.

i don't want to throw up every time i leave the house

Pudic condemning, endorsement of monogamy and conservative values on general exist to protect ugly people from the vanity of good looking pricks.

Sup Forums is not made of good looking pricks. Sup Forums is old /r9k/, wizarchan, MGTOW tier. I dont want chads and stacies flashing all over the place while having the good life while Im miserable. Neither does Sup Forums.

Therefore OP is a huge faggot and should die in fire.