>America isn't raci-


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wtf I love leafs now

these kikes are getting depserate huh

"Abstained" means "no, but I don't wan't them to call me a nazi"

wtf @ UN resolution being completely unrelated to world governance and wholly related to zionist cultural interests.


Based Ukraine.

Old news, but what the fuck Rusbros?

abstained means "wtf this has nothing to do with anything who cares about nazi cosplay in japan"

United Nations doesn't mean shit buddy

Why do you think that Russians wouldn't hate Nazis?

Were the leaves secretly /ourhat/ all along?

based Iran didn't even dignify this nonsense with a vote

Why the fuck would Russians of all people support Nazis?

who gets to label? thats the problem, faggot. Color me surprised that Europe is happy to point the finger at someone and call them a nazi to have them thrown in some dungeon

>North Korea votes yes
le Based Kim!1

>Leafs and Ukrainians are based
Never thought I'd see the day

It's called free speech you communist faggot.


Good job leafs, Day of the Rake postponed

my freeze peach

>A Canadian, an American and a Turk walk into a bar...

> WTF?
> What do you mean you don't like the ideology that tried to extinguish your entire slavic subspecies from the earth?
> Why?!

Lmao the Aussies abstained from voting

nevermind, that's Ukraine

>der ewige burger

If even eurocucks abstain from passing a resolution against nazism you can be pretty sure that it was shit-tier bullshit.

What's with Australia? And source?

Liberals don't hate freedom of spee-

>implying Africans wouldn't say anything just to keep getting UN money

how can we vote yes to that? it goes against the most well known amendment in our constitution

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

You're implying nazis want to take away free speech.
But the big thing here is that by taking away your right to even think about being a nazi, we're also taking away your free speech, making us nazis.
Welcome to fucking politics

pretty much

white men having opinions is too dangerous to the globalist order, that is how you know shit is beyond fucked

At first glance it looks odd, but really of course Canada voted no.
If we resolve to combat anti-semitism, we might offend all the muslims here.
Can't have that, can we?

Based Panama

> all those latino-cucks

we keep inching closer to ww3, a vote to ban an ideology won't end it it just makestrel enemies

>Canada voted against it
Did we enter an opposite reality?

I don't think I've ever been so proud of North America.

Mexico confirmed South America.
Also wtf I hate Best Korea now

Since when was Canada allowed to vote

I love you, white man. Don't let the Jews win.

Neither did we. Good for us.

Salty shitskins


oy vey, it's anudda shoah.


Based America

The leafs just moved up a little in my book after seeing this.

Yeah russians have a wierd grudge from being forced to fight nazism under communism

They should pretty much understandably hate both because Russia and Germany made that conflict so brutal

>"Khrushcheva noted that the problem is not really with the resolution, which had wide international backing, but with the fact that Russia uses these exercises for its own political purposes.

>“It is not because they are so against glorification of the Nazi ideology, it is just because in this particular case it serves their own purpose, because they do need to brand Ukraine - the Kyiv government, or some actions of the Kyiv government, or some affiliation of the Kyiv government - as the sort of branch of the Nazi ideology,” she said."


Just the usual EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH US IS NAZI bs from Russia

>even fucking leafs defend freedom of speech
>eurocucks abstain being too scared of looking racist
Im ashamed of my country

The US is definitely racist. I think you should go back to Africa so Whitey can't hold back you kangz and oppress you anymore.

The definition of nazi is any person who disagrees with a communist SJW.

Americans just arent stupid sheep that want you niggers coming in and driving up the crime rate with rapes, murders, assaults, and looting. A statement that can be factually proven through FBI crime statistics. We don't give a fuck if you think we're racist. If you dont like it nigger, then go to Europe. Black people who are conservative and law abiding are fine by me though, But you're not a black person I can tell by your whiny bitch assedness. You're a fucking dirty nigger.

Based Ukraine

Strategic advantage.
If your country voted no, it would've been invaded immediately by it's neighbors who would be virtue signalling to the rest of the world that they aren't nazis.
There is a time for silence, and a time for action. Be glad your country knows the difference.

>dprk voted yes
what did kim mean by this?