So presidential.
Dick Cheney was a fag, but i have respect for him
Only a true alpha male can shoot a man in the face then make him apologize for being shot in front of his family
4d chess
CNN was BTFO'd
>Apparently the Twitter handle was racist or sum sheet so they couldn't show it
obviously this warrants a full on war against the soggy log
the original tweet account is Fuctupmind (lol)
Fucking amazing
Toppest of keks
Don't give CNN traffic.
Now that he is wheeling and dealing with Democrats, the ZOG Media machine looks even more hysterical.
>Virgin President vs CHAD VP
i really don't know how anyone could hate trump, he is a god tier troll. the CNN gif, the I happened book cover, and now this.
At least she says voted out of office and not imbleach Blumpf.
They hate him because he's so free.
>1 post by this id
But he didn't even retweet it. Why are they making this article? Fucking americans I swear.
I'm surprised Mitt gets his own gas, or is even allowed to drive. Aren't most politicians driven around?
God damn that's funny
He did, check his twitter. Predictably butthurt reaction to it.
Who gives a fuck, she's not onntrial, neither are any of her cohorts or anyone from Obamas administration
This shit is old and pathetic now he's the bitch of the deep state
God in Heaven, thank you for giving us #45, the greatest troll to ever lead America.
Young man I appreciate that a lot of you Sup Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that Papa Bear Trump is telling you it's okay.
But let me send you a message.
This is a blip, a temporary intifada.
I know it feels good to have your worst instincts validated, but don't be fooled.
Use this opportunity, now that you're out of your parents' basement, to meet a few people that aren't like you.
You are afraid.
We are not.
to funny ty...
That entire sequence was likely samefagged.
Trump is 70 years old. PC nonsense isn't even something he is aware of.
>Aren't most politicians driven around?
No, ha, not even close. Mitt maybe would want to look into it, but the great majority do not have any sort of security whatsoever.
Tfw when turning 29 makes you think you are at the peak of intelligence. You don't know shit faggot.
Someone older than you
post em here
>You are afraid.
>We are not.
>Literally creates a social media safe space for HillShills
tfw you dont realize
>trump attacking clinton is domestic violence
does that mean they are attacking eachother and they are both jewish plants
wow. the president has great taste in memes. but wahat would you expect from the american cinncinatus?
now send all those dreamers back and build our big beautiful wall.
I swear everytime I'm ready to get off the Trump Train he wins me back with something he posts on Twitter.
>watching the broadcast jew
This is exploitable.
lol you made me crack up.
Kill that faggot! Did everyone forget how many she killed? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking good for Trump!
She is advocating impeachment. She's not threatening Trump with being voted out, she's threatening republican legislators with being voted out because they condone (i.e. they refuse to impeach) Trump
Stuff like this kinda disturbs me because I wonder what has happened to the youth of today. A video of a powerful millionaire politician falling over used to be a funny thing, regardless of which party they were in. Especially since young people used to be against warmongering and corruption, but now they're brainwashed into worshiping Obama and the Clintons. I can't imagine if it was the same with Tony Blair, for example.
Apparently Clinton will be on Colbert tonight.
I swear the losing Candidate has never gotten this much attention.
Colbert would probably get fucking assassinated if he turned her down.
And not appearing to be a slimy politician but a normal human instead.
nigger we're still in our parent's basements
I'm posting from there right now
He just "peppered" him while upland birding. very common.
No. The president and VP are, and the president at least isn't allowed to drive off the White House property (so when Jerry Seinfeld had Obama on his driving around talk show they just circled the WH parking lot for an hour).
But Congress and other minor politicans? No they have very little security and most drive themselves.
>smear hitler
>call your opponent "literally hitler"
>never need to know what you're talking about again in an argument since you won
I saw this shitposting retweet this morning and was hoping some dumb news agency would blow it up so it would trigger all the butt hurt libs.
>Lo and behold... CNN
kek, totally wasted on the fools in this thread
Absolute madman.
Can someone edit in Persona 5 battle UI meme?
he knows how to fake stupidity and play with the people
8 years of presidential trolling
A++ shitposting. Hillary's fat ego prevents her from going away and she does great damage to the Dems the longer she sticks around. Trump is taunting her to keep her agitated and relevant.