Something about this story doesn't seem quite right, all the information so far has come from the family, not from doctors or police.
My guess is someone isn't telling the truth and the fact they have a go-fundme is sketchy as fuck.
Something about this story doesn't seem quite right, all the information so far has come from the family, not from doctors or police.
My guess is someone isn't telling the truth and the fact they have a go-fundme is sketchy as fuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
if this was real we would have already gotten police interviews on the MSM. its fake and gay
fpbp. Why has this story gotten no traction?
yea Cassandra Merlin is exploiting her kids for money. It all falls apart if you do some digging.
those neck wounds are way to severe for a kid who supposedly gets his neck trapped in a noose for 30 seconds. I think the news said 3 rotations.
the only witness was his 11 year old sister.
either they staged it or the kid just had a playground accident
>white people exploiting black suffering once again
really activates my almonds
Because the kid is white. If it was a nigger there would be worldwide rage.
the kid isn't even black. His dad was Brazilian or something. Pretty sure she uses tanning lotion on the kid.
also it really strange how after the noose hanging story, suddenly her other baby kid gets some fucked up disease
She first post about the noose incident September 7th & that is it. No updates about him. No mention of him at all.
where the photos of baby boy at the hospital to show support? It fucking joke
When it came out they said he was hanged from a bench or something then they started saying tree.
>if he was black we would have already gotten police interviews on the MSM.
Normally fake hate crimes are easily detectable because the story is just to 'textbook racism' it's almost to perfect. She's most likely a narcissistic attention whore, suffering from munchausen by proxy using her kid's as pawns.
kid probably tried to hang himself, i would too if my mother was this stupid cuck
Pretty much
>I don't care if it was accident someone has to burn for this
Ah okay bitch, thanks for admitting that it was not what you said
He is like mulatto or some shit
I bet the story is fake, if it was real it would be getting travyon levels of msm coverage
Even Cenk from the young turks said that it might be just an accident. Literally fake news
It is nation wide rage because everyone is saying its because the kid is mulatto.
(((They))) said its a lynching. Bullshit. Its staged and fake.
New Hampshire is 98% white. It is extremely safe. They dont need to have lynchings to keep away a mutt half cast child.
>He is like mulatto or some shit
Clearly a wizard, I call coverup
>Be faggot kid
>Parents constantly tell you that Trump will round you up into a death camp
>Even if he doesn't North Korea is going to nuke your home town
>Doesn't matter anyway because everyone will be dead in 20 years due to climate change
>Hang yourself to try and escape
>Pussy out and go to your parents, perhaps this desperate cry for help will finally wake them up
>a tree
i thought it was a park table?
min 2:26 btw
I'll bet money it was a minority that tried to lynch him because fuck whitey, and there is your answer.
Off topic but that song is fucking dope.
Just another munchausen by proxy case. Unfortunately in today's world these people get infinite free gibs from retards on donation sites so they can continue abusing their kids.
>Seen this story about Multiple kids doing this to him
>Now it's one
>Changed from Bench to tree
>First time it's mentioned it was called a racist attack
>Now no mention of it
>Suddenly a line is added, "I don't care if it was an accident or not"
Somethings fucky for sure.
Also, how does a 14 year old prepare a noose in a tree and lift up a child and put his head in the loop, unassisted?
There's a reason it hasn't been signal blasted all over CNN and the Buzzfeed network, it's fake as shit.
>no police mention
>flown to the hospital
>in the front seat of an SUV
Where is this lady's Gofundme page so I can feel like a morally superior person?
This. It's a mom exploiting something bad happening to her child for proxy sympathy. There was apparently a bench and a tire swing. A tire swing! The kid clearly did something stupid, and it may have been on recommendation from the older kids, but they surely didn't 'hang him' from a tire swing.
She's playing up negative stereotypes of ropes and trees and 'mixed race' people with white 'assailants' for attention. There's absolutely no evidence that this was intentional, or that the kids did anything wrong.
>Thank you to everyone for helping the fund reach 40000 dollars. Really amazing! And so loving! In 4 days 1000 people raised 40000 dollars to help Quincy and his sister begin the journey towards healing. Let's keep this going and help secure funds for Quincy and his sister's education too.
my radars going off.
What about this suspicious, I'm with you but I don't get your line of thinking.
Why did they say black kid when the same pic has been posted and hes obviously white?
The stories I've seen on Reddit were about a black kid.
the lady facebook comes off as some auroville cult (look them up!) I just found it weird that the letters and such would be directed to this women. Does she have some connection to Merlin?
I feel like there is a network of people at play below the surface. Something is afoot!
Pretty sure in the original story they said the kid was hung from a picnic table not a tree
he put it around his own neck, was pushed by his friends, he's not even black, he is half-brown-ish. survived and will make a full recovery.
Some pizza gate tier shit we're uncovering here m8
How are these two people linked? Are you saying they are the same person?
Do you have a link to the previous threads on this topic?
the two people I posted are separate. Christine Savala the san Francisco psychologist sets up the Gofundme. In a Gofundme update she tells everyone to send the gifts, letter, ect.. to Kim Souza
I think there is funny business going on.
Are you kidding me? Cenk basically called for white genocide because of this shit.
My thinking is if it was fake and kim souza wasn't going to get a dime it would have been taken down by now, so what ever theories do you have exactly?
One thing of note in a lot of facebook posts, gofunme post, ect. They keep stressing how emotionally fucked this kid is now. Like his sanity has shattered.
Here Barb Slattery (sister of grandmother who was there I guess) spreading the disinfo on sept. 6th. She links to a story from Sept 5th
>The boy’s grandmother, Lorrie Slattery, said her grandson and a group of teenagers were playing in a yard in their neighborhood around 5 p.m. on Aug. 28 when the teens started calling the boy racial epithets and throwing sticks and rocks at his legs.
why teenagers even playing with fucking 8 year old. Who's yard?
>t’s not clear based on Slattery’s account if the rope was forced over the boy’s neck or if he allowed it there voluntarily.
because the 11 year old told her the story
>Last Monday wasn’t the first time the neighborhood teenagers used racial slurs against the boy, Slattery said, leading her to believe her grandson was targeted because he is biracial. She said she heard the term “lynched” was used during the incident.
so why were they playing with them again?
>On Tuesday, Claremont Police Chief Mark Chase confirmed his department is investigating an incident from Aug. 28 that involves several juveniles, but he declined to provide the details or even confirm whether the injuries to Slattery’s grandson was the incident in question, citing laws that protect the identities of juveniles.
police probably in on the whole thing
>Slattery said her grandson is recovering physically, and he attended his first day of school on Tuesday in Claremont. She remains concerned, however, about his mental well-being.
Really focusing on the mental health
yea I know it's not fake. Cassandra share a Christine Savala post today. Personally I think there is some child abuse going on. I think all these people connected in a big network.
like for instance I see this story just the other day. This guy was big time, high class doctor. So nothing is out of the realm of possibility
Whole thing stinks of bullshit
The half nigger isnt even this kid, its her youngest mistake.
KEK at that comment