Why do you White Nationalists ignore Whites in different parts of the world? The only non Western people you seem to care about are South African Whites. What about Brazilian Whites? Or Kalash people in Pakistan? There are entire German villages in Brazil where they speak German. They are poor and suffer under a majority shitskin country. Why neglect them?
Why do you ignore Whites in South America?
Other urls found in this thread:
they're not white
A white girl with a Brazilian accent is the sexiest on Earth.
To bad Brazilian women are insane.
South apefricoons are not white
You're not white
I don't give a shit about all white people.
Jesus..I would marry her in a second
any woman who still uses tinder is a disgusting slut not worth saving
no one born in the new world is white
t. 56%
OP pic is the average south Brazilian qt
My pic is the rest of Brazil
or black whites
>South America
The United States has about 170 million non-hispanic whites. How many non-hispanic whites are in Brazil?
>rhetorical question
>The country with a bigger population and way bigger white immigrants have more whites, so lets ignore the withes in south america just like we did in SA ! ! ! XD
Nice argument faggot, btw thanks for showing the map that proves niggers are worthless
I'm not concerned about them because these places have low fertility rates, high homicide rates and brown people generally only kill brown people so I think everything will be okay in the long run
Helpful advice to you. I don't ignore them. I'm just busting your "t. 56%" response. If you want others to focus on problems, think strategically with your conversation.
I care about the Brazilian people under torture, rape, and slaughter from barbarians. I don't see much hope in sight aside from getting out of the north as quickly as possible and forming a separatist movement and organizing an army.
Brazil will let you stay forever if you are white
Because we're actually TRULY, 100% pure white people, and Afrikaners are some of the most based and redpilled people on THE PLANET.
Confirmed white
>brazilian subhuman monkey thinks he's white
Digits confirmed. Dumb niggers over there don't get that the Whites settled in South Africa first before they even were brought along
That settles it. Revenge for Rhodesia when?
White South Africans didnt give blacks rights until 1994
Thats why they would make perfect republican voting immigrants
Best get I've seen in a long time.
Probably never, but that was a nice get.
The fuc nigga i wite as fucc
We have more native (whether it's Khoi or Bantu) blood than any other white group here. The English have less of it than we do. We're still more based than them though, I'll give that.
They need to assert themselves. If they are White they have agency. They'd be welcome aboard.
TRS has a good English language show (Beyond the Wall) for White Latin America:
They look huwhaite to me!
Digits of truth
Also if you're anti-White women you're against White people.
we all mix down here, and if you come with us, you'll mix too!
Is he white Sup Forums?
where in brazil do you go to find a girl like this? the southern part right?
omg her hair, and her eyes
god damn desu
he is a mental nigger
Include me in the screencap
Crusade in Transvaal when
>tfw no race realist afrikaner gf