Say it with me:
Say it with me:
That's not how voting works in america. The idea is that you can't force your side to win by adopting a thousand children and giving them biased education in an apartment complex. The idea is that "Land" has it's own political weight, and to make use of the land is to be allowed to vote on it's future.
Then why wasn't she declared president in the democratic election?
There was no democratic election. America is not a democracy. That's why your vote doesn't matter, (((they))) will put whoever they want to in the office.
Sage this stupid post
There are 11 million illegals in the US as of 2016. And the Dems spent the whole year sabotaging electoral oversight and polling security functions to ensure that no one would catch on if they voted. At least until inauguration. And now we finally have numbers coming out in that show MORE registered voters than adults of legal voting age. And states continue to obstruct and hide voter registration data.
kys faggot
Say it with me:
she fucking lost
Trump is the president.
It's so fucking stupid that meth-head rednecks get more electoral weight than city folk who actually contribute to your country. It should be the other way round.
If it was truly fair then rural votes wouldn't even count at all desu.
She didn't win. The people's vote doesn't matter as much, it matters who has money enough to pay out the people in the collage to join their side. Public vote is just there to make the lower class feel better.
>I made up my own criteria for winning the game
you're a fucking idiot
they would both campaign different if it was about popular vote. and electoral college prevents PACO and his illegals in california and new york from deciding a US president.
she lost
And Trump is president. Looks like he won.
It's no wonder your country is overrun by smelly indians and ISIS, with the average anglo's IQ plummeting to sub-nigger levels of progresivisim.
She won and she still lost hahahahha. she's such a joke
We should have gassed the Anglos.
It's gonna be a rough 8 years for you sad little retards
Fuck off brit fag worry about your own shitty country
Isn't it interesting how the republicans can't win anything without the electoral college?
lol, then why isn't she in the White House
Pretty sure she lost
Would people who whine about the popular vote be willing to put things like fag marriage and muslim immigration ban to a popular vote?
>The idea is that you can't force your side to win by adopting a thousand children and giving them biased education in an apartment complex.
Good thing they have a safeguard against that, just look at all the other crazy countries where large blocks of 100-child families are running the land. USA! USA! USA!
Is it just one guy always making these threads?
OP fag still can't get over it. Go cry to mommy... she'll make your hurt butt feel better with her smothering ass kisses.
So we all lost. Who even cares anymore
Mental retardation is an epidemic.
We've got a constitutional republic you dumbfuck. She won the consolation prize, and a lifetime of shame losing a rigged election.
oh sweet child, the government adopts thousands of babes every year to indoctrinate, and you say but not a peep.
why do weak bait trolls like this get 300 plus replies?
Did I touch a nerve?
I hope it's a robot. imagine some guy doing all that copying, pasting, dragging and clicking. the wasted hours, wasted days...
I'll take any chance I can get to post this one
>when the best insult you have is misspelling trumps name
You do know that hillary labeled Pepe as a "symbol of hate", right?
let's do it the british way. which party has majority in congress? republican or democrat?
Retarded 1 post byt his ID thread
Him losing popvote in electoral college election doesn't mean he would have lost it in a popvote election you fucking cucks. People vote depending on the rules. There are republicans all over the country that withhold their votes because they know Ahmeds, Tyrones and Juans eclipse them. In a popvote this no longer applies
Kill yourself
Say it with me, slide thread pls sage and hide
Ok.... she won... now What?
honestly i don't know who's worse, people who still think these threads are humorous or people taking the bait
Every country would die without its rural folk, because they're the people that do the shitty jobs that allow city dwelling degenerates to live their life of degeneracy
this bait is fucking shit dude.
City dwellers can just buy food imports.
Without city folk, rural idiots would be living in the dark ages.
Also, I like that you make out rednecks to be living how they do voluntarily, and not because they're too retarded to do anything but drive a tractor.
he won the electoral vote (only important one) but also the popular vote, sorry sweetie
This is a Constitutional Republic and the Constitution allows the Electoral College to balance such elections! duh!
Hillary the gun banning cunt may have got a little more votes but only did so cause the vast majority of her votes came from California voters!! Shall we let California run US elections just cause they have more population!? NO! fuck off shill!!
Where's your outcry when she lost to King Nigger?
no she lost the popular vote by a large margin, see
whenever shills emptily brag about her "winning the popular vote", show them that pic
Why would you even pretend to be stupid enough to be gullible enough to be willing to say anything vaguely affirmative about that vile thug? Or to believe the numbers of the utterly shitfucked electoral, polling, and media Empire of Bullshit?
If you can't muster serious thoughts, just don't post.
I like how she denied being part of a human trafficking ring run from a pizzeria, everyone knows a pizzeria isn't big enough to house a proper human trafficking ring
I wouldn't live in a city for all of the money in the universe. There's literally nothing beneficial about city life except convenience due to proximity.
Enjoy getting raped by crackheads, inhaling exhaust and pollution, and being trapped by your ridiculously overpriced mortgage on a tiny apartment.
>(((they))) will put whoever they want to in the office.
I still can't tell if it was a setup or not, some of these people seemed genuinely surprised Trump won
Stop falling for this bait boys and goys.
If niggers and shitskins don't bother you, another family of nogs moved on my street
Ok retard
>SHE won
>6 million illegal beaner votes for HER that dont count
Its honestly amazing how stupid the left is today.
>btw check my dank OC
Source? Imagination isn't a source btw.
say it with me. you're a fucking retard if you think popular vote trumps the say of all 50 states requiring a say and representation.
not just dense population areas filled with people voting illegally.
the say of all states trumps that of the people you gathered up, homeless, illegals etc to vote multiple times etc. it's the united states of america. not the united urban population centres who's say trumps that of all the states.
You really think there's no electoral fraud by the DemoCraps? Why you think they oppose Voter ID Cards?
Fresh paint job dude gj
Because most poor people don't have ID and voter fraud is a tiny amount of votes.
It's stopping tens of millions of Americans from voting because of tens of thousands of fraudsters.
Except she didnt.
God, even if Trump turns on us I won't regret it because I know somewhere out there a lefty is still absolutely traumatized their old crone lost to Trump.
£0.00002 has been deposited into your Paypal account.
focus on brushing your crooked dead teeth montey python
that stupid bitch lost and also can't stand on her own
now go shove some pork up your ass
>Donald, I know we both knew the rules of chess before we played, and I know you would have played a different strategy if we were playing checkers, but shouldn't I win because I captured more pieces?
>1 post by this ID
It's way more than 11 million. Likely over 50 million.
What Happened
how much are they paying you OP?
You're not even an American for fuck's sake.
How pathetic does your life have to be to post this thread every day?
Guess not
Didn't she win over Obama too?
Hopefully we just go full dictatorship soon and get rid of Democracy entirely. It just sets us against eachother.
>1 post by this id
Considering Donald Trump is in the white house.......I think he actually won.
Topkek nigguh, go suck a dick
>7 more years
>Satan made it to the fpbp
Libertarians supporting Trump over Clinton are embarrassing.
You're willfully supporting the candidate who wanted to stop global free trading and stick import taxes and tariffs on everything.
Fucking post the looneytoons version of her book!
>1 post by this ID
For the love of god, why don't mods do something about these threads?
Every single day this trash is being bumped to the front by newfags who don't realize that it is bait so some autist who needs (you)'s can feel good about himself.
sage this trash, report it and move on to interesting threads you fucking mongoloids.
this board is turning into cancer thanks to redditors who haven't lurked enough and can't recognize bait.
Not a single response.
Shills are real. No further proof needed.
>not putting tigger
>Devil digits
Hold on. Is this....God?
Shills out in force. Either too stupid to understand the electoral college, or pretending it doesn't exist, or purely echoing their Sharia Blue instructions without any thought at all. Also pretending there wasn't massive voter fraud for HRC. Donald Trump not only won the EC vote, soundly, but he also had more than a 1 million popular vote lead at 2:45am on November 9th. Four hours later HRC magically gained 2+ million net votes. That was long after even the west cost polls had closed. It was such obvious fraud, anyone who understands statistics knows it. You don't have two trend lines with millions of data points where one line, suddenly, veers up in the manner hers did. Complete and total fraud. Done to provide a subtext for the sad and pathetic #resist movement.
Sup Forums is triggered too easily
> a tiny amount
Without being able to audit and verify your vote as part of the contributing system, a "tiny" amount could be anything. Imagine how outraged you would be if your entire county's voting "demographic" was being fixed year after year as a norm/tradition and putting your name for whatever politician was convenient instead of the one that you chose, or if voting machines were programmed to throw away your vote on tally because they didn't fit the narrative that the operators wanted. No auditing system, whether it be accounting or quality control, functions properly off of someone's word or randomly-spewed data that everything is fine.
>because of tens of thousands of fruadsters
There aren't that many terrorists out in the world, but we now have significantly stricter rules and security at our airports because of them. It only takes a few committed individuals to remove trust in a system that we depend on, and there is too much significance and money tied into elections to not have to worry about mass fraud. A fraudster usually doesn't just commit fraud for one vote; they want to get away with as many votes as possible, and they don't care about whose vote is changed as long as it justifies their means.