Dump your Chads here
Chad thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>doesn't have or need knees
i keked
>Never takes eye off the Niger
Same shit everyday
Anyone got the suicide one?
>biggest ennemy of the jews
They opened the door to you everytime
>fastest growing religion
Come on now, don't tell me you are proud to have nigger in mass in your faith.
Besides you aren't the fastest growing if you stop counting anything that was born near your countries as muslims.
I wouldn't be surprised if you had counted every french and swede as convert already.
Hey, one of you niggers make a "Virgin Dreamer/Chad Invader" meme. I'd do it myself but I'm not funny or talented in any way.
Why have you depicted Muhammad with nipples like a cat?
Anyone have the Template?
Really though why IRA has to be s*cialist and to have murals depicting Che Guevera. Little cunts.
I'm a Northern Irish republican and am an Anarcho-Syndicalist.
I am assuming that you want Ireland to be united again and that's normal for an Irishman but when did the socialism thing become a thing?
I'm not sure why, but Irish people tend to be fairly open-minded and very liberal when it comes to economic/social issues. Even my working-class grandparents are politically left-leaning and not racist.
Eh I see. Has there been any kind of referendum on whether to cede the republican/socialist counties of Northern Ireland to Ireland and leave the loyalist counties in the UK? I mean it's pretty obvious that not allif Northern Ireland wants to secede.
bye bye
Because presbrytarian protestantism is more conservative and traditionalist.
Freeman's should say
>forgot to shave this morning
Not related, but does anyone have the SPurdo Comic depicting Julius Evolas reaction to the Frech Revolution? Was in a thread a few days ago and i fuggin need dis, dhangs :DDDD
LOL a republican is somebody who wants to see the reunification of Ireland, not somebody in the IRA, you dumb burger.
Whats wrong with helping kin? Socialism is only evil in a multicult.
too fucking soon ;_;
There's nothing wrong in helping your countrymen but there's everything wrong in pumping welfare and making the poor dependent on it creating even more poor because why would you work when you can sit at home making NEET-bucks. Also collectivising industry is Jewish.
h-hello fellow reader of the morning leader
Is Chad Bitchute?
what the fuck is up with you butthurt christians? it's just a meme lol
who is that bo2 guy..is he a streamer or something
Some things never change
Real chads don't do chad memes
We enslave the unemployed. Its called "jobsbridge".
Requesting the virgin. Mass shooter vs the chadslaughter one
I need that one too. Shame I can't help you, but I have this one if you like.
Chad would make OP spells at the Arcane University
God damn I wished I knew what this said.
You forgot full of niggers