When are we going to stop all this lawlessness and join the rest of the 1st world countries?
Germans are literally laughing at us for how stupid we are
That's a German?
I don't see a german. Just a suicide bomber in training.
Why yes. Things have changed. Most of us are brown now.
Not an argument, if you watch the video, he said he's originally from New York.
He's more white than 90% of Sup Forums
Here, this guy debunks all the myths Republicans say about Single Payer and how Germany's healthcare is far superior to the one in America.
To be fair, Germans laugh at everyone.
True. I wish we had a sensible and smart leader like Merkel.
I can relate, that's why I voted for her (through early voting because I don't know if I'll be home next Sunday).
I wish there was something like Wife Swap for political leaders, then I could lend her to you for a week or two.
Most Germans are shitskins or sandniggers nowadays.
Trust me, if you lent Merkel to the US, we won't want to give her back. You'll need to find someone else haha (:
Stop pulling my leg, you silly lovable goose, you know that's now how this works :)
At least you don't have a system where you can win by 3 million votes and still not get to be the president.
The US just chooses to retarded on purpose I guess.
On the plus side, your current leader has acknowledged the problem, so there's hope!
Ignore Trump. He had dementia. Been that way for at least a decade. All of us in America is trying to do our best to ignore him.
>shitskin from New York
He's as much a German as all those tanned Germans from Africa are Europeans.
No guns, no niggers, no gun violence
Guns everywhere, no niggers, no gun violence
Guns theoretically hard to come by, nigger country, super violent
Guns everywhere, a lot of niggers, quite violent
I'm not even a burger and i know what gun violence actually is
Kraut detected
shut the fuck up you fat nigger
Unfortunately we imported slaves from Africa. Hugest mistake of our lives.
Jokes on him if he came to the US he would be dead.
Is that a threat?
It's a nigger problem and the entire world has it. Heavily armed whites today are just about the most peaceful people in history.
In your racist tirade, you just admitted that gun control works.
No, he admitted that nigger control works
GET FUCKED.... this means we're doing it right
Because Germany doesn't have mass shootings every other week.
Germany doesn't have people dying due to lack of healthcare.
Yes we should care what they think. Their quality of life is far superior.
>All of us in America is trying to do our best to ignore him
How do you ignore something that can be seen from space?
Teach me your ways!
They have mass stabbings and rapes instead
All lefty arguments for governemnt run healthcare is literall
>lol it's free tho!
I don't give a fuck of poor people will get healthcare I'm not a useless dreg health insurance isn't expensive and even if we had a single payer it would be bare bones minimum coverage so I would have to buy a supplemental plan anyway.
Universal healthcare just makes my fucking taxes goes up
B8 thread to promote bashing of Germans
>not semites
Like you need an extra thread for that. We're literally the most hated group on here.
Guess what. I don't see the United States being taken over by Islamic Communism. Seems like that second amendment is working.
he gets it
>no niggers
Oh naive Jaroslaw
Modern Germany is made up of mud slimes and chinks. Thanks Merkel, you fucking nazi cunt.
Nice face
Go back to Breitbart you utter retard
Can I ask... why niggers?
Atleast 40%, right.
The sane ones went to other countries until shit hits the fan.
It has been fairly obvious that they are completely dividing our country as well as others to start some nasty destabilization again
Go fuck yourself. Molon Labe.
>americas ftw
You do realize how fucking stupid your threads are. Why do you fucking left wing rejects keep embarrassing yourselves like this?
Continue to fuck yourself.
Those are some oddly-shaped dildos, user.
So you are saying a second amendment would protect your country from becoming 56% white?
yez ineedz my fellow non germanz BLIZBERK
>Germany's far superior to America.
Hans isn't a bulging mess of processed food and budget education
>Because Germany doesn't have mass shootings every other week
No where near that frequent.
>Germany doesn't have people dying due to lack of healthcare.
Fucking kek, go take a look at Canada. America has the highest cancer remission/survival rate in the first world.
>Their quality of life is far superior.
>if we had a single payer it would be bare bones minimum coverage
The VA is a single payer system. Tell the lefty idiots to ask a vet how that works out.
Because we want to stay 1st world countries
shall not
Germans are losers. Lol
They fit quite nicely after a healthy dollop of Frog Lube.
>Giving a shit about what the world thinks of us
That is only a concern for pussy pie leftists.
Nah, was just triggered by the OP's pic.
I prefer Extra Strong Pink Strawberry Lube, but to each their own.
Spicy mexicano bants tonight.
best neighbour
>when you realize continental Europeans really enjoy being fucked by big government
>not using based Ballistol
Can say I've ever been overawed by the German intellect on Sup Forums. Mostly you just get self hating cuck posts from them and the occasional shit joke that translates poorly into english.
It's 2017. Merkel's multikulti has took its toll on the racial purity of the Germans.
Kann nicht damit streiten
I give a shit about some (((german))) opion and from people wo never shot or even touch a gun.
>Man on the Street video.
I'm good, lol. Into the trash it goes.
>not using based Ballistol
I do, and also use Hoppes. I was insinuating Frog Lube was for tacticool faggots.
I figured that 99% of those super high end advertisement lubes are a waste of money and stick to ballistol for the most tasks
I, on the other hand, think the burgers are completely correct on weapons and that armed citizens are needed against tyrannical governments, e.g. GB's Labour.
When you pry my guns out of my cold dead hands.
>actually a taqiyya muslim
sounds about right
>no link
burgerposting at it's best
Why the fuck did Europeans look at our country getting browned and think "yeah that's a great idea and american society is in such a healthy state I think I'll have some of that"
Waste of money, indeed. The only selling point is they are non-toxic. If you need anything heavier than ballistol, just use high temp bearing grease. For a couple bucks, the tub will last years. That's what I use in my ARs and AK.
Because they suck our cocks so hard.
Seems legit.
Pic Related Faggots
Ballistol is non toxic as well you can even drink it without serious harm (you will have bad digestion tho).
I think the strongest stuff I use from time to time is amminium based copper remover but even this I barely use since I think copper equilibrium is real and works.
Not true, we feel sorry for what happened to Germany.
Hate facts won't bring back the dead kids Dems grave-stand on to get their way. Let no good tragedy go to waste.
Hitler actually loosened the gun laws, moron
it's because we can't be shitted to invest much time into your mongrel language
you ever been overawed by French or Russians? Same reason.
>new fag
Post with an Israeli flag