So I've been frequenting Sup Forums for awhile and I'm not sure where I stand now. So what I'm asking for is some good old fashioned red pills the best you can give me if you could be so kind
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you familiar with Jonathan Bowden?
another christian one. I am a Deist however.
Nice building you got their.
Communism is as Jewish as Africa is black.
anyone has the porn redpills?
I dont but bumping for request, some of those are great.
I saw a thread a few minutes ago that was your brain on porn. check catalog for it. do I embed stuff? or is that youtube?
it's the jews
why does everyone hate the jews so much?
Turns out Hitler did nothing wrong and we've all been lied to.
individual responsibility is the foundation of every advanced society
Turns out there is a clear relationship between race and intelligence, and that therefore racism is actually a legitimate form of social policy.
Global warming may or may not be real, however there is zero reliable science regarding what the actual consequences will be and how long they will take to show.
I agree and I think its that kind of attitude that we need to expand and promote.
Promote individual liberties to care for the people - Promote the liberties of the individual as the highest duty of government so that the individual is free to look to his own responsibility and pursue his interests to the betterment of not only him self but society.
Promotion and care of the Nation state - It is the responsibility of the government to promote the founding principles of the nation and its common law as well to put forth and defend aggressively the interests of the nation on the galactic stage.
Building upon the traditions of our fore fathers - The advances of our nation and its people should be always promoted by its leaders and governments and it is the the duty of the government to use those advances that can improve the liberties and well being of the people and the interests of the nation.
The only ethical decision is to take responsibility for our own existence and that of our children and guarantee them the freedoms promised by our founders.
I do this by taking care of the people around me as much as possible with out being detrimental to my self. I care for the earth and my land as I develop my homestead. I return surpluses back into my endeavors as much as possible rather then spending them frivolously but I am not perfect and I like my little pleasures. I take responsibility for my self and my son and I am working towards passing something great on to him.
Professor Nosenberg told me it's because they were uneducated and raycis.
Should we take the kids and re-educate them out of existence like they are doing to us?
Oh and one more thing. Muslims are a metaphorical anchor keeping humanity from advancing and must be exterminated down to the last man, woman and child.
>muh liberties
That doesn't work and it never will, can you not see how degenerate the world has become since we have been "liberated"? The highest duty of the government is to ensure the safety and prosperity of its citizens and degeneracy needs to be purged by force.
gpa was wrong
No I see how degenerate we have become since unethical jews have infiltrated our society and turned our liberties against us. Nothing is wrong with liberties in a homogeneous society.
please post more anons, will dump mine shortly.
Right, but we are nowhere near the point of a homogenous society. Just as you don't leave weeds to grow in a beautiful garden and kill all the plants because its "natural and fair", you don't leave the dregs of society free to grow and corrupt and destroy our children and civilizations. Until the problems have been removed by force, liberty should be the least of our concerns.
Please post about the immigrants and also the acid attacks. I want to show some people how stupid they are for believing immigrants can teach us things and that they are woman and children.
Not an acid attack, but still relevant.
When eugenicists realized we can't can't keep leaving it to More and more numerous dumber people be tasked with raising the smarter kids. This hidden innovation and wealth waiting to be discovered from the ghetto is such a myth, and even the rich point to it as some testament to the "will of the free market".. they talk down to regular folks this way to absolve their guilts
I don't understand the last part, please elaborate in a way that makes understanding possible in one reading.
>You would stuff your ears with cotton and gibber of cycles of left and right, completely ignoring that even the right wing of today would be viewed as buffoons, imbeciles, and utter madmen by the conservatives of as little as a hundred years ago.
This rings so true it hurts.
Trump on transnational criminal organizations.
Can someone red pill me on white racism and how whites are being oppressed? I've read so much about it here and the information overload isn't helping me come up with a conclusion to prove that I finally understood the concept. Thanks in advance.
Wow, dude, great mastubatory """redpill"""! xD
>asks for red pills while including the ultimate red pill in the pic
Romantic Nationalism = best nationalism.
Would some videos be more helpful for you user?
I can help you out with that.
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained
What is the JQ / Jewish Question?
Adolf Hitler's Warning
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
Great help nazbro.
Thanks for all the redpills friend!
Wasn't this proven as a hoax?
happy to help user
The best thing you can do is learn to control yourself. Improve yourself. Educate yourself. Like yourself.
The rest of the pieces (unironic dislike of non-whites, etc) inevitably fall into place.
>if you said ex-cetera in your head, kys
>bill gates is not the richest person. jeff bezos isn't either
>the rothschild family are the 60 top richest people in the world
There's going to be a day in the coming years when the keg pops, when it happens, vile, disgusting, sewer rat kikes will know a real holocaust.
fuck off
You okay user?
You seem upset.
>morty golldbergowitz-stein
>not abraham