>You can't prove God exi--
You can't prove God exi--
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I started failing math at year 5, quick rundown please
he googled math proof god and copy pasted the wiki image, all you need to know
I'm not even sure that this is real math. I haven't seen most of those symbols in my life.
/sci/ here; OP is full of shit.
heh, dont expect anyone outside of the US to understand this. Yuropoor education is sub-par and they get very flustered at things which are above their intelligence and understanding.
Aquinas proved god exists in the 13th century m8.
Talmud has done its best to hide this fact but it only does so by abandoning reason and metaphysics.
Based on a false assumption of the nature of god.
OP = F(a(g))
Ahh goeddels ontological proof
You can't use proofs in science
>Colombian intellectuals
>wrong axioms
God and religion aren't linked by any means.
Therefore there is some x such that x is God. Gödel is not impressed with your atheism.
>implying there's a sharp distinction between God and existence
a proof of god on the (foolish) assumption that reality bends to human logic
It's mathematical logic. People tried to make automatic proof systems using it. As far as I know, it was unsuccessful.
>making up symbols and putting them in a random order is math now.
QED, nigga
ted cruz knows the answer?
What symbols confuse you: implication, conjunction, disjunction, universal quantification? OP's picture is quite plausible.
That picture is perfectly coherent.
Might as well complain about the Chinese symbols that "making up symbols and putting them in random order is a language now".
i havent heard of any of those words
None of it makes sense and i've taken Quantum Mechanics. I recognize the symbols, but thats all they are....variables that can be defined as anything the writer chooses.
Even to a seasoned tenured professor, this would be gibberish.
Math is for virgins. Fuck math.
It's probably because the picture is pulled out of a context.
>Even to a seasoned tenured professor, this would be gibberish.
What these symbols mean is already agreed upon (you must know at least most of them if you have take QM).
Context is what is missing, with that you can understand the actual argument being made and go beyond this pure logic.
It's not gibberish.
But it's neither matrix nor p.d.e. either. It's Modal Logic.
I mean, seriously... because you took Q.M. you thought you knew ALL of math?
>Math is for virgins. Fuck math.
Written on a computer build on mathematics. Living in a house build on mathematics. Driving a car engineered with mathematics. Using a smartphone which exists purely because of mathematics.
Sure thing buddy, "fuck math" and fuck everything about your modern life.
Only Humans do math.
Did you learn statistics in your area? The question is unrelated to the thread, just out of curiosity.
>confusing math with formal logic
Jesus. Pol is really filled with a bunch of brainlets.
>how to spot the psychology major 101
I'll leave this here.
Yes. Statistics was necessary for the Bachelor of Science in Physics degree.
Statistics was also part of engineering math.
And Quantum Mechanics is a statistical theory. People get the probability functions confused with the actual matter. Your countryman, Landau, clearly pointed out that distinction in his book "Quantum Mechanics"
I confess, I am not as well versed in Statistics as I was 30 years go. Please don't ask me a question in statistics.
>Talmud has done its best to hide this fact
The Talmud was written in the 3rd century and its authors believed in G-d
you don't need all of that just this 1.618
I can show anyone that wants to find God how.
What about that? The golden ration isn't even that interesting.
>American education
lol isn't even that interesting
Going for full eurofag trigger. I like it.
Thanks. I just wanted to know to what extent you use it. I always thought that you mostly do PDEs and only a fraction of probability such as Markov models or Brownian motion.
Do you really want to find God bro? I promise you I can show you
I don't know if he/they are aliens. Atlanteans, time travelers or what but I can show you everything that has happened in our history has all been done by design by a grand architect and it all connected and done flawlessly, it will freak you the fuck out when you see it. But it is waiting there
It really isn't. It is just one solution to an equation. Granted that equation is not uninteresting, but the number isn't particularly special. It is even algebraic.
Are they jewish?
Well, if you define God as the root force that is responsible for the emergence of all other fundamental forces in the universe, then you might get somewhere.
i dont even get it
What did you expect from the rural and suburban retards that voted for Trump? City people and intelligent people all voted for Hillary.
Isn't that what is being done there?
So this is the power of american "education", huh?
Don't spoil the fun user. Let people peer through the veil on their own. Everyone gets there eventually. But do dump info on Atlantis man. Love that place.
no need to go full schizophrenic on us
No it isn't, I am telling you I spent a year researching a book I wrote about the holocaust of all things and stumbled upon it purely by accident. No I can show you step by step how to find it, will take you ten hours to go through all of my research then prob do more yourself to check mine and find other missing pieces that will personalize your experience so you see it for yourself it is really fucking creepy. I am telling you I am a scientist and so is my Dad and I showed him my research all along the way and he agrees with me. Also every great scientific genius will tell you they found God look it up because it will just punch you right in the face when you see it
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you." - Werner Heisenberg
no they aren't Jews, I don't know who the fuck they are, but they set up everything and it all has happened precisely to plan, it is impossible it could have been done by men. The Jews are just useful idiots for them though time keepers basically
>a solution to 1/x = x-1 is proof of god
#wow #whoa
well go ahead, show us your research
>it will just punch you right in the face when you see it
Why would it.
I am quite aware that many scientists believe in God.
>no they aren't Jews
Then your research is wrong.
cool it is just as a scientist, computer scientist at that I love efficiency and repeatable results. I just basically wrote a guide how to find the matrix the way I did, the architects the way did. The fucked up thing is (((they))) are here at pol. When you find the truth, they know and they will contact you because they will know you know by certain things you can say. They will also help guise you if you are searching it is pretty fucking creepy
lol says the Jew, no they aren't Jews
>lol says the Jew
t. Jew
>the golden ration
show me your guide/research for my entertainment you schizo
the Jews have been squatting in houses that don't belong to them and will soon be evicted I can tell you that
>t. Jew
lol says the Jew
Reality DOES bend to your will you fucking retard. Fucking newfag.
>Computer scientist
Oh boy
If that logic does really prove God exists, doesn't it make it a paradox? The existence of God proves there are spiritual experiences beyond logical understanding, therefore formal logic is insufficient.
These people created every religion for what purpose I am not sure but they all have coded information in them you have to know how to decode. But they all hold a lot of truth some bs. But it is all there, the Jews got out of line and are doing shit they weren't supposed to and it is being corrected as far as I can tell. It is bizarre as fuck
Depends which dimension of it you're looking at.
haha jokes on you, this actually proves Allah exists
Hey believe whatever you want matters little to me, there as I said they are here, you can find them if you know what you are looking for, and they are easy to spot because well it is impossible to explain it is just once you know it is easy to spot others that know and others that know more than they are supposed to
Just because we cannot comprehend it in our given dimensions, does not mean it is beyond logic.
>Physicist here
The little box you think is a mathematical symbol stands for "end of proof".
Not even going to read the rest of this bullshit....
>The existence of God proves there are spiritual experiences beyond logical understanding
To make such a statement would require omniscience. Without it, any disagreement between "spiritual experiences" and "logical understanding" can simple fall into the domain of ignorance.
>formal logic is insufficient
The proof that within certain formal systems are statements which are niether provable nor disprovable is due to the same mathematician from which this argument for god comes from.
Why can't stupid jews spell God?
I will share my research with whoever wants it. The Jews are the least likely to find the truth because they are blindly obedient and willfully ignorant. But the Kabllah has the most truth in it and the tree of life, their other books are as convoluted as Christianity and Islam etc
t. Physicist
The square is a symbol in modal logic.
I believe the Durch user already asked you twice for your research.
you posted the wrong proof OP
read the left column first, then the middle for (((counter-arguments))), then the right for rebuttal.
Most religious texts are allegorical but not story wise or person wise they use real deeds and people to describe sacred geometry and things that can't possibly be random. As above so below, read what Watson and crick said about the evolution of DNA. They said for it to happen by chance the odds are more likely for a tornado to blow through a plane junkyard and fully assemble a 747. None of it is random, none of it done by accident and exactingly precise
Math/bio eng here, those symbols make sense but none of the formlines are valid, any reference they make is indeterminant .
I know the logic constants but what the hell do all the other variables mean?
pls share
anyone else wish they could into math? I understand that it's the universal language of The Universe, omnipresent and constant.
Apparently I'm supposed to be 98th percentile in IQ according to many therapists whom have had me tested, but math and numbers in general always freaked me the fuck out.
I'm a scientist, I know mathematical and logical notation, and this is something else.
ess - not a symbol
diamond - not a symbol
square - used only at the very end, indicates "quod erat demonstrandum" or end of proof
I call bullshit.and remind you that Kurt Gödel prooved in 1931 that in a system such as that if it is to proove the existence of God, there will be theorems that can neither be proven nor falsified. I.e. it is a mathematical certainty that you cannot proove the existence of God.
On /sci/ there are a few guides how you can get into math (and a picture with a proposed studying plan, completely from the ground up).
>but math and numbers in general
Math isn't really about numbers anyway.
Here is a link to my book user
and here is further info you need to to study afterwards
dude I was tracking the Jews and the shit they are doing and the free masons etc and when I got to the end was like wtf. It was like getting hit int he face with a brick. I was like holy shit, men are not behind this, there is no fucking way men could do this, Also talked to my Dad and he agreed as I said kept him up to date with my book and all of my research. It is some bizarre shit when you hit that realization, you will really have that moment of truth
you can prove anything if you have free reign to just make up 5 axioms
Math is for low-consciousness plebs who can not simply know what is and what is not.
They feel the need to satisfy their left brain, and created math in order to make themselves feel better about not having the innate ability of conviction.
Math is a tool of the Jew to lead you away from the path of righteousness and glory leading you to the Source.
Remember kids, math is for low energy fuckboi plebs. Dont be one.
yeah it's about pattern recognition and logic. I used to be good at it but as I said, I lost interest and never picked it up.
A horrible childhood math teacher might have made me anxious about it.
>I call bullshit
On what exactly?
The symbols are described here en.wikipedia.org
And the proof is due to Gödel himself en.wikipedia.org
> that in a system such as that if it is to proove the existence of God, there will be theorems that can neither be proven nor falsified
The incompleteness theorem states that statements which are neither provable not disprovable exist, but why should that imply that the existence of gods is such a theorem?
this is pure idiocy and the opposite of reality math is gods language, the universes language, how the fuck you think anything in this world works? How do you think that computer you are on works? Or the server you are posting to? Math is how you describe everything, it is how you write the recipe of existence
>Math is for low-consciousness plebs
t. social "scientist"