Would Sup Forums still hate Muslims if they all looked like and acted like Sikhs?

Would Sup Forums still hate Muslims if they all looked like and acted like Sikhs?

Now that's a turban.

Of course not. Dislike of Muslims is because of how they act. They can believe whatever they want, as long as they also honor basic human rights.

Now that's a beard.

>Would Sup Forums still hate Muslims if they were all Sikhs?
they wouldn't be Muslims then you tard.

I'd enjoy their presence a whole lot more, that much is for sure. Sikhs look like cool dudes.

>would Sup Forums hate a thing if it was an entirely different thing?

> would pol hate Muslims if they weren't Muslim

Epic blue mage cosplay.

If they acted like Sikhs they wouldn't be muslims. Being subhuman is a central part of the religion of peace.

>Pajeet has wares if you have coin

There's a reason Brits used Sikhs as officers in India.

>Sikh Lv. ???

if they acted and looked like Sikhs, they would be Sikhs, not fucking muslims

So you may as well just ask if Sup Forums hates Sikhs

>would Sup Forums hate muslims if they were sikhs?

what a stupid fucking question

Well, would you?

>Would Sup Forums still hate Muslims if they weren't Muslims?

No really, this takes the award for Most Retarded Question of 2017.

>Would pol hate the color red if it was blue

Sage, also fuck muslims.

Does he get superpowers from the headdress?

No, probably not, because most Sikhs are poos, and poos aren't nearly as bad as mudslimes.

Tell me about Singh, why does he wear the turban?

I love other cultures. His attire looks very interesting. Still don't want pakis living next door to me.

Wrong hero movie.

britain has also had muslims and hindus as officers
pic related, ww2 spitfire pilots, a mix of all three religions

but the answer to the question is still yes. sikhs are still fucknuts. fuck all your "bro tier" shit.

Would Sup Forums still hate niggers if they didn't act like niggers?



Huh. I always wondered how those guys even manage to set up sites. But who owns and controls Cloudfare that it allows it then?

Sikhs aren't as bad as Muslims. say what you want but at least Sikhs aren't sworn to kill you by their religion if you don't agree with them