Can anyone explain?
Show me a country that hasn't obsessively stigmatized smoking and I'll show you a normal society
honestly, no. I remember being in school during all of the anti smoking hysteria. Every year we would have an assembly about how smoking is literally Hitler. They would make us sign a pledge to never use tobacco when we were like 10 years old. I guess England isn't like that but if you smoke in America in the current year you're lower than dirt
Smoking raises your testosterone from what I understand
You have 10 seconds to name a more Insecure and defensive group than smokers
protip: you cant
Please post a link to this scientific study
So you like cuba?
>says the liberty flaggot
I smoked for over 20 years and smoking just sucks the life out of you, i feel so much better now that i don't smoke, my skin is better looking, i can drink more and not have nasty hangovers, I no longer stink up my house and i'm not on edge all the time.
I do believe that smoking is bad, mind you i used to smoke up to three packs a day.
nope. I mean really.
Don't post niggers, cubans are white.
I don't give a shit if people want to smoke but honestly smokers are the most self-centered, inconsiderate douchebags I've met in my life. They act like they're being persecuted because I don't want them filling up the entire bar with disgusting smoke that makes everything turn yellow and smell like mold.
I don't believe in most of the bullshit that anti-smoking campaigns spew, but seriously, fuck off and stop acting like you should be able to puff away a pack of cigarettes in an enclosed restaurant five feet away from a baby as long as there's a sign between you two that says "Smoking Area"
Not in excess, like you say 3 packs. But to socialise etc without the nanny state telling you no.
Smokers are scum, they're all child abusers and litterers. Normal society doesn't accept worthless filthy addicts who abuse children.
Fuck off and die, you human garbage.
>continue to freely pay for your addiction
choose one
>I need a filthy habit to be social
You're worse than the addicts.
Why, Why... How did babies in the 1930/40/50/60/70/80/90s survive...
Smoking is similar to drinking alcohol. Follow the same rules and you're fine.
You fucking smoker forget the part when non-smoker have to inhale your toxic shit in public.
That's why it's a problem
Drinking alcohol doesn't release a field of vapors which intoxicate anyone breathing the same air around you, so not it isn't really similar at all.
Except nicotine is far more addictive. It's something that shouldn't be done more than occasionally.
>not buying cigarettes just to collect the gore pics
What is your point? I'm not saying it will kill you, it's just fucking disgusting and annoying. Literally everyone but retards like you who are addicted to burning paper agrees that smoking not being allowed in restaurants and bars is a godsend. You're fucking obnoxious and inconsiderate. So if I wanted to light a bunch of plastic milk jugs on fire next to you and make you breathe in the toxic and disgusting smoke while you're trying to enjoy dinner with your family you should have to put up with it because muh freedom?
Exactly. Fuck off, tar breath. Like I said, you're more than welcome to kill yourself outside or in your own home, but you can fuck right off if you think you have a "right" to make other people smell that shit too.
It should be left up to the business owner and employees working at a smoking locale would have to sign a waiver, IMO.
I quit because I got sick of paying thousands of dollars a year for a product that costs pennies... have fun paying the state through the nose in vice tax, while they simultaneously treat you like absolute scum of the earth. I'm glad people are quitting left and right in the US, they're killing the goose that lays the golden eggs lol
No, then they litter and they're still around other people, especially when they huddle around doors. Shouldn't be allowed in public at all.
I have never been bothered for smoking in public
Do people actually bother you for smoking in your countries?
I'll cross the street so I don't have to smell your stinky ass, but I'm not going to harass you or anything. If smokers want to die early and pay an idiot tax then that's fine.
Beat your wife, but don't make room with smoke please thanks.
Smoking gives you horrifically bad breath.
I would if they weren't so blantantly mislabeled propoganda
Among other things tobacco inhibits aromatase, which indirectly gives it androgenic effects. Now this is a stretch but it might fit in with the push to feminize a population. Despite being pretty bad for you in itself tobacco was associated with lower bf% and estrogen levels
hitler was the first politician to do anti-smoking campaigns
>every arab or chinese or slavic culture
how fucking stupid are you?
Anti smoking is just something lobbyists came up with to make money.
Societies were normal before smoking was a fucking thing.
You're either a paid shill or someone trying desperately to justify a habit that is perfectly harmful to your health. Attempting to pass a consumer good off as something that is simply "what's done" in society is PR 101, a method pioneered by Ed Bernays. I don't mind smokers, I don't even mind that all but one of my coworkers smokes while we're on break, often resulting in me smelling like an ashtray for a few hours, but I can tell a good person from a piece of shit when they smoke and find out that someone else doesn't smoke.
Good person: "Good, don't start."
Piece of shit: "Why not? You don't buy all of that STIGMA do ya?"
All of my coworkers are good people. Smokers I see on here tend to be pieces of shit.
smoking smells
smokers smell
that's literally my only problem with that
i see nothing wrong with vaping for that reason
>Attempting to pass a consumer good off as something that is simply "what's done" in society is PR 101, a method pioneered by Ed Bernays
He's the one who made it "okay" for women to smoke. The cigarette companies wanted to expand their market so, being the jew that he was, he says "okay, I'll psychoanalyze up how to sell this shit to women".
Fucking Jews, corrupting society to make a buck at every chance.
Are you dense? Smoking is at an all time low and only getting lower every year.
Which of those countries are at risk of losing their people?
Fucking hell.
Let's just ignore this post and keep smoking.
Pro-tip: It's no use arguing with a smoker, they are naturally angry, aggressive and bold. This is common knowledge.
That was a few decades before we had any idea about the health effects of it though. I think it was the late 50s (early 60s?) when research began picking up the trend. I doubt Bernays had any idea about the type of mayhem he was kick starting, and if he did, the positives of modern consumer culture might outweigh the negatives.
I'll keep it short; I can't hang around l. The obsessive stigmatization you speak of is partly a product of widespread dysfunctional authoritarianism resulting from excesses of serotonin frequently arising from diets high in polyunsaturated fats and sources of tryptophan that are not paired with adequate calcium and vitamin B6 and avoidance of sunlight. This authoritarianism is related to autism and certain types of religiosity, especially of the kinds concerning themselves with prudishness, Puritanism, and obsessive moralism in general.
they smoking there dead husbands dicks? this a African thing?
>You have 10 seconds to name a more Insecure and defensive group than smokers
Trannies, pansexuals, pretty much the entire LBGTQRST community.
When people smoke around me they are breaking the NAP. Either I get to slit their throats when they smoke or they can't shit up restaurants. They should be able to smoke in some sleay bars though.
The main significance is the "nanny state" mindset that becomes more and more cancerous over time. A normal society may look down on smokers but respects their right to smoke as they please. A hysterical nanny state bans smoking and then after they accomplish that they try to dictate every single aspect of your life and eventually create an unlivable hellscape of intrusive rules and regulations.
>have to inhale your toxic shit in public
Let's outlaw farting in public. You are literally inhaling someone else's fecal particles when you smell a fart.
military fags
> Those things are comparable
> I have the right to expose your child to toxic smoke at chukee cheese's
>don't want your child exposed to smoke
>don't bring child around smokers
You are not realizing that your mindset is that people have to be forced by the state to follow what you want.
>Do people actually bother you for smoking in your countries?
Yes, continually.
There are designated smoking areas outside and it seems to be a "thing" for nonsmokers to go to a designated smoking area and complain about smoke.
As well, most stores, etc have removed the ashtrays that used to traditionally be outside of a retail establishment, so people are seeing more and more cigarette "litter". But, this is directly due to removing the ashtrays because it offended people. In many states, you cannot smoke inside a bar or restaurant. This means you have to smoke outside. If the place doesn't have an ashtray, then there *will* be cigarette butt litter.
Even one pack a day is disastrous for your lungs
you're a special kind of retard aren't you.
> I can't take my child to any local restaurant because they all have smoking
I'll give you sleazy bars or casino's but if you are talking about grocery stores or other decent public places eat a bag of dicks.
Yes so do steroids but both kill you
1pack a day on a bad day here. Totally agree. Quit once ... Came back like a fuck boy. I'll be quitting again here shortly. Patches and meditape. Only thing that's made it bearable ...
Not by much
I'll give you that
>walk in the street on the way to the market
>smoker smokers the middle of the circulation blowing fumes everywhere and throwing fags on the ground
I miss smoking in pubs, that old pud smell of spilled beer stale smoke and vomit was lovely.
That guy with the accordion can fuck right off though.
>> I have the right to expose your child to toxic smoke at chukee cheese's
Not in this state for well over a decade.
Who the hell takes their kids to that shit hole anyway? The place is disgusting. Teach your children to eat like civilized human beings instead of being allowed to act like jungle animals while eating.
>most stores, etc have removed the ashtrays that used to traditionally be outside of a retail establishment, so people are seeing more and more cigarette "litter"
Because we don't want you vermin smoking around the doors. The littering is your own fault, just don't do it in public, you piece of shit.
>If the place doesn't have an ashtray, then there *will* be cigarette butt litter.
Yeah, because you "people" are scum who can't go a few minutes without feeding your addiction so you litter everywhere.
You don't have to stand right next to them.
I'm a smoker and I don't give a fuck. I respect not everyone wants to be exposed to second hand smoke and I do my best to accomodate that. For example if there is a group of people in a spot I'll walk 20 meters or so from that group to light up. Once in a while some people (always women) will feel the need to walk over and give me shit for it. I usually respond by blowing the smoke right in their favlce and tell them what I'm doing is not illegal and get a sense of mild amusement when they get triggered as fuck because no man has likely ever stood up to their bitch ass before.
>putting your health at risk and even paying for it with your own money is part of what makes a normal society
you can stop justifying your idiotic cancer sticks now, you faggot.
In Canada they don't even let people smoke on outdoor patios anymore. I agree with you about indoor smoking. T
>just don't do it in public, you piece of shit.
Well, there are plenty of people who don't want others fagging out in public, either.
Since many can't smoke in their cars, many cannot smoke in their own apartments or condos, it's illegal to smoke in your car or home if anyone under 18 is in basically are saying that smokers aren't allowed to smoke anywhere.
I say fine, then we need the same restrictions on trannies, and people going over the top with being outrageously gay. It's also offensive to people in public.
So, where do you draw the line in a nanny state? People often do things that offend others. Does this mean we have to regulate everything everyone does in public?
Yeah i should hold my breath everytime i cross one, also everytime one walk in front of me i should just pick up an other path to avoid inhaling their shit.
Of maybe you should just smoke at your house, shit up your own environment
The worst is when one of those fuckers is walking just in front of you
You have to pass him quickly or you're fucked
alco fags, lotr fans, vegans
>Once in a while some people (always women) will feel the need to walk over and give me shit for it
I love when you are being considerate to others....and some cunt feels the need to walk over just to give you shit.
Like it's her self appointed position that she is the saver of all things on the planet.
Faggotty guys are the only ones that have ever given me shit. There's belligerent women everywhere these days.
The smoking ban was a serious blow to pubs in this country. Thousands and thousands have shut down. The local pub was the hub of the community.
If Cubans were not communists, they'd be the gold standard for Latin America.
>The worst is when one of those fuckers is walking just in front of youYou have to pass him quickly or you're fucked
You should easily be able to walk faster than a smoker, so what's the problem?
What I like about labor and other retarded parties is that they control the health of the population. Population is too dumb to stop drinking, smoking, or eating junk food, especially children
I never understood why they banned smoking in bars/pubs. It isn't a proper place to bring children or babies, and no one goes to a bar because it's good for their health.
>He smokes and drinkes like some fucking loser.
Yea I agree it shouldn't be done indoors. When I go in a place where a person smokes inside the smell is disgusting and this is coming by from a smoker.
And I get people don't like it, so I try to be courteous. I really do. I don't know where some people get the gall to go out of their way to bitch at me for that.
I also agree with non smokers who get angry about people smoking in doorways because that shit wafts in. It's not that hard for a smoker to walk 30 feet away before lighting up. It's just common courtesy.
They've banned smoking on patios at pubs here now.
Smokers smell like shit. No one appreciates being around them
>testosterone is toxic to liberals
Santa Monica has an OUTDOOR smoking ban.
I was surprised that for such a modern country, you can smoke pretty much anywhere you like in Austria.
Smoking is excellent.
Smoking is literal cancer. Plus it makes you smell disgusting and makes your teeth ugly.
Why would you do it? If you want nicotine, at least vape, then you don't get the tar and other nasty chemicals.
Unironically true. The Cubans were on their to become a (mayhaps) first world country before commumeme happened.
crack smokers
meth smokers
i think that was 10 seconds i could keep goin
I agree with a lot of concerns raised here. There is a such thing as smokers etiquette.
>roll tobacco out of the butt when done, shipyard style, and always throw the butt in the trash and if you can't, slip it right into your pack and toss it later
>direct smoke away from others, put cigarette in opposite hand if passing someone
>put it out if helping someone, a bunch of old people show up, etc
>blow smoke upward if you are in a bar, etc