Christianity thread
How was Church today user?
>going to church
>when superior kfc exists
Ok anons, let's play "Spot The Nigger"!
Pretty good. Im heading off to bed. Pray for me brothers that my faith will be strengthened. God bless.
I believe God and Christ but I refuse to go to church and get baptized.
Waste of time.
Was nice
Priest gave a nice homily
Readings were nice
God bless you guys
Take your bullshit to you retard. This shit doesn't belong here.
peace be with you brother
Not as good as the mass at the Summorum Pontificum anniversary in Rome (pic related) but good
I decided to go to an Evangelical Lutheran church a couple blocks from my house today. Never been to a church in my life (I was raised atheist, parents were atheist, their parents etc.) Here's what I saw.
>ten niggers, probably part of a family, talking to the white priest
>at least three obvious coalburners
>bunch of weird chanting and singing (this was supposed to be a white church)
>old lady at the front handing out pamphlets that literally said "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE UNLESS YOU ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR SINS AND WASH YOURSELF IN THE BLOOD OF CHRIST"
>no joke this shit was in all caps and had pictures of a grave next to a smiling happy family
>they actually handed this shit out to little kids
>speaking of little kids, the pastor (priest, reverend, w/e) said they're now opening "religious daycare" for one year olds
>wondered what the fuck a "religious daycare" was so i asked him about it
>he said it was like a normal daycare except the kids learn about christ and the bible
>asked him if one year olds can even understand that shit when they can barely read
>he tells me with a straight face the bible is the first book any child should read
Maybe I should have went to a different church ,or none at all, but this shit had all the signs of a cult.
Literally the stupidest monotheism. Come for the fake virgin birth story, stay for the ritualistic cannibalism and the bowing down to a torture instrument symbol.
Meanwhile the only guy with his shit together, Arianus, gets drummed out by Constantine.
Islam's all fucked up too but at least the concept of Allah is more unitary and less anthropomorphic.
Truth is we're probably ready for a fourth monotheism that would straighten all this shit out.
You should have did better research user. Lutheranism is pic related. Try your closest Catholic church
pretty boring desu. not much of an exciting sermon today. my church spends more time singing than talking. i would love to hear an exciting, deep spiritual analysis of whats going on in the world today.
Not fully convinced potential christanon here. What is some good reading material other than bibel?
(((catholic church))) not in a million years. Catholicism is no more christian than jehovas witnesses or mormons. what other church promotes degeneracy, faggotry, feminism and pedophilia? it is also like 90% pagan. it was a mashup of old paganism and christianity to keep a roman emperor in power. they changed the sabbath to sunday to show their authority, btw. the REAL sabbath was yesterday
Despite being the largest LARPing scam in the history of mankind, classical Christianity has produced some killer art.
Two books that aren't really concerned with denomination, & focus on showing why Christianity is right. They also serve as a stepping stone to more complex theology
Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis
Orthodoxy by G.K Chesterton
orthodoxy is the way to go. they correctly preach the antichrist is a jew
The antichrist probably will be a jew but orthodox still burn in hell
>the REAL sabbath was yesterday
Protestants confirmed to be crypto-Jews.
All that bible study seems also eerily similar.
Well then you need to ask why the Orthodox leaders are so friendly with the 'anti-Christ'
Heretic can't fathom the idea of a living faith.
>weak as a jew
Thanks my friend, I'll look into it.
How can you even belive in Christianity. Just asking.
I would almost like to belive but I can't
went to confess my sins to the priest. Was awkward because he was the one that made me feel this guilt ):
>posts anime
funny guy
It was good.
One preacher talked about faith and how belief is founded on experience.
It seemed like the sermons today where based around self development as a Christian and personal faith.
Is the Catholic Church the only pillar that still sustain the western world?
>tfw felt guilty
>went to confess sins
>told priest I was white, and male, and straight and privileged
>He said the almight Xir forgives me, but only if I give my son HRT.
Yes. It's not a coincidence that as Western Europe abandoned Catholicism, it has moved closer to it's death than it's ever been
What I did was I started looking for some of the hardest arguments for and against and didn't watch all those fedora redditors talking about strawmen
Seriously this, heed the commandment "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image". Posting the Christian anime character is idol worship. It seems like most of you just like the idea of being Christian for social points rather than actually following the word of God.
It has been the "pillar" for all of human history.
Then you are not of strong faith. The closer you are to God the more righteous you will be.
What about the ancient greeks?
Inb4 Malaysian mike
>KFC, superior
KFC is below Church's. Popeyes is the best
Sang some hymns, read some passages, had brunch with everybody. It was alright.
this is why, look at your posts, if I have to be a loser like you to go to Heaven than no thanks.
I am faithful to God and God is faithful to me.
God never intended for his worship and church to be so complicated, I for one am not gonna be put into the church records to have my head dunked under water.
Christian thought was influenced by them
have you tried Cane's, best fried chicken i have ever had.
(((They))) want you to go to church. I try stay away from pedophiles and race mixers.
god can be passive agressive
Lol no how about we eliminate the two fake offshoots which were created just to replace the one (((real))) version and occlude the light of God and plunge the Earth into an era of darkness which persists to this day?
Pride cometh before the fall
> you must be rebirthed in me etc
Your actions represent what you believe, you do not believe in God
>How was Church today user?
Great. Thanks for asking.
This is Christianity in a nutshell user. Only lunatics and the naive buy into this fucking nonsense.
Found him
I wish I could go, but I work 7 days a week between 2 jobs.
I would absolutely love to be able to attend, make an effort to be apart of the community and attend singles events. But I'm too busy wagecucking just to afford a room.
sorry you fell for the "give your whole life to the church" meme bud, thats where I stopped. Worship and being close to god is personal, Christianity is going to die out because of anal fags like you who doom hell to any who do not follow correctly.
t. shit pusher.
Get baptized brother.The only person who is saved in the new testament was the thief.
One girl I liked a long time ago broke up with me cause I am not Christian
Now I am trying to get into Christianity but everything just reminds me of that cunt
what do?
I didn't go to church because most churches spew fear mongering misinformation to brainwash you into hand over your money, rather than teach about the Bible and praising God.
Sabbath is Saturday user.
She made a good choice.
Anyways, idk, get over her?
Make new associations with Christianity so you're reminded of those things rather then her.
The Sabbath is on Saturday but that doesn't mean we need to worship on Saturday.
Well said. (((christianity))) must die or the white race will.
I recently completed a 40 day water fast.
It was the single most difficult thing I've ever done.
Christ Faggot and Deus Vault LARPER EXPOSED
>wasting my time listening to some old man who is probably also a pedophile degenerate telling me lies and outdated bullshit from the dark ages
No thanks.
It does, actually. If you don't observe the Sabbath day on the Sabbath day, you're just making shit up. The Muslims do it on Friday.
Pol is not a degenerate Christian board. This is anti semitic board. Go back to your church and bend your knees to dead kike on a stick while being butt fucked by your pedo priests Christfag.
>didn't watch the fedora redditots
Why not?
If you can't debunk fat degenerates like the amazing atheist then why force yourself to believe in something?
It actually does. Modern day Christians are so far removed from their actual religion. They're followers of Saul more so then God.
Have a meme!
How was your prayer life? Did youget closer to the Lord?
I've literally never understood this mentality. I mean, I'm not an anti-semite, but to boil down Jesus as just a "Kike on a stick" is ridiculous even for Sup Forumsfags. You could view him as the first person to be redpilled on the JQ, considering his crime was to challenge Jewish authority and tell them they were wrong for overcharging poor jews for animals to slaughter.
Does a water fast mean you can drink when the sun goes down?
This is the NBC version of Christianity. Did you actually go to a church or is this something you pulled from a shitty prime-time TV show?
I didn't pray, except a few times I asked in the spirit certain questions regarding my health.
Closer? Yes, at the end but I went on to suffer a great deal to the point where I feel far away now.
No it means during 40 days all I consumed was water.
it was pretty good, I went with my gf and we saw lots of blonde white children
pre tribulation rapture on september 23 general
Thank you for clarifying, that makes more sense. What did you do during that time period? I imagine you where limited in what physical activity you could be doing. Have you noticed any major negative health effects as a result?
What was the purpose of achieving what every girl with bulimea has already?
Begone heathen! There is nothing better than a daily dose of BLESSED BAPTISED CHRISTIANS.
>Being this brainwashed
You worship the pizzagate of religions.
>inb4 muh Catholics only molest
good rundown of the signs
U.S Gov knows about September 23rd and in Revelation God revealed to Jesus the timing of the end.
new robert breaker
Are You Rapture Ready?
i dont allow
>their god destroyed everything except this one ugly worthless statue of Mary
>Christfags still worship said god
Explain yourselves.
I guess Jamaal Christensen is at it again! The world's most devout Christians, loves to cuck whites, who he calls "Pagan heretics"!
Tkdr: Keep worship a dead kike on a stick while white women fuck n̶i̶g̶g̶e̶r̶s̶ Christians in the name of (((Jesus)))
You sure gonna look silly when the 23 comes and goes.
Who am i kidding, you retards do the same thing every fucking year. Just piss off and wait to be blasted into space.
How much weight did you lose? Also did you take some sort of nutritional supplements such as vitamins or magnesium?
I'm really thinking on converting to Christianity for Christian conservative gf.
I just look at Jewbook and see nothing but whores.
If you're not user, you are a complete and utter attention whoring faggot.
>How was Church today
I don't know, I slept in. You know, like a normal person?
Daily Reminder that people pushing Christianity in pro white movements are just negro christians.
They are doing it because white nationalists tolerate Christianity and Christianity is one of the things that makes race mixing possible.
Christianity teaches that a Black Christian is exactly as good as white Christian and a white infidel is subhuman. Christianity has been telling the white man everyone is equal in the eyes of the god.
The left is the most Christian whether they admit it or not. White Nationalism is exactly the opposite of Christian globalism.