/Politics of Sexbots/ General

In this thread we discuss the societal implications of sexbots, how they will invigorate or cause stagnation of the economy due to men not buying women/families things, female obsolescence and artificial wombs, the parallels between female and male sex toys, the Jewish incentive yet female repulsion for sexbots, and other societal effects of robots designed for sex

The state of modern robotics
Brits getting morally perturbed by bots
Sex robots epitomize patriarchy and the threat of female dominance

Other urls found in this thread:


old thread:

Technology takes over all aspects of life is there anything else that we need to discuss? You don't fight literally time.

Threadly reminder that organic vages smell gross. Your sex bot can be artificially scented to your chosing.

Sort yourselves out.

Women will outlaw it, end of the story.


>tfw no thick as fuck sex doll with a massive futanari dick

who /politics of feels/ here

I think having a neat sexdoll would make me less depressed. I just want to hold her hand and feel her warmth
Even better if I can design her face after my high school crush

Re-re-reposting this from the other thread.

I think it sums up the treat that dolls are to roasties:

>Male sex dolls dont give women status.
>Only men of flesh and bones does.

>This is why dolls dont work for them as it work for us.

>Men want women just to relief their sexual urges.
>Women want men for status and protection.

>Men can relief their sexual tension with a doll.
>But women can't get any safety or status with a male doll.

Daily reminder that hating women is literally gay.

You are closet faggots and you should gtfo to /lgbt/.

rape is outlawed yet i see no sign of it stopping

>enjoy not breeding!!!!
eat shit roasties. our 300 iq superhuman children will be born in these and then begin the race war and removal of the female sex off earth.

why don't you just take this to >>/hc or something

same here, user........same here

underground waifu hacking/trafficking

If they make Dolores style waifu I am in. It should have flesh and really advanced AI.

>sex robots
Is this really what you guys want? Voluntarily dropping out of the gene pool and living a life defined by animalistic pleasure and hedonism like some sort of barbarian?

The future is bright


I love when one of you faggot take his mask off. Grow a pair.

how come rubber dolls get to be called robots?

Keep dreaming while Tyrone fuck your sister bro it will totally help the white race.

Even some of the dolls that are available now like A-cup Bella for only 1600 bucks. It's a good investment even if you don't wanna fuck it.


to avoid the uncanny valley i would like her to look like an anime or barbie like pic i also would like to see some doll pussy. anyone please post some sexbot pussy

if a robot will spread its legs for you at any time, do the dishes and never complain, it is automatically better than 99% of women. Many men will want this because we use logic and reasoning to weigh our options

look at this roastie whore admit that her sex loves to fuck niggers.

that's just another reason why you're going to get put into the woodchipper bitch. the world doesn't need subhuman trash like you

>avoid the uncanny valley

We're reaching levels of roastie triggering here that shouldn't be possible.

what is a blackmarket

You could just let it go you know? But you roasties get triggered so easily.

Not a single thing would change, cause all the bots would be bought by you lot, the beta males who don't get pussy anyway, normal men will still be banging pussy easily, all the beta robot virgins would give a huge boost to the economy buying all that shit and it would shut them up and life would contine as usual

This registers as the uncanny valley for you?
It doesn't for me at least.

those are all {{{roastie}}} falseflaggers, cunt. you aren't fooling anybody


I can't wait for my korra bot

>Do you really want a doll?
>Hell no I want a girlfriend
>Maybe I could be your girlfriend

That's how I imagine it playing out.

asians/Russians will make them then. they dont give a fuck




>Muh roastie muh roastie

Rape happens but it's not done by a vast majority of men. And a better comparison would have been drugs or prostitution, which means that it will be a social stigmata and expensive.

Does that mean alive basically? That looks 99.5% alive to me.


Why bother with this shit when you can buy a fleshlight or tenga egg?

A sexbot will never replace a female for companionship, will not be able to carry a child or provide a source of income, and you'll never be able to experience making love with it.

>tfw you just wanted to post some sexy dolls but Sup Forums took you too seriously and now there's a permanent sex doll general

ayy lmao you magnificent bastards

Hahaha kys
I'll watch from my comfy bedroom as filthy nogs tear your family apart
Have fun stormfaggot

If it was programmed correctly so you'd learn how to have sex, yeah, okay.

If your alternative is a whore or a bad choice, yeah okay.

But a substitute for having children and living a hedonistic, selfish life? Cultural corruption and a Globalist plot to cull you from humanity.

I wonder if blizzard would sue if someone made them to look like one of their fictional game characters

The most important thing is that Sup Forums needs to be ready to meme sexbots so they gain popularity and acceptance.

When a white woman rather fuck an actual monkey than you, you should know that you have fucked up.

what are the best sex dolls then?

money is no object btw

If I buy a sexbot, would I need some sort of licence to sell access to it for money?
Something like, $30 for an hour.




We have a winner!

whores like you fuck dogs and horses. you're a disgusting animal so what the fuck does it matter what you shove into your rotten meathole? you're fucking worthless bitch. only men have ever created beautiful in this world.

women are subhuman pond scum who exist to ruin what men make. you're going the way of the horse so just shut the fuck up and go die in the corner like the useless animal you are

obligatory elf-posting

I'm not even considering on ever using a sexbot, but I think this is a great development.

Because A-cup Bella looks very realistic and only $1600

I won't know until I try.

Well said.

Interracial relationships are overplayed, not a real problem. On the other hand either in Germany or in the Netherlands they banned sex doll brothels because they were more popular than regular ones. When a man would rather pay to fuck plastic than you, you know you've fucked up. Not even prefer not to date, but prefer having sex with dolls instead too, now that's some shit.

at which point men will build them in their garages because our sex drive moves mountains

>This registers as the uncanny valley for you?
yes it does for me, i dont mind them looking fake and being a doll. your low res pic looks nice bro, dont mind me. in a couple of years we all get exactly what we want

No, you kys faggot. I'm not the one who is blackpilled like a litte emo kid. If nothing matters why are you still breathing ? End it.

if you want to shill roastie i advice you to do it trough a memeflag, nobody respects france to care enough about what you think.

I like the band Uncanny Valley that's all I know

Faggot like yourself don't fuck anything that's kinda worse if you ask me.

The tech will be available separately. Or you can just buy it all from China since the jews have a hardon for them being their next host and all, and will turn a blind eye to any illegal activities.

>your low res pic looks nice bro

The future looks bright

You can use chemicals to sanitize a sex doll. Whores will have STDs.

No, nothing matters to me except my pleasure now, I just want to feel happy till I die
And your taxes will participate to that HAHA

>women can finally be independent
>some dudes just want to fuck something and be left alone
>tons of women out there with dildo collections


You have no idea of how right you are.

I just realised that my sex as a whole is basically useless: The post

Even at it's fakest it still looks like a completely real person to me. Just a woman with a less than perfect boob job.

>sex robots don't offer men ''companionship,'' they offer men complete dominance.''
huh? If anything it gives women more independence. dumb roastie


They cant sue even SFMs as long they are redone in Blender or any other program.

I would say the price would be a little more expensive because of royalties but thats pretty much it.

>meanwhile, at Stacy's house...

If only 3d women were this cute.

Independence is codeword for polyamory

men don't go to feminist forums and plead with disgusting dyke whores who decide to live as cat ladies. we don't go pretend to be women and beg whores like yourself that actually patriarchy is good and think of the children.

you're on Sup Forums shilling for your vagina cause you know you're FUCKED. your gender is worthless and never did shit. even niggers and spics have done more than women through history. the defining achievement of women in the history books will be you collapsing western civilization.

you're here cause you're scared. you know you're about to get replaced so you try and plead and beg us to continue the status quo. pathetic. even those betacuck incel are less pathetic than you women

yes enjoy your doll bro
can anyone show me some sweet sexbot pussy?

>B-but muh roastie
>Y-you're not even that fit
>E-enjoy watching your wife being cucked frog

>being a virgin is worse than beastiality
have the STDs seeped into your brain?

so here's how it plays out for the average sexbot buyer
>man gets tired of women's shit and the things they put him through for pussy, a fundamental need that a woman can give him for free
>women deny man pussy
>man gets pussy elsewhere through sexbots
>women shame him and attempt to ban this sexual outlet
>man concludes that women dont give a shit about his needs and will actively make him suffer

this will be very redpilling for many men

Yeah I don't understand what does that have to do with women's independency. But I guess it's about that men should not be able to pleasure themselves sexually with something that resembles woman. It's just another concerned woman who has nothing to offer expect pussy.

They tried to get rid of all OW porn when it first came out. That ended well.

Hell, everything one would need to build their own is readily available. All that's needed to achieve perfection are high-density batteries and an free/open source AI that's compatible with GNU/Linux.

The worst part is that despise the fact that is just a bunch of polygons arranged in a particular form, you can see in her eyes the wonder that every person once had when they were innocent.

Good look trying to find this kinf of look in anyone today, after all this exposure to sexual concent in the midia.

We dont have sense of wonder and self respect anymore....

You're NOT on a fucking MGTOW faggot forum you fucking homo nigger.

Sup Forums is a nazi/evil white nationalist/fascist forum and we need more white babies to build the 4th Reich. Gtfo back to /r9k/ or /lgbt/.

Poor and bald. Well you've put a smile on my face before I get to sleep.

I'm robosexual, stop oppressing me!
But no, seriously, i think i might be. Bang hookers quite often but thinking about some advanced robo chick makes me harder than anything.

I think it comes down to human nature. Monogamy was a strategy that allowed for stability since you'd get just about every man paired up with a woman and they'd be able to have a family. But just because a new way of mating takes off doesn't mean the old way is eliminated. It can be useful in the future, so certain ways of behavior go dormant until they're useful again.

Birth control allowed for sex with almost no risk of pregnancy, and sex feels good. So naturally, people had a lot more sex. Within marriage at first, but then 'experimenting' became acceptable because, after all, you're on the pill. You're not going to be irresponsible and have a kid until you're ready, right? It's just a "bit of fun" until you "find Mr. Right". But by engaging in this behavior it's like you're awakening a dormant program. And eventually you wind up with the society we have now which seems reminiscent more of animal mating behavior than what you'd expect from humans.

The alpha gets first dibs on the woman and the beta comes and cleans up after he's finished. That's what you see today. Families where the kids all have different last names because Stacy kept finding someone more alpha whos sperm she had to capture. If the beta that gets stuck providing for her is lucky he'll manage to have one kid. And even then you never know, it's very easy for a woman to cheat. And in this mode their biology encourages it.

It's also why men are so weak. If betas don't play the game they'll be rejected and have no children instead of few children. Our minds are screaming "SUBMIT" because if we don't it's genetic suicide. Deep down we know we've got a raw deal but good luck changing it. So we just comply, until we've had enough and start a beta uprising. Or just invent sex robots since Stacy and Chad are too busy making more mouths for us to take care of.

>this will be very redpilling for many men

Is happening already, the mask is falling down.

I have a loot of shekels since I work for a jew and I shave my head since i'm a nazi but nice trying emu. Also being a virgin past 20 in Australia should be a death penalty.

Sup Forums is a board for men's politics. the replacement and gendercide of females is political, roastie. go make some feminist dyke thread and you won't get any men begging you instead we'll just remind you how women are useless dogs


The saviors of our society and the alpha males will be men like Hitler and Goebbels.

They grew up in Wiemar Germany, the exact same issues we are having now, and in barely a decade completely turned Germany around and cleaned women and men up.
Women were forced into submission and no longer allowed to be whores, and men were taken off booze and drugs and made to have discipline.

Here's a bit of a secret, women are always subservient to men and will do whatever is socially acceptable and mainstream.
How they act is how our current ZOG society peer pressures them into acting, if women loved it so much catlady suicide and prozac wouldn't be a huge issue.
Go to any dating site, and make your age range 45-55, 90% bitter single chubby woman with no kids, with only cats, anti depressant, and netflix staving off a long walk from a tall building.
Now, you could take pleasure in that like a petty child, or accept that women are the receivers of mainstream culture and authority, and it is YOUR job to be the agent of change.

If you think that you as a man being the driving force of society is bad or unfair, then you still believe in some gender equality bullshit.
Go play with your hands while you watch more attractive men fuck women you will never even get close to having notice you.

You know what happens when a strong traditional group of men take over society and enforce new rules?
Women submit like they always do, and will parrot whatever the fuck you say on TV for social acceptance.

A-cup Bella is only $1600