Colbert has the country's undivided attention tonight durring the Emmys. The whole country will be watching.
What is he going to say about Trump?
Colbert has the country's undivided attention tonight durring the Emmys. The whole country will be watching.
What is he going to say about Trump?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying people will be watching the Emmys
>watching the emmys
Might as well just cut your balls off now
this will be the least watched emmys ever screenshot this
Impeach Borgald Bruumphgffmp
(not going to watch that degenerate "show" though)
I miss the colbert greentexts
What else.
>Colbert has the country's undivided attention
the country has like 1.5 billion more people than the cucks who view that hogwash
>sour grapes
Literally only anyone that's anyone will be watching the Emmy's. Remember, only rural/suburban retards voted for Trump and all city people voted for Hilary. This year's Emmy's will be THE GREATEST EVER, because what Cheetho Hitler's done is UNITE THE LEFT in their scorn of all that is evil and inhumane. Can't wait for the threads on Sup Forums bitching about the protesting of Trump on the Emmy's. Oh, but I forgot, you 'people' don't watch the Emmy's.
Fucking nigger
What are the Emmys for and why should I give a shit about them?
>donald trump....
>*audience goes dead silent*
...what a nazi, am I right?
>*audience laughs for 10 minutes straight until it's time for 15 minute commercial break*
>Literally anyone over the age of 60 and gossip tabloids will be the only people watching the Emmy's
>everyone will be watching the Emmy's
>only rural and suburbs voted Trump
>united the left
Don't you realize that every time the left pulls a stupid stunt they lose another election? Keep up the good work jackasses.
>watching kike awards
Don't know don't care faggot.
I'm almost 25 and I've never watched this garbage in my life
wtf is an emmy, is he getting an enema on tv or something?
>Why would he talk about Trump? It's not like he alwa-
Colberto Scoopolini is going to denounce the international frozen ()()dairy()() conspiracy.
He already did a nazi salute on camera.
Next step is to name the gelato and blame the gelato.
nobody watches the fucking emmys
>The whole country will be watching.
Do you realize how fucking stupid a person would have to be to watch that shit? Should lose the right to vote.
Nobody cares, Trumps golf tweet was funnier than Colberts whole night will be
The Emmys what the hell is that
fpbp what the fuck is The Emmies?
It's for a bunch of rich hollywood liberals who jerk eachother off about how much better they are then everyone else in America while giving each other golden statues and making "philosophical" political statements that no one gives a shit about. It's basically the center of smugness and kikery
Another damn award event? Didn't realize how much celebrities jerk themselves off.
F*** anybody who watches the Emmys. So-called high-class retards eating thousand-dollar dinners and wasting them and then leaving with their thousand dollar gift bags
Lowest ratings ever. Calling it now.
"I just want to say, that we have a RACIST in the whitehouse, for those that didn't know! He He He! He is so stooopid that he actually became a president! Can you believe it guys!
*Entire audience bursts into laughter*
*Standing ovations*
"And to make matters worse, he is also a white male! Wow, can you believe it!? A rich white male!"
*Massive applauds*
Most people I know will REFUSE to watch these pedo satanists globalist fakers and their American hating bigotted race baiting divisive virtue signalling pap.
Thanks, user.
ive never watched or know of anyone you has watched the emmys
I mean really?
>*audience laughs for another 10 minutes straight*
I predict the lowest rating in the history of that waste of time those awards are!
I hope the emmys audience is just as annoyed with him as the rest of us
i love how people respond to this bait
either bots or new
It's going to be cringe af
Does anybody even watch tv shows anymore much less award shows praising this years latest flop sitcom?