How do you go from this?
How do you go from this?
Is that Alex Jones?
He was replaced with puppet-Jones. His excuse was that he stopped working out but nobody gets that fat that fast
To this?
super male vitality
it's the fluoride
people get old
Hey /fit/ Sup Forums anons how do I increase my bench. Im stalling out.
Damn, I need to start working out
If your body can go from that to that in just a decade and a half, I need some serious catching up to do
It's called getting old you fucking mong
crazy how nature do that
read the fucking sticky
What went wrong?
to this
what am i looking at?
Alex Jones advertises honestly
That's him 45 days later. Yeah, he's a little hairier. If that's the look you need buy it now.
paranoia about alien lizards, interdimensional child abuers and one world government raises your cortisol levels, which make you age.
best is probably to stay blue billed all your life, it is better for your health. or you have to somehow find a way to be redpilled without it giving you stress.
difficult problem.
Unless I'm missing something it doesn't say how to break through a plateau
What is the problem?
To this?
Young Alex Jones.
not gonna make it
Hairier means higher testosterone.
might be taking testosterone. it makes you look bloated and shit
From where I was in February, I feel like I've already made it
This guy gets it. (((They))) hale Alex because he is redpilling people from left, right, and centre.
Fuck you, I laughed too hard.
Aryan superstar!
He's peak male. What's the problem?
Shitting diet and stop working out,
"Aging causes obesity" is literal bluehair tumblr fatlogic
Thats not true also pic related is compelling but I think untrue
is that alex jones he is totally shredded
You really believe that someone like Alex Jones who gets things right most of the time would be allowed to run free this long? It doesn't make sense. These groups aren't stupid, they know how to do their job (except when they try to assassinate Castro but that's beside the point)
Holly shit he looks like he could play captain america better than fag evans.
Alex is always besieged, what the fuck are you talking about? If they used any overt tactics it would only prove him correct.
fucking hell. why doesn't he lose the weight again?
The man obviously needs more Brain Force
It' called fatty liver. Drink too much booze and you're starting to store load of fat in your liver and water in your tissue. Most alcoholics look bloated like Alex Jones
Alex looks like the 'the heaviest things we lift are our feels' meme on the left.
god, that makes me happy
sorry, I meant right
Because that isn't Alex Jones. "Alex Jones" is really Bill Hicks pulling an Andy Kaufman.
seen it before but had to watch it again because i vaguely remember it was awesome
The slow and cold rage of the Saxon on exhibit.
ears and jaw are different ;-;
Alex Jones April 26, 1997:
Alex Jones October, 1997:
Alex Jones in the October video does not look like the same person seen in the April video.
The popular conspiracy is that the real Alex Jones was released by stand up comedian Bill Hicks, possibly in 1997.
U r what you eat. AJ eats globalists for breakfast, hence his globe-like figure.
who this semen demon
He became obsessed with globalism. Haven't you listened to the infomercial breaks?
Alex Jones April 26, 1997:
Alex Jones October, 1997:
Alex Jones in the October video does not look like the same person seen in the April video.
The popular conspiracy is that the real Alex Jones was replaced by stand up comedian Bill Hicks, possibly in 1997.
God that killed me.
I was not expecting that.
Increase bench frequency and do more upper body hypertrophy stuff
Just a standard fat, lazy shit who used a cycle of steroids once to cheat being in shape, then immediately lost it when he stopped. I see it all the time.
bench 3 times a week + extra assistance work
Fucking Cheeseburgers done him in
Stop benching, it eventually fucks up your shoulders. Use dumbbells and don't follow the SS or 5x5 meme.
-t. Oldfag who has been lifting for a long time
Check your form and don't let the weight drop during the eccentric portion of the lift.
t. newbie also stalling out
You can tell he's still pretty big. If he stopped being a lardass he's probably still got it underneath.
T. Triggered kike
you get killed and replaced.
What is it?
Those are such weird looking punches and kicks.
This is a boy that doesn't let his "white guilt" hold him back. Whites are a whole nother class than the savages. All whites are capable of besting the savages so long as they don't give in to the indoctrination that weakens their other worldy capabilities.
I would've let young Alex dick me down I'm not gonna lie
Makes me raugh every time
>err the Saxon began to hate
the jews did this
Alcoholism and bad eating habits. It's also a conspiracy that AJ is actually Bill Hicks.
It's a lot harder to stay skinny once you hit middle age
holy sides xD LOL
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he kept eating as though he were body building, but stopped the body building part.
But honestly Alex talks about himself a lot he's probably said exactly what happened at some point on air.
I think he said something along the lines that, he just let himself go.
He's back in good shape it looks like, muscle wise, but his skin or face or whatever, never fully recovered, or maybe he still has a bit of weight on TOP of the muscle he's gained back, so maybe he's overeating or eating unhealthy while at the same time working out again.
this is all just speculation on my part.
Bone broth side effects.
white Bruce Lee modafocka lol
stop doing that to his head
that's a meme
you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
the amount of wokeness in this picture
Pfft only if you're widegripping like a weak cunt
best dumbbell routine for chest strength/size?
ive been doing just pushups/dumbbell flys and that laying down with dumbbell over the top of the head thing
to still 4x your strength and fucking your mom wife, gf and bull?
No. That's Bill Hicks.
If it looks stupid, and it works, it ain't stupid.
Right up their with "Get there the firstest withe the mostest."
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru