Hey, /pol, so I'm being faced with a decision.
>Unlike most of pol, actually have friends
>some of these friends have invited me to smoke a fat one
>Wonder how it'll effect me
So basically, I was wondering what the actual negative effects of weed are. One joint won't hurt, right pol?
>inb4 degeneracy etc
Actual negative effects of weed
weed is full of contaminants, the idiocy you see amongst users is often caused by various toxic metals, etc.
I guess have a glass of water after your joint if you care so much
Its very addicting. Fucks your brain slowly. Dont do it too much.
dont mess with it. its harmless but you might get caught by a random drug test and lose your job.
>very addicting
like sugar? or like cocaine?
The only real negative effect is you don't stop smoking it, or smoke it too much. If you treat it like alcohol you'll be fine. Would you go out in public drunk? Would you drive after drinking? Would you be drunk all day erry day? Every night?
Only if it hasn't been flushed properly and processed correctly. Fuckin Auzies.
Jews promoted the consumption of alcohol in gentiles societies in order to dumb down the youth and degrade morality. So it should be no surprise that they're pushing marijuana on our culture now.
It won't kill you. But we all react differently to it, start off SLOW and see where you go. Smoking in any form is bad for the lungs and mouth regardless, so if it's a concern, just try to aquire edibles instead.
Eat plenty of food (ideally with some sugar) and drink water before, otherwise you may feel faint.
One joint won't hurt, you'll only notice "negative" effects when you regularly smoke. These would be difficulty sleeping, irritability and anxiety when you stop smoking after a period of heavy smoking.
Have fun m8
you ever day dream really hard? That what being high is like. Stuck in day dream mode. If you smoke too much youll get shaky though, and maybe get some anxiety.
actual negative effects
>0.01%-1% chance that you are allergic and face terrible concequences
>15% chance you simply dont enjoy the sensations or you smoke too much and the sensations are overpowering and make you feel like shit
>60% chance you dont feel much of anything
>25% the addictive personality that brought you to Sup Forums causes you to over indulge and ruins your life just like too much of anything
It's less degenerate than alcohol or tobacco. It is not physically addictive but you can still develop a habit and higher tolerance if you smoke often.
> very addicting
Stop spreading Lies
have you seen niggers here lad? that's one prime example right there
Hungry happy sleepy
sugar is actually as addictive as cocaine
you'll get paranoid if you're prone to it genetically
chances are nothing will happen
It can give you "cannabis psychosis" due to high THC content.
It will deplete your serotonin levels and give you a bad depression for a while off of it (until your brain recovers).
You better hope you don't have any mental illness that hasn't presented itself yet. If they have really strong product you will get to experience your first panic attack and go down the whole of depression if you aren't careful.
Negative effects:
1. Understanding you are a small sack of decaying flesh being hurled through the galaxy .
2. Understanding you work for an hourly rate decaying in time.
3. Understanding the meaning of life is to build beyond that of your own mortality.
4. Everyday you are at peace , is a good day. But to allow tyranny that disguises itself as peace is treason.
5. Weed is not addictive , there have never been overdoes.
6. All the haters that say science has yet to determine the negative effects is cuck'd by the same government that won't allow said science to investigate....
It's a healthier way to control pain than opioids.
Take my advice, and Im stoned right now. Don't do it.
yeah but dutch education doesn't provide that information :)
Don't smoke it, that's the dumbest way to take anything.
You forgot the 100% chance that OP is a faggot.
Don't smoke a lot at once your first time, start with just 1 puff/inhale. Trust me.
t. smoked for over 10 years and suddenly quit just like I started because it started giving me bodily anxiety. I was fine for a long time and suddenly I don't like it anymore. Where I live it's legal.
>acts socially superior to me
>has to ask Sup Forums what he should do when some kids he knows ask him if he wants to smoke a blunt
Get outta my face filthy Angle scum
>trust me goy I flushed it
how many fucking times.
I smoke every day, and can give you a pretty good idea of how to use it responsibly. There are two strains of marijuana that contain THC, the psychoactive ingredient that people get high from: Indica and Sativa. The Indica strain gives you a more relaxed feeling, and is typically what the lazy stoner is stereotyped by. Indica is a great strain to enjoy before bedtime, and when combined with CBD, can provide not only a great nights sleep, but also pain relief. The Sativa strain is a much more energetic/creative/focused feeling. It is best enjoyed in small doses, when you plan on being somewhere social or for studying. Now, going back to CBD's, it is important to know that they counteract THC. This may seem counter intuitive, but the mixture of THC/CBD is great for pain relief/relaxation. You can also use pure CBD to bring you down from a high that is too strong and not enjoyable. Be very careful with edibles, as they are extremely high dose, and even a bite can get you higher than you want to be.
All this being said, it is almost impossible to do this in a state where medical marijuana is not legal. Being forced to go to drug dealers for your marijuana means you gamble what you are getting, unless they are a good dealer and know the actual strains/have multiple options. Either way you will have a good time man, just take like 2-3 hits off a joint and call it good. Don't smoke from a bong for your first time, please.
>sugar is actually as addictive as cocaine
sponsored by studies from Out of My Ass science association
>would you go out in public drunk
Lmfao who the hell says "I'm drunk, better not go outside" or the same for being high?
Don't be a pussy. You can be outside and you might feel better (or not). All that matters is that, like everything, you don't over do it.
It's just some weed. You people are such fucking melodramatic pussies about everything in life.
Brain doesn't stop developing until 21,
wait until then
Super slim chance you have some allergic reaction or a psychotic break - but if you did none of your friends are going to be able to help you or make it stop, so..deal with it.
The main concern is the same as cigarettes, or liquor to a drunkard. Just a few years down the line, one day, sitting around smoking pot all day and wondering "Why did I do this? What was the point in doing any of this?", when you no longer even have fun getting high but...well..what are you supposed to do now?
Unless you're one of those oh so common (extremely rare, don't listen to all the addicts on the internet who are in denial) people who can just "smoke on special occasions" without the desire to do it every moment of every day.
It's about as harmful as caffeine. Like anything else, it's bad in excess. Just take one puff and you'll be good.
Reported you to the local Shariah police m8
As long as it's not something you make a habit of, you'll be fine. You're better off not smoking anything at all obviously.
>Stunts brain development in those under 25
>Reduces brain volume
>Makes you an all round degenerate.
Your first time won't even work right if you're like most people. You need to try it two or three times to get really fuckin high.
In my opinion its worth trying. Its not addictive unless you have a really shit life with nothing else in it. Only try it if you trust the source, people spike all manners of drugs with opioids and whatever these days, that's the only thing you need to watch out for.
If you're interested I think its far better to just go to a place where its legal and you can get some relatively safely. You're a UKbong, so just head on down to Amsterdam.
I'm a literal addict, diagnosed F19 polysubstance abuse, been to the psych ward for drug induced psychosis, been to rehab, relapsed, the list goes on.
I was addicted to weed and a fuckton other shit. Constant use of weed could trigger panic attacks, vertigo or psychosis or symptoms similar to psychosis, now I'm just talking about my experience. I did experience the "lack of motivation" thing but I was abusing a fuckton of other shit too, not just weed.
Also vaping is the best method to smoke weed, you maximize your weed, plus you can save the already vaped weed and eat it later for a very intense body high.
Weed is good for mixing with everything, along with alcohol (except for uppers like cocaine or ritaline). Wanna take some opioid or benzo? Smoke a joint and drink and it's 10 times better. Wanna take some acid? Smoke a blunt. Wanna pop mollies? Smoke a blunt.
The list goes on.
good weed is good.
most weed is bad weed.
it will literally change the way you view the world.
can confirm
all my former friends that smoked from their teens into their adulthood and continue to do so are braindead freaks whose whole life revolves around getting stoned
Well shit I'm certainly not 21 m9. How badly can it affect development?
You should not try it, it won't hurt you but it's useless. Just... useless.
Only people who don't know how to inhale don't feel anything the first time.
Report your "friends" to the police like an adult. White men should not associate with niggardly addicts.
>it will literally change the way you view the world.
It isn't LSD bruh
Smoke it once, make sure you don't drink much alcohol and are in a friendly environment, because you're gonna feel weird and you want to be alone or at least among friens when that happens. Refrain from doing something stupid like driving a car for at least 24 hours after smoking. Not much harm done.
Do it regularly: It can fuck you up pretty seriously. It doesn't fuck up everybody, but there's enough people whom that happens to that the psych wards are full of them.
As everything: Do it with good measure.
t: a person who knows a psych ward first hand from overdoing cannabis and who fought for years to get back on track.
Neither. Food, sex, and bonding with others give you 2-3 dopamine units. Exercise may give you 1-2 if it's intense enough. Cocaine gives you about 40-50. Marijuana and alcohol give you 12-15. Marijuanas most dangerous property is that it is pure escapism, you avoid engaging with your life when you get high. I understand some people claim to use it reaponsibly, but literally every addict makes that claim: "yeah my drug works for me. It helps me relax, makes me productive" etc.
If you e never gotten high just don't do it if you think you won't be able to limit it to occasional social contexts. Don't create that reward pathway in your brain.
t. Therapist who loves getting high and disengaging from everything
Marijuana can trigger schizophrenia in people who have a predisposition for it.
user, as a pot smoker who started at 17 (now 23) dont do it. A casual fat one is how it all starts. While I'm not your typical "stoner" i do smoke everday and usually multiple times. Ive gotten to the point where the fun of it all has left but I cant stop. It's definitely a question of willpower, but something about weed just kills your willpower. Not only to quit, but to do other things as well. Politely decline user, i strongly recommend it.
You're just fucked in the head mate, can't blame the weed lol.
>weed is not addicting
This is complete bullshit. every single person that I know (and it's a lot, pretty much everyone in my city that I interact every fucking day) can't stop that shit, they say they can, but after 1 day of not smoking I can already hear them crying out "oh shit I need a joint i'm too stressed"
Don't fall for this shit
They just called round, but thankfully it was just to stone my sister to death for showing her ankles
Makes you lazy and overly comfy
Sciences have been confirmed that weed over time makes you fucking retarded.
Anyone who wants this legalized is a fucking dumbass because its only gonna get worse once it gets mass produced with terrinle fucking additives that will cause more cancer like cigarrettes only so they can sell you more organic higher quality because "hurrr muh kills cancer cells"
"They" are making money off your dumbass and anyone who says otherwise is a jew or a degenerate themselves.
Can confirm
Maybe I'm just weird, but this happens to me every time I 'start up' again. I need to do it a couple of times apart before it really hits me. And after that I get high on very little, always had very low tolerance.
What? He has a threshold to break here. Most people don't get high their first time smoking. It's typically the second time that rocks their world. So he'll definitely need more than one hit. Especially if he doesn't already have experience smoking cigarettes, he'll likely not even be inhaling the smoke properly.
Pretty much this. I smoked for some years and then got rejected by my local pd for it. I'm still sharp as a tack and physically fit (I quit a couple years back) and I don't know any negatives if you are responsible and don't walk around smelling like it. Only thing is you can't get jobs if you can't pass drug tests.
Just take a puff and see how you feel. Doing it with friends every one and a while isn't a big deal and is honestly less worse for your health than going out for drinks with friends. If you keep it a social thing you really have nothing to worry about; if you start using it personally then it's pretty easy to develop a dependency. That being said, weed is probably the easiest drug of all time to quit and it has basically no negative withdrawal effects - you might feel slightly irritable but your dreams will be amazing after you quit.
Sup Forums is easily the worst place to consult about weed, marijuana has been one of the most heavily propagandized things in American history. if this stuff had maintained the same legalities as alcohol after Prohibition there would be absolutely no stigma against it like there is now, Sup Forums is too fucking dumb to realize this. I'm not even saying it's a (((good))) thing, weed culture is definitely retarded, but it is by far the least harmful substance you can become addicted to.
People who tell you that weed isn't addictive are lying. The substance itself isn't addictive, but the effect is. Ive had friends that have gone down the pothead path becoming neets and sitting around doing nothing for years. I have a friend who is productive but smokes weed as well. He thinks everything is a joke and never takes anything seriously.
Weed makes you okay sitting doing much of nothing. That's good when you got nothing to do. It's bad when you wake n bake when you should be looking for a job.
In addition, don't smoke weed if you are low IQ; you will end up like these anons:
Be like
>when you work in an industry that doesn't drug test ever
feels good man
I'll argue: Most people who have gone to post secondary have tried marijuana or alcohol. The majority of those people no longer regularly use either.
Majority of the time, with a majority of its users, it causes chronic laziness and contempt. I also believe that substantial loss of short term memory, especially with information acquired during being high is also another downside. I noticed I was out of shape cardio wise when I smoked often, I lost my breath way sooner than before and after.
Most who smoke pot do so to forget or get away from troubles, and it's very good at that. Other than making you lazy, forgetful, and unenthusiastic, there's not much more negatives as long as you only some it in the safety of your own house. The second you go it and drive is when I have a problem with it.
Wake n Bake on a hot Sunday right before church is pretty sweet though.
Nah senpai I'm fucking one of them can't be doing that
It'll turn you into a lazy procrastinator who forgets everything and you'll smell like a skunk, you'll become a literal piece of shit, everyone successful will hate you except your loser friends who will leech off of you.
It slows your brain down, reduces general brain activity. Feels relaxing. Loss of quite wits, quick thoughts. The effects are long lasting and can be permanent. People who smoke it a lot are fucked beyound repair. Check this dope smoker.
>Ive had friends that have gone down the pothead path becoming neets and sitting around doing nothing for years
They aren't like that because of weed they are medicating because something else in their life sucks.
I know I'm going to get viciously mocked for this, but I am certain that my first and only bite of an edible nearly killed me. My heart rate was something like 150. I nearly went to emergency and would have if weed wasn't illegal, and I kept having residual symptoms for about a week after.
I do have reason to believe it may have been laced with synthetic.
I know. Cannabis can help you get rid of stress. Once it does, you get hooked. Worst thing that can happen is "amotivational syndrome", which sounds like fucking nothing, but is dead serious and very, very hard to get rid of again.
The biggest problem is that you might like it. I've been smoking weed for 23 years.
Don't get me wrong, I have a house, career & family.
Always wonder what my life would have been like if I'd never taken that first hit.
You'll be fine as long as you have a few beers beforehand.
So far most of my friends are around 28 to 30 and they are all still smoking weed, they started when they were 17 to 20 years old
None lol now go fly to space
>I do have reason to believe it may have been laced with synthetic.
Then your post should have said "i did something dumb and something bad happened"
Cannabis is the most researched plant in existence. Don't think anything comes close to it.
I got a certified IQ of 130 and I am a big 4 auditor. I go to NA meetings, I've seen lawyers, rich businessmen, doctors (VERY common), even saw a famous anchorman from my country. Addiction doesn't discriminate whether you're a 2 digit IQ nigger or a brilliant person.
Weed is mainly a meme and most of the effects people talk about are actually the effects of LSD, which I recommend you try ASAP. Weed is a lot of hassle for what is basically a sedative similar to alcohol but non toxic, but it makes you smell like weed and could lose you your driving license.
Never smoked weed, just because I don't like to inhale the smoke of a burning plant to feel better doesn't mean I'm dumb, quite the opposite actually
Then why do I feel fine on days that I don't eat sugar? Why don't I start shaking and sweating when I pour a cup of black coffee in the morning and don't stir in sugar?
You'd be right.
I found two studies on the matter and they proove jack-shit.
El zilcho experience w smoking. Pretty sure I'm able to actually inhale it though. Guessing you just breathe as opposed to sucking it
you probably would have won a nobel prize in physics
Thanks for the wisdom daddy
If you dont already smoke, you'll probably not take much in anyway.
In terms of negative effects you might feel a bit like jelly and not want to move, you might go all pale and want to be sick, you might get a bit paranoid and weirded out, and you probably get real bad dry mouth.
My advice would be if they want to smoke and then go to a bar or a club, give it a miss. But if they want to smoke and stay in play vidya, eat cheetos and watch dumb movies, go for it.
Make sure you get that glass of water or soda because dry mouth sucks so much.
Ive landed many jobs while being high. The problem is weed makes you less outgoing and everything starts to feel like a chore when you just want to get high instead. Very very bad.
Thanks for the actual insight mate
if you have to smoke weed use a vape
your lungs will thank you
Typical stoner.
Weed is Jewish propaganda to control the mind of the goy
Don't do it
So true.
Then you're saying that about every user here and that's even less than worthless. Most aren't getting it legally.
I feel fine on days that I don't snort cocaine.
I mean, are you eating 40 grams of sugar a day? also, when was the last day you didn't eat any sugars?