Lmao why do most other Americans get so pissed if you talk about lowering the drinking age...

Lmao why do most other Americans get so pissed if you talk about lowering the drinking age? I'm from a family of immigrants, my mom's french and my dad's Quebecois. By the time I was 3 or 4 my parents put wine in my juice. With in a few years I was drinking a glass of wine at most meals. At 12 or 13 I could also have beer with dinner and champagne at Christmas and other holidays. When I turned 21 everyone was like user, why aren't you going black out binge drinking with us. Because I had no reason to. I know that alcohol is not special. If we stop treating it like a forbidden fruit and just part of every day life kids will stop getting alcohol poisoning at 15

it should be 18.

although 21st birthdays are fun as fuck.

Americans all suffer from brain damage

>By the time I was 3 or 4 my parents put wine in my juice.
>parents already addicting you to the alcoholic Jew at that age

I don't think there should be a drinking age, but to buy it yourself maybe 15

>hurrrr durrrr da jooos
Literally every european and asain culture has made and enjoyed alcohol in one eay or another. Even the pagans liked their mead

Fuck dude. 3 or 4? And when you were 6 or 7 you were drinking a glass of wine with meals. Like dinner or all meals? Either way you can't make the argument that alcohol isn't special while constantly drinking.

The most disturbing part of this retarded post is why you felt it necessary to express what you did in the first two sentences. This nation is doomed.

Only at dinner. I was also taught it unacceptable to get drunk off of wine or beer. And a little bit of wine at a time gave me some tolerance and the worst I ever felt was a little giggly


Do you realy want burgers to drink early on?

But it still causes brain damage to a child

Because children are irresponsible. Teenfags love more rights to be degenerate but shirk responsibility at every turn.

Okay. You have the choice of alight brain damage or an irresponsible teen going out and binge drinking to death

we have a dumb drinking culture already
especially in the teen/college circles

Exactly. He had to separate himself from America on culture and ethnicity, just to dictate what Americans should believe.

fucking this so much

The drinking age absolutely should be 18. The problem is Reagan went full retard in his first term and threatened states with removal of infrastructure funding if they didnt raise their drinking ages to 21.

I am American. I was born here

it should be 18 just like any other country

21 is absurdly high. I think 18/19 is more reasonable.

18 to buy. None to drink if your parents let you

Another 3rd world immigrant piece of trash telling Americans that we should be more like their piece of shit country that is so awesome yet they had to flee from it.

>actually defending our garbage alcohol laws
Literally retarded.

If any state had balls they could lower the drinking age again and fund their own highways with increase alcohol taxes.

Yeah, but the only states that could pull it off are either really prosperous (Texas) or have next to no infrastructure (the Dakotas or Wyoming). WV might also be able to pull it off with their rampant alcoholism.

I always wondered: does anyone actually give a fuck about drinking age?

I mean for Russians it's like jaywalking: technically illegal, but nobody really cares.

The state doesn't need any more tax money to spend on niggers and spics and line rich jews' pockets you absolute fucking brainlet.

In America they care.... way to much.
A child can have his life ruined and get kicked out of school for underaged drinking. A restaurant or bar can be shut down for selling to kids.

>I'm from a family of immigrants, my mom's french and my dad's Quebecois
I call bullshit on that

Pourquoi user? J'ai une famille française.

That's the one thing I can't understand with the drinking age in the USA. If you are an adult at 18, why can't you drink a beer? You can legally fuck, own and drive a car/motorcycle, have a fucking house of your own, own guns and vote, but you can't drink a glass of wine.

Huh. Weird.

I still remember the day I got admitted into university and was celebrating with my new mates with a bit of drinking.

Somebody bothered to call the cops and they actually arrested us, confiscated our beer and brought us to the police station. Then they learned why we were drinking and proceded to celebrate with us. They even returned us some of our beer.

They still wouldn't let us out of the station until our parents would pick us up and get a lecture about horrors of underage drinking though.

18 for booze 25 for weed is the best option imo

Fuckin alcoholic degenerate

Because Americans are retarded. I'm 1st generation from Europe and we have a glass of wine with dinner. Americans are on opiates, SSRIs, benzodiazepines in record numbers and can't drink in moderation. They need .Gov to tell them what to do with thier bodies.

Fuck off, burger, alcohol has been consumed by every single civilization in European history. Alcohol is a great part of our culture, and European countries have a long tradition of wine and beer making.

Are your parents time travelers coming from the 18th century?

No. They told me their parents did the same thing with them

It's really not that uncommon. It's sort of a local tradition here for kids, to drink some of their parents drink, when we have a celebration or something. Like a sip of the father's beer, a glass of wine or some local drink when we are teenagers, and champagne on New Years Eve. Alcohol isn't seen as a taboo and that's fucking great.

As a Latin American I never got why the US is like that. I'm just here for college and people here feel the need to get black out drunk every single weekend. The ambulances are oustide my apartment pretty much every Saturday. Where I'm from we could pretty much buy rum at 14 and it doesnt happen nearly as much.

It's also retarded since 18 year olds can get booze just as easily anyway.

If there's one thing that's wrong here it's the drinking age.

It's repressed Protestantism and Protestantism= stupidity. Protestants believe that alcohol is bad even though Christ said to drink wine in remembrance of him.

>By the time I was 3 or 4 my parents put wine in my juice

They put wine in your juice so the neighbors could molest you idiot.

I thought it was puritains

The quakers and Puritans were involved but a lot of fundamentalists were behind Prohibition. And wow wouldn't you know that the Quakers had a corner on the OTC amphetamines market through their Pharmaceutical companies based in Philadelphia.

I was never raped

Ecclesiasticus 31:30-42 "Challenge not them that love wine: for wine hath destroyed very many.

[31] Fire trieth hard iron: so wine drunk to excess shall rebuke the hearts of the proud. [32] Wine taken with sobriety is equal life to men: if thou drink it moderately, thou shalt be sober. [33] What is his life, who is diminished with wine? [34] What taketh away life? death. [35] Wine was created from the beginning to make men joyful, and not to make them drunk.

[36] Wine drunken with moderation is the joy of the soul and the heart. [37] Sober drinking is health to soul and body. [38] Wine drunken with excess raiseth quarrels; and wrath, and many ruins. [39] Wine drunken with excess is bitterness of the soul. [40] The heat of drunkenness is the stumblingblock of the fool, lessening strength and causing wounds.

[41] Rebuke not thy neighbour in a banquet of wine: and despise him not in his mirth. [42] Speak not to him words of reproach: and press him not in demanding again. "

America should lower their drinking age, but the idea that European teenagers don't binge drink is just wrong.

There have been many studies on how the mind can block childhood trauma. Go see a Dr. and ask if they can look at your rectum with a sigmoidoscope to check for scarring.

Ah yes, the (((bible)))