Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long, I have finally awoken and taken the red pill thanks to the likes of Sargon of Akkad and Thunderf00t. How should we proceed in redpilling all of the normies so we can defeat the cancer that is the left once and for all?
Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long...
Introduce them to BASED FAGGOTS like milo
Wow, so you follow two fucking beta leeches who have latched onto the movement...
Go learn German, memorize Hitler/Goebbels speeches, memorize the Vedic Manuscript, then come back faggot. We dont want e-celeb cucks on our board.
Go fuck yourself you cocksucker.
I've never understood why people ever thought sargon was redpilled. He's just a moderate left plebeian. All you does is call out feminist extremists, he even agrees with feminism's basic principles.
Nice meme
You're posting on /pol. You ARE in beta-land.
This. Also have their girlfriends fucked and impregnated by based black men wearing MAGA hats!
I like to follow the anglin strategy. Gotta keep things simple for the dimwitted normies. So whoever's fault it is (boomers, blacks, muslims), just blame jews. This war is not about spreading truth, it's about who can produce the best propaganda.
He needs to lurk moar!
The best propaganda is the truth though
>Red pilled
Choose one
He's the gateway to race realism for many. Plus; he's aware of racial differences in IQ and isn't shy about talking about them.
The Skeptic Community is 50% Rightwing at this point. Just look at the like/dislike ratio Kraut got on his "ALTRIGHT BTFO" videos.
>The best propaganda is the truth though
Anglin's point is that this is not true. The truth is too complicated. "Blame it all on the jew" is much simpler.
>(((fellow alt-righters)))
Send them this
I'm getting sick.
Lurk more, faggot.
Sargon said nazis are bad REEEEEEEEEE! Why can't everyone be racist ?!
>Red pilled
We need people like Sargon to help redpill the white Race(not even realizing it)
However he is not the end but only the beginning
I got redpill by Sargon but then just went deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole and went 14/88 that only took me year to reach that point
Nice art.
Terrible post.
Thank you based leaf.