Pizzagate isn't rea-

Pizzagate isn't rea-

iceland btfo

Let's face it. Europe functioned best when we had kings and queens.

A lot of big money families seem to be the root

>we must preserve white cultur-


literally and unironically this

>only one thread dedicated to this
I'm ashamed of you, Sup Forums

Yeah but it was Iceland's conservatives that were doing all the pedophilia.

So what? We need to oust these sick fucks wherever we find them, regardless of political affiliation.

Yeah but supporting pizzagate with this just says that it's the conservatives doing all the child sex trafficking, not the liberals.


>This is Trump's fault
They will always find a way

party politics are secondary

the issue with pizzagate is high profile politicans getting away with sex crime, not "them damn liberals!"

Iceland's government collapsing is practically as common as the phases of the Moon.

>with (((friend)))
>talking about news
>get in to pizzagate
>friend immediately shows how passionate he is about his "non-opinion" and how pizzagate is "fake news"
>gets really upset over just the mention of pizzagate


counter kike redpill bump

Why do nuJournalists always describe things as "just" happening even when it wasnt recent?

pizzagate thread!

Also, liberal and conservative parties in Europe are pretty different that Americas parties from my understanding

>he thinks liberals and "conservatives" aren't the same bunch of degenerates

It's all your fault Kike
From spreading Christianity in the late classical age to normalizing tranny's and pedos we should of wipe out zog when we had a chance

is this the banksters revenge for what iceland did to them a few years ago?

Well what's that now? Two government collapses in a decade one for economics, one for sex. Maybe this is an argument for SOME genetic diversity, lol.

any more and the shills come in droves

You are not the only one wishing blacks to come back onto power.

Right? What the fuck is wrong with people?


How about we talk about things that actually matter, alright? Okay, I'll start. Let's talk about current US president being controlled by Russian government. At this point it's common knowledge that Russians hacked the 2016 US elections. All the authorities agree that it happened. How do we fight Trump's authority? We want America first, not Kremlin first. Putin is a dangerous dictator.

>common knowledge
you mean the easily editable data found in the dnc that pointed to russia? that even the old anons of Sup Forums knew how to change?
6/10 made me reply