Should cosmetic surgery be banned for and only allowed for trauma victims?

Should cosmetic surgery be banned for and only allowed for trauma victims?

(pic related, same girl before and after)

yes women are 9/10 perfectly amazing without any modifications of any sort

>be a solid 10/10
>gain mental illness leading you to believe some faggot with a scalpel can make you better
>descend yourself into chaos

Ayyy lmao

>Last week be studying with a THICC Conservative-leaning Egyptian Christian girl.
>Conversation about relationships and what men/women like.
>Girl complains how men are into skinny girls.
>Try to explain to her that men actually like THICC/"Healthy" looking women and that the idea of really skinny girl being the favorite is promoted by the fashion/model industry: an industry ran entirely by women and gay men who want women to look as close to mannequins as possible so the clothes they peddle look great on them.
>She couldn't understand what I was saying.

The brain wash is deep, bros.

like what, she couldnt understand someting which was what, 3, 4 sentences long? and this shit is trying to "study"?

>She couldn't understand what I was saying.

thats an american 10/10?


No, this is.

Was watching her on tv recently. She doesn't actually look as bad as the photo makes her appear. Tand shes a good deal younger before the ribs thing is freaky though.

This is

womens rights = mistake

>She couldn't understand what I was saying.
>The brain wash is deep, bros.

Consider the possibility you aren't as eloquent as you believe yourself to be.

holy shit she just gets uglier and uglier are women retarded

9/10 7/10 LUL/10

I dated a Megan-copy once. Loved to throat-fuck here on the bed. Mayor slut. Today, she has a husband and kids though, so I guess she got redpilled. Or me chasing her and her faggot around town with a chrushed bottle did the trick.

dead career general?

I'm convinced chicks always want what they don't have. Let nature give a chick firm DDD cup tits, 6'+/1.9m height, full hair to the small of her back, and the body shape of an hourglass, the ungrateful huzzy will want to be skinnier, stubbier, wish that her hips weren't so big, and wish her hair was a different color, while she has body confidence issues. Women seem to hate themselves physically, else they're so arrogant it's comical; que your fat annoying black women or smarmy valley girl for those handful of examples contrary.

I've said before that in 50 years we're gunna look back on this shit and think of how crazy it all was just like we do now in regards to lobotomies

Women hate themselves in general. That's why they love to be used and abused. They really need kids to be useful and to feel useful. Otherwise it's just self hatred all day every day.

>Not subtly suggesting she is correct and she'd be lucky to have a guy desire her and pummeling her self esteem until she thinks she's be lucky to be with a guy even as pathetic as you


Body dysmorphic disorder fucks up a lot of people. She looks almost perfect on the left. Totally disfigured herself.

I fucking hate that bimbo look. It is seeping from california into the southwest. fucking degenerate

>implying I'm gonna take typing online as seriously as I would speaking to someone.

Obviously when I was talking with her during our study session, I was more in-depth and articulate about my point. She believed that, generally speaking, men preferred women who were skinny (basically petite with some variation in bust and butt). She believed herself to be "too fat": she wasn't and she'd be considered THICC by the majority of your guys' standards (pic related). My point was that her belief was wrong and that she had the ideal body type most guys wanted. I went on to explain that her view that "skinny" > other body types was fed by an industry dominated by WOMEN and GAY MEN who want women to look as close as possible to mannequins so the clothes they peddle looks great on the people that purchase them (just like on the mannequins that they were originally designed on). They want women to look good by their standards, not by the standards of what heterosexual men want. I also went on to give scientific evidence of this (such as those universities in Texas and Turkey that determined that men actually focus on the curvature of the lower spine rather than butt size).

Again, she couldn't understand me because she was "pretty sure" that most men prefer skinny women unlike her. Hence, "The brain wash is deep, bros."

Also, in case you were wondering, we were studying nursing.

Interesting point.


Also, maybe something was wrong with her a bit mentally. I mean, she was 28yo thinking she was nearing post-menopausal.

YES, this shit needs to stop. It should be illegal and any doctor that performs these procedures illegally should have their license revoked and imprisoned for preying on a mentally unstable individual at a time of weakness.


Where are her organs in the right picture?

She looks like a blonde Scarlette Johanson on the left, and she's turned herself into the disfigured Pamela Anderson, Kardashian insane-o family look. And what is with the tiara?

I think she looks great. I can't help but admire women who would go through cosmetic surgeries to change their appearance.

We need to enforce the hypocratic oath once again. If a doctor starts butchering the body of an healthy person for money, he becomes nothing more than a butcher, and should be revoked from the board of doctors.
Whether cosmetic surgery or "sex reassignment" surgery (if that butchery can even be called a surgery) need to be banned, and those who perform them need to be eliminated.

No. If people want to spend their own money to make themselves monsters we ought to allow them to do so and let public ridicule do the rest.

What you're essentially arguing is that tax dollars ought to be collected, thinly stretched government resources allocated, and state power increased so that we can protect people from themselves. You're basically a Democrat.

Thats not thicc, that is nigger.

They have genetycaly fat ases and legs to the point of absurd.

individuals right to mutilate their own body... i would say make marketing/sales of shit like that illegal though

In her boobs.


shoop her green and turn her into female Pepe. :3