Why do niggers like stealing bicycles so much?

Why do niggers like stealing bicycles so much?

I don't get it either. I smoked weed with a black kid I went to college once and he had an entire room of bicycles in a spare bedroom in his apartment. He was totally non chalant about it too. he wasn't poor either his dad I think was involved with some record label. Niggers just cannot resist nigging.

Because it hurts whitey.

It's basically a hate crime.

Mexicans do it too, perhaps it's a low IQ thing.

And it's not even like they're smart enough to target actual valuable/expensive bikes, they just take any bike even if it's a total worthless piece of shit.

It really activates my almonds.

Somewhat to very valuable, often poorly protected, fun to ride around on, is its own getaway vehicle.

no bus fare, too lazy to walk home?

Easy money. Most bikes are worth at least a couple hundred and if no one will buy it for fear it's stolen they'll just scrap it for $$$ at a junk yard

Bullshit most bikes that are stolen, being used bikes, aren't worth that much and you make barely anything off scrap metal on a bicycle unless you have a whole fuck load of them. Most stolen bikes are either end up collecting dust or end up abandoned on the side of the road somewhere.

I guess it's a matter of choices, young people aren't allowed to work or earn little money in many ways so they often resort to easy theft to get some money and be able to live. I've stolen some bikes in the past because I was born in a poor family and I would make in this way some money to spare and do things with friends. The alternative was to stay at home doing nothing and growing to be a bitter person under my neglecting parents, and like fuck I'd allow that to happen.

If young people were allowed to work (14yo or so) most of crime caused by underaged people would just go away.

By the way, I'm not a minority (nigger, gypsy, etc) or anything like that. 100% iberian. I was just poor and had shitty parents.
That's only if you are a dumb nigger and look like you obviously have stolen that bike, which means the few dudes that will buy them will do it a very low price because they don't trust you. If you are smart and wait a while (a couple months) after stealing it and sell it for a realistic price you can make far more than nigger pocket money.

Heck, if you live next to a big city and have a big garage you could make a living stealing like ten or fifteen decent bikes a month.

Fuck, forgot to remove meme flag.

I think it's a write of passage in their savage minds. It's what prime them to steal the car.

They probably steal bikes for good luck before a car jacking.

Taking my bike violates the NAP and I'd have to use a nuclear grenade on your home.

Triple K id. What did kek meme by this. Also youre brown so theft is bred into you

the only black family on the entire block stole my dyno when i was about 12
my dad went over and raised hell to the mother of the 2 niglets since the father wasnt around obviously
she stood outside yelling about how dey ain een dunt nuffin dey good bois
my dad grew tired of that shit and walked around to the back of the house where it was, the bitch then had the gall to claim she bought that bike for them. my dad raised the frame in her black face and screamed THEN WHY IN THE FUCK IS MY NAME AND ADDRESS ENGRAVED INTO THE FUCKING FRAME BITCH?
it was a good year that year

because they are animals

Nigger here, stealing bikes is exhilarating and extremely simple to do. most people don't even realize what's happening since they're attention is being consumed by their mobile phones. In addition they can be worth quite a lot of money.


>By the way, I'm not a minority (nigger, gypsy, etc) or anything like that. 100% iberian.
What a surprise, an arab stealing a bike.


I stole a bike when I was drunk in Denmark, those guys hardly use locks and it was a 20min walk home.

It's the perfect crime of opportunity, which is why the impulsive race goes for it.. Something outside the direct view of the owner, something valuable, and it's it's own getaway vehicle.

Plus nothing makes niggers more angry inside than seeing a useful tool owned by whitey.


cause they're not human or subhuman at least. It's like when theres an earthquake, or a hurricane the first thing they would do is chimp out and steal. Thats what it really comes down to, civilizations can only be built through compassion of others. its why africa is a shithole

>a 20min walk home
Pussy, 20 minutes is nothing.

Once when I was wasted I pushed some random black dude off his bike and tried to drunkenly ride off on it. He punched me in the side of the head and I fell right off like a drunk sack of potatoes

Pajeet go back to India.


My guess would be that after stealing them, they get away faster and its an easy item to sell to a pawn shop.


>Stealing bikes so i can do fun things with my friends

seriously kill yourself you dirty arab

Guess who owns bikes? poor people. Rich people arent going around taking their bikes to the job. You are just fucking over other poor people by stealing their bikes. I seriously hope you die in a car crash.

Are you 15 or retarded? Any bike in a nigger infested hood is from walmart so it cost $60 brand new. Dumshits who steal bikes don't own trucks to drive stolen shitbike to a metal recycler. If a recycler would even take a bike, you might get $2 for it. Fuck off, window-licker.

Yeah but why walk when I could steal some Danes bike?

Someone has to keep the brits being bad tourists reputation up.