Why arnt you buying bitcoin?

Why arnt you buying bitcoin?

-Not tied to monopoly money governments
-Limited supply
-Still in its very early stages
-Proven strength to survive fake news "china ban"

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cause I don't know where to buy them. Where should I buy my bitcoin OP?

Coinbase. Easy to use, Allows CC or bank account purchasing, and you can pull it off to a private wallet at anytime if you are paranoid about hacking.

Bitcoin has a great tech and the concept is fully legit, but its price fluctuates so hard that it's of little practical use, unfortunately. At least for now.

Coinbase app is the easiest and best uder friendly gateway for someone with little knowledge on the subject. You can then movce to Bittrex/GDAX and other trading platforms if you continue down the road.

This fucking keyboard, man.
*User friendly, does have high(ish) fees tho' compared to trading platforms

>tfw didn't buy during the dip

Litecoin > Bitcoin

Get apps, watch the market. Buy low, hold / sell high. Rinse and repeat. Follow the news and don't put in what you can't afford to lose.

Because I'm a risk averse pussy and am content putting my money into a roth 401k

I wouldn't mind gambling with some BTC though

>Allows CC or bank account purchasing
Isn't a CC a requirement?

When was the last one?

last week

because i dont catch falling knives. soon will be the last chance to see it under $2000 for our entire lifetimes


BTC and most coins dropped 30%
Rising steady since then

It's buy high sell low, you idiot

There's a dip of 3.7k now from 5k after fake news WSJ reported from "user source" that china is banning bitcoin trading.

(Problem with that is, they arent, and "user sources" have reported china is banning bitcoin 5 times before.)

So now its a good time to buy with a 5-10 year investment in mind.

because they aren't made of literal physical gold.

Because Brock Pierce is a pedophile.

with your society so near collapse, im surprised you havent figured out yet that the only risk is you are doing what all the other sheep are doing, you pussy

They are digital gold in the sense that there is a limited supply. Gold is nice parallel to bitcoin but can't be traded instantly or electronically.

Bitcoin does four things autonomously
1) Issuance
2) Execution
3) Clearing
4) Settlement

See a pattern here? That is the job of every (central) bank in the world. Why is Jamie Dimon anti Bitcoin? Because Bitcoin does all those things better than him. It is a competitor to his system.


How much does Coinbase charge for using a Credit Card?

You can buy bitcoin without any bank account and identity verification if you simply meet in person with a seller from LocalBitcoins

4% convenience fee.

Like 3 or 4 percent. And after you get your checking account cleared it's 1% I think. Very low fee.

But gold can't be created from thin air.

Because I buy ETH. Flippening soon.

I can walk backwards as fast as you can.

and with JP Morgan an co' claiming BTC is a friuad, you can bet it's going places


Fuck it I just added a CC and bought the max of $150 in BTC

owned by a jew

Why do you think that?

The people who started etherium mined millions of ETH for themselves before opening it up publicly, which smells very fishy

>meet with the feds from LocalBitcoins

Because I don't know if Bitcoin has staying power, or if it will be the MySpace of coins.

I personally have all my money invested in solid gold, which I keep buried around my property

>Idiots here think shorting is over

isn't bitcoin limited? what incentive will there be for bitcoin miners?

>mfw not sure if on /biz/ or on Sup Forums

Lower transaction fees, and Bitcoin's price is falling while LItecoin is increasing in value.

It's mooning soon though. I'll be retired by 30.

Just this week bought my first wedge on coinbase from the UK. Just had to use an account that could send Euros to the coinbase IBAN with a reference to avoid transfer fees.

Paid £2900 each - not the best timing, but my intent is to hold for 5 years.

Bitcoin is limited to 21 Million coins.

To generate a Bitcoin you need to put in a lot of electricity to mine it, so it is much harder to create than just turning on the money press.

When we are finally done mining it (calculated to happen around 2140), miners will be incentivized to mine because they will be able to live off of the transaction fees. They are already getting transaction now, on top of the block reward.

Every 10 minutes on average the miners mine a block and get 12.5 Bitcoin + all transaction fees in the block as a reward.

In 2020, they will only get 6.25 + all transaction fees in the block as a reward.

In 2024, they will get 3.125. Four years after, half of that. Etc. etc.

Right now, you can send $100 or $10 million for $0.10 to $0.50, since the mempool (the place where all unconfirmed transactions go) is pretty empty (blockchain.info/nl/charts/mempool-size). A tx with enough fee will take 10 minutes on average.

The fees are denominated in Bitcoin though, so if 1 bitcoin would be worth millions, you would be paying a higher fee.

Or if the mempool is very full, you would also be paying a higher fee. This year at the very height of business sometimes you had to pay a $4 fee to get your transaction through very quickly.

They earn transaction fees when mining.
e.g. the most recent block they got 0.31825496 BTC + the usual 12.5 .

Non-Physical Currencies are part of the "Globalist endgame" to make sure the public can never feel & hear the money they earn.

[Archives: archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ ]

The central banker types will eventually be pushed out & replaced by digital banker types.

i have 13k i just dropped into it hope thats enough wish i was a nerd that mines this gay shit and got in early

There is a large overlap between /biz/ and Sup Forums. Mainly because of the mutual dislike of jewry.

Bitcoin is global money. Not globalist money. Pretty big difference.

It's a pyramid scheme.

If you bring more people to use bitcoin they gain market value and you can sell yours for more real money. So if you want your bitcoins to be worth more you have to get more people to use them.
Eventually it'll fail like every pyramid scheme.

What makes you think I haven't, OP?

Because It's controlled by the jews

I get paid in Bitcoin for writing and translating articles for foreign blogs. Mostly because bank fees are outrageous when transferring shit even to Paypal.

Hmm... really makes you think.

>isn't bitcoin limited?
What about all the new cryptos? There are a lot of them with new ones cropping up all the time.

Lot's of things go up in price. As I'm posting from the UK let's use the example of house prices.
You wouldn't try to argue houses are a pyramid scheme?

Problem is that chart is from historical data based on stocks, which bitcoin is not. It's a decentralized ledger / currency

We're going to $500k, you're good.

What I mean by Bitcoin is a global currency and not a globalist currency is that nobody can stop you from transacting Bitcoin. Nobody can turn off or freeze or take your money.

Bitcoin still safeguards the principles of a peer to peer cash exchange.

>using bitcoins
>at nsa era

Why are you ignoring my questions?:

Despite the price, is it worth investing like 30$ a week for a year and wait months until you get at least 25$ in return or cash in the profits only Everytime you get 25% back Everytime it happens

Why does that make a difference? A company is at least worth the liquid value of its assets. Bitcoin valuation is entirely based on confidence.

>We're going to $500k, you're good.
John McAfee thinks so:

Bitcoin isnt a company either, It's an entirely new system of ledging value of which has never been seen before.

Yes, people need to have confidence in it for it to work, but it seems that confidence is unshakable at this point even after a barrage of government, central bank, and fake news attacks this month

That's called dollar cost averaging, if you can stand to lose the money if everything goes wrong you could consider doing it.

Take some time to learn about Bitcoin. The more you know about it the less scared you'll be.

It's a clone of bitcoin with faster average block time (2.5 minutes vs 10 minutes), is developed by others and already has more functionality than bitcoin (lightning network).

But the real answer is to buy ETH

Welcome to fiat money, which is only valuable because people accept it and your government forces you to use it.

kewl thanks

ive heard people say its a cia black project itisamystery.jpg

$30 a week is a smart amount to invest each week. I personally put in $100 a week but thats because its the most I can afford without feeling the effects on my bank account

you can still buy it, it'll go up to at least $50000 before it crashes to 0

Wouldnt you do the same? Why create a currency if you arent going to hold onto a ton before it blows up?

Well the problem is as soon as they drop their holdings, others will catch on, do the same, and tank the price.


Would you care to elaborate?

They only sell a bit to cover their costs. Why would they ever crash their own currency when they can expect it to increase in value, just like it did over the past few years?

>ive heard people say its a cia black project itisamystery.jpg
Read new order of barbarians

Oh, thanks.

Also; which kind of globalists created bitcoin, the authoritarians or the utopians?

that's true. But still, gotta start somewhere

Why aren't you buying eOra?

Digital currencies have the backing of both types.

Any crypto besides bitcoin is not solid. Bitcoin is the only coin universally used and tried&true value. Anyone can make a coin, but unless it has practical usage then its basically worthless.

>not tied to monopoly money
um, no sweetums, the only way to "buy" buttcoins is with monoploy monies.

& once you buy those bitcoins, you are break off from the monopoly money scheme & enter a new world of currency :)

>-Not tied to monopoly money governments
People will give me food if I give them that monopoly money.
>-Limited supply
Causes extreme value inflation to the point it's denominated to mBTC and μBTC. Possibly even nBTC later. There are arguments to this being both good and bad.
>-Still in its very early stages
Which means the only people using it are tech companies, black markets, and hobbiest spergs.
>-Proven strength to survive fake news "china ban"
Control's an inevitability: you get make it appealing enough for merchants and politicians to control, they'll dump ludicrous amounts of resources into arresting control. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized systems, but they're still use systems that are far easier to control.

I'm not opposed to the idea of a digital currency, since it has clear advantages over physical.
Since the code for Bitcoin is open-source, it's possible to create alternatives. What changes would need to be made to thwart the intentions of (at least the authoritarian) globalists?

My ideas:
- currency with an integrated darkwallet.
- storing bitcoins on wallets in chips on EMV credit/gift cards.
- recirculating currency that's been out of circulation for extended periods due to lost/destroyed wallets.

The top 1% own about 35% of all U.S. dollars.

The top 1% own about 92% of all bitcoins.

It's almost like a currency you can legally speculate and pump-n-churn is easy for rich people to wrangle control from.

Im fucking poor god damn it I would have to empty my bank account to afford one imaginary dollar

I thought this shit was so dumb when it firstvcame out

Why am I not buying China's second currency?

You can get a whole one with your bank account? You're doing better than me.

And that is assuming every single bitcoin account is owned by a different person. A smart rich person has their wealth spread over multiple accounts so they can't lose it all if they get hacked. The top 1% of people probably control closer to 95-98% of coins.

>implying Satoshi didn't do the same thing


Bitcoin is a fractal bubble. That pattern has repeated 3 times already. It will probably bubble a couple times more.

There's gotta be some guy with a couple hundred accounts so he can artificially drive the currency up or down when it serves him.

>Why arnt you buying bitcoin?

1) Expensive

2) Has no uses beyond an instrument of speculation

3) I don't want to bid up something to make other people wealthy

4) I'm content to continue investing in index funds

>all money becomes digital
>the NWO steals it all with a keyboard
>commence world slavery

For 3, you can put buy orders in that's like $20 below current market price and it effectively bids down. There's a reason there's buy orders for 100 BTC by some rich guys that's like $300 below the average.

You do know that you can buy a tiny fraction of a bitcoin, right? You could buy $1 worth, pretty much no matter how high the value of a single coin gets.

Saw a youtube video with the McAfee character.
He explained that most hacks don't come gradually, but they come in a ketchup like effect. That when it is noticed, it is already over.

He then went on to explain how Bitcoins can be hacked - not through the blockchain.
But through the devices, if one can hack your device, so the hacker can see your screen, he can get access to your bitcoin, or wallet..

If you have large sums of money in bitcoin, there is a significant possibility that someone can target you out, and hack your device.
It could also happen on a broader scale, once the proof of concept has been established. Then a virus can be made, targeting the bitcoin community.

>It could also happen on a broader scale, once the proof of concept has been established. Then a virus can be made, targeting the bitcoin community.

It's already happened. Several forms of ransomware check your computer for bitcoin wallets and empty them.