Netherlands WTF

I though The Netherlands was liberal?? WTF?

Why these are forbidden there?

"The Netherlands[edit]
Amanita muscaria and Amanita pantherina are illegal to buy, sell, or possess since December 2008. Possession of amounts larger than 0.5 g dried or 5 g fresh lead to a criminal charge.[119]"

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Why the fuck would you want to take these in first place when you can just have psilocybin mushrooms?

stop being a degenerate druggie faggot

Amanita muscaria aren't a psychedelic typtamine like most other mushrooms, they're a deliriant that cause sever confusion, hallucinations impossible to distinguish from reality, anger,dysphoria and other negative effects.
Even if they were legal very few people would want to take them.

Tourists kept drowning in the moats thinking they're fish, and kept jumping off of buildings believing they can fly.

They cannot taste the flesh. Only it's substitute.

You go insane from them, real fast.

They are downers and hallucinogenic, viking bullshit is bullshit

Don't worry user. You can still drink the piss of a user and get high, man.

Very cool to look at, however a shit tier drug.

>eating fly agaric mushrooms
Those ones will make you feel ill and give you a bad trip, damage your liver and possibly kill you. There is a wood near where I live where loads of them grow, only a retard would eat those to get high

or maybe reuse my own piss forever -> profit?

Then let's take some and go into a sauna, see who comes out alive, if any. Dumb chink.

I don't pity anyone stupid enough to eat an amanita muscaria expecting to have a stereotypical psychedelic experience.

Do your own extensive research before ingesting any substance and then think about if it's worth experimenting with. It takes a bare minimum amount of effort to google "mushroom red with white spots trip" and find out it's a dysphoric deliriant that will fuck you up.

If people thought twice about any substance they wanted to try and educated themselves on what will happen if they ingested said substance, we could legalize all drugs. But people like to remain ignorant and either miss out on some spectacular experiences or become uncontrollably addicted/dependent.

what a terrible waste of numbers

Poisonings maybe?

this. I hear that they can kill you unlike Pscilocybe Mushrooms.

They can't kill you. They're not very fun, though.
Better than sobriety, but not very fun.

Too many tourist kept dying

its untrue, the use of all drugs are decriminalized

you can grow shrooms just not dry and sell them

capcha:gibbs blava

Maybe not kill you, but fuck up your liver and brain certainly.

4it is the law;

you are supposed to make a thee from the caps only after removing some toxic parts

Have tripped on these fuckers, way better than those weedlmao shrooms all retards use.
Its called röd flugsvamp where i come from, the white ones are straight down deadly
Just more important to cook/dry them bcs they can hurt your liver otherwise.
>Inb4 dude its viking shrooms make u go berserk

you can buy any kind of drugs form the comfort of your own home in every country in the world you idiot.

So the related species (Amanita Phalloides) is the one that contains AMOTOXINS that literally dissolves the liver as it turns out. What's significant is that boiling those kind of mushrooms does NOT decrease toxicity. Stay safe anons. But I'd recommend ingesting Pscilocybe Mushrooms instead and you can identify them easily with a purple spore print.

Boil?? Use the fucking oven. And fuck off mr kanker

The Netherlands is liberal by the American definition of liberal, not by the European definition.

OP's mushrooms Will literally kill you niggercuck

It is used as A FOOD in russia after boiling, faggot

What was it like and why is it better than the usual hippy shit?

That's an amanita muscaria in the OP, not an amanitia phalloides

American education right here folks!

Truffles are still legal though. One of the best days of my life was eating your royal beluga truffles on a burger and walking through a park in Amsterdam

amanita muscaria is a shitty trip desu

The truffles work, you will go on a Lil trip.

>swedish education
Those shrooms are poisonous, you won't get them anywhere

I FUCKING KNOW THAT YOU DUMB FUCKING NIGGERS. The RELATED SPECIES can be very poisonous however, specifically AMANITA PHALLOIDS. Pic related is from another toxic class that can be mistaken for amanita muscaria if you're a retarded Finn/Slav and will KILL YOU because of it's Amotoxins which are very heat resistant.

>you won't get them anywhere

except they grow literally everywhere

Because they're pure poison.

Amanitas aren't psilocybin

and yes, I understand the vector of how psilocybin works, but amanita is like the salvia/spice mixture to psilocybin's weed.

ULTRAMASSIVE faggot, fuck off:

"The toxins in A. muscaria are water-soluble. When sliced thinly, or finely diced and boiled in plentiful water until thoroughly cooked, it seems to be detoxified.[65] Although its consumption as a food has never been widespread,[115] the consumption of detoxified A. muscaria has been practiced in some parts of Europe (notably by Russian settlers in Siberia) since at least the 19th century, and likely earlier. The German physician and naturalist Georg Heinrich von Langsdorff wrote the earliest published account on how to detoxify this mushroom in 1823. In the late 19th century, the French physician Félix Archimède Pouchet was a populariser and advocate of A. muscaria consumption, comparing it to manioc, an important food source in tropical South America that must be detoxified before consumption.[65]"

How can you ever mistake a bright red mushroom for an off-white one?

"Use of this mushroom as a food source also seems to have existed in North America. A classic description of this use of A. muscaria by an African-American mushroom seller in Washington, D.C., in the late 19th century is described by American botanist Frederick Vernon Coville. In this case, the mushroom, after parboiling, and soaking in vinegar, is made into a mushroom sauce for steak.[116] It is also consumed as a food in parts of Japan. The most well-known current use as an edible mushroom is in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. There, it is primarily salted and pickled.[117]"

amanita philloids =/= amanita muscaria

You CAN eat the amanita muscaria. I'm not saying you cannot.
You CANNOT eat the amanita philloids. I'm saying that you can't eat that.

*in stores, just go for truffles

>amanita philloids

Pic related: Amanita Philloids, not mentioned by OP or anyone else (except another amerifat), only YOU

>it's the retarded Finn isn't it?
Lauren Southern is Jewish deal with it.

tell us even more about amanita philloids

Well, if you were to follow my posts, then you'd see that I mentioned Amanita Philloids AFTER another user answered me that Amanita Muscaria were not in fact poisonous, but very shitty. If you autistic Northern European bastards are too fucking autistic to understand what anecdotal conversations are, then I suggest you not interfere when one is having one with another. Because the discussion of WHAT POISONOUS MUSHROOMS are out there came up, I thought it'd be an appropriate context in which to MENTION those mushrooms that in fact ARE POISONOUS and why they are poisonous (the more you know, right?). Jesus! And I though evangelical Christians were fucking dumb. As it turns out, Finngols win that prize and the only reason more people don't shit on you people is because you people live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere where even the sun doesn't go. But please, I think you should eat a few Amanita Philloids- they would do the nations of Finland a great service.

tell us even more about amanita philloids

>>Death Cap
That shit will KILL YOU!
It is POISON and not a drug!

Don't help the Jew kill you.

I haven't been to the Netherlands as an adult. How hard is it to get acid? Can I buy it in places I like more than Amersterdam?

Hey, did you know that Vikings used to take handfuls of them before going on a pillage? Like, they believed that it gave them special powers n shieeet. Just imagine being on the receiving end of that shit!? Fucking kek I feel sorry for Medieval Europe having to face the wrath of Dindu Vikings.

sami shamans do that stuff
>actually feeding it to reindeer
>then drinking it's piss

that shit destroys your kidneys really fast, unless you get a reindeer to eat it and use it's kidneys as a filter, drinking it's piss

Death caps are all white.....

Idk how tf you can mess up simple mycology.

Dude, don't be a puss. If you norwegian cunts are too pussy to even eat a mushroom, which I might add is totally safe if properly dried, how will you ever defeat jamal and ahmed?

aren't those the mario mushrooms that make you hallucinate?

we call them flymushrooms
white and red flymushrooms

Tourists (mostly british and fr*nch) kept killing themselves on it so the government decided to deny a man his steak because you babies couldn't chew it.

>Amanita Phalloides

Inhibits RNA polymerase II and your cells stop synthesizing proteins.

Check this out. Good read.


I've eaten them in a dark wood. 100x better time than getting stuck with a Jew dosing for the first time who complained about his father for 2 hours than took off all his clothes and insisted we call the police or take him to hospital. The displacement visions are like the ones you have during a long high fever.

Isn't that a Panther amanita in the pic?

>drinking reindeer piss to get high
Just cook it as a stew. It's not nearly as good as psyclobin, though. It does the job, but it's got spikey, unpleasant edges to the trip that you don't get with cubensis.

I saw a shaman open some sort of orange portal using redcaps, however. That you can't do with shrooms.

I've eaten flein when I was a teenager
the kids make tea out of them, they grow now soon on the first night of frost.

Usually at cementaries, some spots at some cathedral ruins too and some places in the forest. They always show up the same places, it's named after an old hooked arrow type

flein was kinda strange, I had never done drugs before except of cannabis then, I was either 17 or 18 I think. I know people that have gone nuts on that shit too, but these other mushrooms there are really dangerous.

How does eating them in a stew compare to eating dried redcaps?

Was not this law enacted because some goofy Jewess tossed herself from a roof and her family blamed the mushroom rather than she just being completely mental?

Chinks love mushrooms that grow out of caterpillars.

Because some drug tourists couldnt keep it together and started jumping off roofs and out of windows thinking they could fly.

Damn foreigners always ruin it.

boiled piss, I think I'll pass on that too user

There was this tv program with...
I don't remember really, but I think it was 3rd hand because the shaman was dead

But they were lit thinking they were flying all over the place and so when they drank that shit, so it must be really powerful. Something about mad hallucinations and the sky. It's years since I saw it so I don't remember what the program was called even

shhhhh. It's not toxic but I don't want these non-mycologist faggots to be eating my mushrooms. They're all poisonous as far as it concerns them. It's muh sekret club and esoteric knowledge. But you're right.
The all white caps are usually the really poisonous ones (see ) just like that user said.

>be choinaman
>see something disgusting
>I got to eat that, it's healthy!
>eats it

it most likely is

it would have weird chemicals in it

who knows what the effects are?

it's not completely retarded

its more like half retarded

It's the difference between dried cubensis and fresh i.e. not much. It goes down easier fresh, in my opinion. More palatable. I found it a very cold high, almost like a dissociative.
I was up in Lapland looking for the King of The World. I'd heard that the shamans could call down archons, so was hoping we could use that ttrick to find this mythological entity, if he even exists at all.

Well, didn't find him, obviously, but I did get to witness a dude split the sky with an orange portal through which I could see another skyline. Archons rushed out of the portal, which was fascinating, maybe moreso as the lanky shaman completely ignored them. I wasn't high btw, but he was, holy shit.

So, yes, if you know what you are doing they seem to be extremely powerful indeed.

>Chinaman visit US
>I eat all the mushroom I see!
>Eats Amanita Phaliodes because it looks like verwy famous straw mushroom
>Gets entire family sick

maybe I'll pay attention to the temperature now
once it hit below zero which might lit be tomorrow, I'll go and pick flein without the pigs watching me

nah I'm too old for this.
On a sidenote though, there are references to this a couple of places in the sagas actually.
It says they were sitting there and tripping and drinking, ture as it's called here. Lit go for a walk/trip

all their stuff is based on superstition this very day, it's weird when they have had the means to research this stuff for decades
this has happened with other foreigners here, picking mushrooms around these times and get the wrong types. It happens on rare occasions with typically inexperienced locals too.
I remember a few years ago an entire family almost died of kidney failure because of this. There are two kinds off food mushrooms I dunno anglo for, that they usually pick wrong
One is named kantarell the other steinsopp(stone mushroom)
lol sounds pretty trippy


kanttarelli in finnish? chantarelle?

You are correct. I think you didn't get replies, because people believe that you're joking.

flag get

Chanterells are so good.

Wow, nice culture there. Getting high on mushrooms and pillaging villages while living in mudhuts.

Are you the so called master race I've been hearing about?

yeah that's the kind all rite
>go away fuckers
>I haven't picked any mushrooms!
every year typically kids and a few druggies get caught for this stuff, chances are basically zero to get caught though


yep. Sauce made with chanterelles, onion and cream, served with meatballs.

I suddenly feel myself extremely hungry.

>Getting high on mushrooms and pillaging villages while living in mudhuts.
You say that like it's a bad thing but it all sounds pretty sweet to me

Which countries have the best wild mushroom foraging culture?

Those things grow wild by the millions here in Michigan. I could literally collect 500 lbs of them in a day.

>Why these are forbidden there?

Because tourists cannot behave. Also Christian politics...

I forgot link
>Two men arrested with flein mushrooms by the police in Volda
>It was around noon that two men in their 30ies was stopped and checked in Volda.
>They were arrested with a minor amount of flein.
>The police says they are both reported for the offence(implying their will be fined or whatever)

it's like 6 million of those
I have never heard of anyone dying of this stuff though

eating these would cause immense nausea and painful hallucinations.

tfw cubensis grow within 5 miles of you

>painful hallucinations.

Well, of course. I would not expect any less from a Muslim

These are psychoactive, right? I think they're called 'kaalkopjes' (bald heads) here.. It's only illegal to trade in them though, not to pick them for yourself.

yeah those exist , try one if you fancy it so much amanita muscaria can easily be found

>be dumb fin
>goes to the netherlands to try mushrooms
>wants to try Amanita muscaria instead of psychedelic truffles which are pretty much the same as psychedelic mushrooms
>goes on Sup Forums to complain about it