What happens when Google cracks Bitcoin and steals your $$$?
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Having a quantum computer does not necessarily mean cryptography becomes useless
no it means people with money still have the money, fucking retard
Does it mean you'll only be able to secure anything using a quantum computer?
there are encryption methods uncrackable to quantum computer. look up quantum resistant ledger
How does cracking Bitcoin steal dollars? You mean steal your Bitcoin?
Anyway, SHA-256 is not quantum resistant, but there are measures you can take to keep your Bitcoin secure from quantum attack. All you have to do is not re-use an address, if your public key is never revealed for an address that you have funds in, it can never be subject to a quantum attack. Most wallets already create a new address after each time you receive coin, so users are largely already protected.
>huge computers, just like the old IBM 360 with 64 kb memory - or the RAMAC
>we now have immensely higher computing and storage capabilities
>within decades, people will be astonished by seeing how an ordinary quantum computer could ever be that big
the third digital age is about to begin
The technojews are going too far.
they would not steal it in literal sense, but would mine insane amounts and would raise inflation
Physicist checking in. There is a lot of work to be done in that regard still, we won't the relevant stuff within the next 10 years. However, with current technology you can make these things already roughly the size of 2-3 regular computers with a power consumption of 1000-2000W (the cooling system needed).
Quantum computers literally don't work yet. They handle optimization problems that have so many factors that it's impossible to find the perfect, correct answer. Instead they are paired with conventional supercomputers so they can find multiple "good" answers. Right now major entities buy and share quantum systems literally just to play with them. As of a year ago, the "most accurate" quantum computers were only 60% accurate... which is fucking useless from a computational perspective.
"Y-your bitcoins will be worthless" said increasingly nervous man
10tell the tale;
Asymmetric cryptography is garbage anyway. One time pad or nothing.
Fucking khajiit stealing all the womens like they stole all my gold.
>One time pad or nothing.
This. Quantum computers won't crack synchronous encryption nor the quantum encryptions. At most, they are only useful for doing scientific calculations.
Valenwood/Elsweyr hype
Not really though because gamebryo
And making time phones.
>Having anything at all to do with quantum computing
It's literally uncrackable, deal with it. Also can't be hacked like all your smartphone bullshit.
I still have hope they'll change course and make TES VI: AkaVIr.
Once SHA256 becomes crackable, even within it's first instance by a quantum supercomputer, investors will start mass offloading the bitcoin. The bitcoin will quickly lose a whole chunk of value and then it will slow down a bit as useful fools buy up "buy when it's low to sell high". Expect some shady shit to happen once a government agency can manipulate and inject fraud into the blockchain.
People will lose trust in the currency fast, and with it goes the value. With news of this reaching the surface the coin will quickly plummet towards zero, especially since a lot of the value of the coin comes from tax evasion and criminal transactions.
its just a cool name bro
its also incredibly impractical you retard
QC along with AI are memes
any physicist or mathematician worth his chops knows this
Google has a fucking AI built off every person using their services.
what exactly is an AI friend?
I think you meant to say google does lots of linear algebra really quickly because they have lots of compute power
google is gay
They have an AI that tries to predict the future based off events unfolding.
quantum computers are useless shovelware at this point in time
Human brain confirmed for unique, sorry people of the distant future
Not even an issue...changes can be made before anything becomes a threat and even if they did attack it they would be wasting their time because it would be resisted almost instantly