Post solutions to the Muslim problem
hard mode
>no genocide
Post solutions to the Muslim problem
hard mode
>no genocide
Ban Islam.
Conversion in exchange for immigration. Send back or lock up all suspected extremist.
That's where you're wrong, burger. Muslims haven't allowed this degeneracy to penetrate their societies.
wat is Taqiyya?
reformation/ban of islam cancer
forced bacon buffets
join in, convert to islam
proxy wars
Wall them in.
Outright ousting and sever punishment for those proven to still practice Islam. Or just make them eat porkchops and blood sausage once a month.
Who's gonna pay for it? Genocide would be better. What about all the wasted land?
RIP vegetarians
fuck vegetarians too, they are on the same tier.
Top kek, Germany was able to pervert and Twist ANY ideology and Religion thrown at it. Just wait until we pervert Islam till you cant recognize it anymore
Only weaklings eat meat they haven't scored themselves
>be poo
>call someone weakling
Have your people ever won some sort of combat sport trophy? Come to think of it, have you won anything other than cricket?
Women are the only ones who would hedonistically break away from Islam. Muslims have done a pretty good job at keeping them in control
So install police states if hard mode is too hard and fight civil wars later.
Is there enough will to get rid of this cancer?
It's not genocide when they aren't human.
Yeah, the famous last words.
1000 year reich and whatnot.
I would not trust Germany at it at all. They have pretty bad record of losing.
Heard of Sikhs, Mauryas, Raajputs? Our people didn't go out and conquer land from others, we didn't need to. I do admit, though, that we're being a bit too passive in the Indo-Pak issue. Just nuke those roaches already.
kill the alphas
teach feminism
Ban halal meat
> teach feminism
> go extinct
If you break the law you have to go back. Then they can kill each other in their desert wastelands for all I care.
It will be you who at one point wants to break the law. Laws are subject to change, user.
build a wall around them and wait till the innocent are killed off and bomb the shit out of the leftover muslims.
You think they have the capacity to peacefully evacuate a country just because their religious needs aren't met? Niggers might even pull a synchronised allahu ackbar across the world
Get rid of the jew problem and all other problems will melt with it.
Why wait. Just march in to protect the democracy at some point.
why wait when you're going to bomb the shit outta them anyways? American education
irreversible. The Islam propagation is self-sustained at this point
You are right, muslims are not peaceful and thus will not leave peacefully. So an islamic uprise will likely occur and that would be an excuse for military intervention.
> uprise
Nope, just crime. Murders, rapes, shit like this.
All those "muslims" countries in Europe have less muslims than you though, does that make you a muslim country?
We hate the muzzies though. They know they can't pull off shit like London here. If they do, mob lynching ensues. Our based PM Modi is also dropping massive redpills in his speeches. They live in Ghettoes and rarely interact with the Hindu community.
>They live in Ghettoes
Gee, I wonder what Indian ghetto means...
This. Very good solution.
Deport them to Madagascar and surround
them with millions of naval mines and CIA Dolphins
Northern Ireland is 99% white
It's still part and parcel of the UK
Feminism does jack shit there.
2 options only:
open and hard fight
> Post solutions to the Muslim problem
Grow a pair.
We need somehow trick UN and other like this organizations, later open full colonization these lands and ultra polonization pogro...programs. Helpful will be also among with polish colonist spread ziononists to share europe, middle east and africa between great Poland and great Israel. + leave alone slavic and balts states, hungary and finland.
Leave Scotland out of that image please
Were too poor for the muslims to come here, they all go to England where they get more benefits
nice literal shit posting
No shilling pls, Muhammed
Did we float into the sea or what.
Not the worst plan for escaping sweden desu.
Why don't you send all Muslims to Pakistan? They get a Muslim country, shouldn't you get a Hindu country?
>Or just make them eat porkchops and blood sausage once a month.
That doesn't mean anything.
>There is a consensus that whomsoever is forced into apostasy and chooses death has a greater reward than a person who takes the license [to deny one's faith under duress], but if a person is being forced to eat pork or drink wine, then they should do that [instead of choosing death].
Deportation, slavery or genocide final answer.
Genocide is a perfectly valid solution.
You know how hard it is to send people to Pakistan? There are fucking international laws that says, that just there is a small chance they get a rift, you can't send them there. That's the kind of shit Europe is facing right now.
Denmark should be black