Name one reason trans "people" should be allowed to live
Name one reason trans "people" should be allowed to live
Can't think of one but
How I've redpilled normies on transkids
Ask them to pick a number between 6-10 ( Age bracket with highest occurrence of transgenderism reported to pediatricians)
Any number will do just fine, but let's say 7.
Ask them if they know what any of the hormone treatment/ puberty blocker side-effects are? Let's go with permanent infertility, shit bone density, brain development(no puberty=no frontal lobe growth spurt). Tell them no wrong answers just be honest
Is it reasonable to allow a 7 year old child to make a decision that will permanently prevent them from ever having their own biological children? Trusting someone with only 7 years of life experience under their belt to fully understand all the implications of that choice and what comes with it and that they won't ever be able to their change mind at any point in the future? Rinse repeat using invariable side-effects, maybe throw in sexual consent as well
Ultimately they discover that it's hard to argue that a 6-10 yo is cognizant enough to fully grasp the long term irreversible consequences that will change them psychologically and physically for life. This is where normies start entertaining the idea that maybe it is pretty wrong for kids to be offered these medical treatments. probably because they remember how retarded they were at that age and how making a decision like that could effect their lives today if they'd been offered the same choice back then.
tell that to this Navy SEAL
I'm very sorry he didn't get the help he needed in time.
strawman. most sane people are against children undergoing a sex change. there are exceptions, for instance there are some genetic syndromes present in humans that correspond to faulty transmission of the sex cell line....For example there are some people who have XXY, XXX, and XYY. These people are known as 'intersex' individuals. On the other hand 'transexuality' is a psychological phenomenon that doesn't necessarily correspond to a biological intersex chromosomal condition. But it could. If you are going to make points about these issues maybe educate yourself about the biological processes and phenomena that occur in humans first.
pretty sure she (Combat Veteran Navy SEAL) doesn't need your help.
Would you let a 7 year old get a tatoo? why are you willing to let them sterilize themself and be unable to ever take back the decision.
Really? Because it looks like he could use a high speed lead injection between the eyes to clean up that mess within his skull.
We're not talking about kids who actually have chromosomal conditions in the first place you fucking retard
Would happily replace most of my countrymen to sexual deviants. At least they don't attack strangers on the streets and their way to tell me how I should live is so fucking hilarious I can't take it seriously.
The country will improve in seconds.
Can't think of one
>Becomes a mutant freak after service
He has no valid input.
They're all experiments! Nothing more, you don't give an experiment rights! You wait and make sure it doesn't kill itself 10 years from now bc of regret and mental illness
Pretty sure that the fact he dresses up as a woman and insists on being called "she" proves that he does need help.
every time I see Facebook timelines with all those shitty daily affirmations it like big alarm bells going off.
because we all make mistakes and those mistakes are only permanent if we don't learn. some trannies do smarten up and pull their pants back on, hopefull
before *////////////////////////////////596666cats wopnt get off the keyboarf
everyone gets a chance, thats what life is for possibly
>Sup Forums believes they know more than the doctors who have been studying this shit for years
Never gets old
>Oy vey, listen to the leaders of the medical community!
>Nevah mind that we fire and excommunicate the ones who disagree, goyim. They were untrustworthy.
>There's a consensus! *cough, hack*
I cannot think of a reason.
"I-It's da joos!"
Of course, how silly of me. CLEARLY this fine gentlemen right here knows what's best
Nice selfie, Shlomo.
Lol right
The medical community doesn't make mistakes