OK, how accurate is this?
OK, how accurate is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Very accurate I believe.
I love doggos but fuck cats they can be chinese food.
Not loving nature is pretty much a sure sign you're a sub-human.
Very accurate.
This is, fundamentally a Nat-Soc board. We respect the natural order.
It was a pretty big part of Hitler's outlook and national socialism in general
we are Christian first and foremost, then we are nationalists.
Its one of the less talked about reasons why a lot of Sup Forumsacks hate the GOP
We're pretty much Nazis by default, and you know how Nazis behaved with animals and environment.
So yes, we love both. I'm a Nazi since years and I love my cat and I ride my bicycle pretty often in the woods.
100% accurate
>inb4 global warming disbelief
What Sup Forums recognizes as a threat to the environment
>Chemical/nuclear waste pollution
>Noise pollution
>Aerial pollution (smog, etc.
>Physical pollution (plastics and other petroleum products)
What Sup Forums DOESN'T believe in due to lack of proof :
>Global warming due to greenhouse effect
We're literally all on the same side except for this shit, and it pisses me off.
I can't even bring myself to kill a mosquito
Very true. Hitler for example loved nature, animals and the environment.
>fuck cats
fuck of christcuck Sup Forums is not a christian board
Everything alive is something worthy of love and love should be the dominating force on Earth
Mosquito is one of the only thing I kill with pleasure. They're the personification of shitskins, annoying parasites sucking your blood.
>love cats
>also love nature
Keeping your cats indoors and spaying/neutering them is acceptable, right? I can't stand folks who let their loose pussies out to pillage and breed out the local ecology.
literally this
Same thing with moths. Fuck them.
i wish i was there when that happened, two less subhumans in this world
>t. faggy fedora edgelord
that's where you're wrong
I personally believe in high CO2 lvls causing a rise in temps, but simply don't think taxes are the solution. Science and technology will solve the problem, not politicians.
not a Fedora-Lord, i just don't submit myself to the slave like mentality of a christcuck, which is a religion that has large roots in judaism
Love for nature and animals is generally a european trait.
>Keeping your cats indoors and spaying/neutering them is acceptable, right?
Well of course. If you don't have a house and you live in an appartment, it's the right way to have a cat.
If you live in a house and you don't want to let your cat outside, I understand too, they're pretty happy inside.
Anyway, outside, their territory is very limited, they don't roam a lot.
National socialism is reverting to the natural order.
Communion with nature is also an important part of our racial mindset.
Checked and correct. Spayed/neutered indoor cats are perfectly fine. They live longer, healthier lives and they don't wreak havoc on the burdos and lizards who live outdoors.
Cats just need a different understanding than dogs. They don't think the same way. Dogs understand pointing and want to be a useful member of the pack, and crave the acceptance. Cats have a much looser familial bonding instinct, like niggers. But they can be useful in small pest control on farms or just being much easier companionship if circumstances demand it.
I still prefer dogs, but there's no reason why one should hate the other.
Videos of niggers hurting cats triggers me harder than any nig nog cctv mugging of white folks. It seriously make me want to go full on Deathwish. Fucking pavement apes.
Moths are innocent and cute
We are caretakers of this earth. It's hard to care for something you despise.
Will dogcucks ever stop being mad they're inferior?
this, my aunt has a farm that i visit every winter and she has like 4 cats, one inside and 3 outside, they are very good for getting rid of pest like squirrels and shit, there is a (small) fox problem tho and even tho it breaks my heart they gotta go
I'm a hunter, and a lifetime member of many hunting foundations that do way more shit than PETA or those other cucks.
Spaying and neutering, sure, but barn cats have to be allowed outside to fulfill their purpose of genociding greedy leftist mice who to redistribute my chicken feed wealth.
this, it makes my blood boil
>dogcucks L I T E R A L L Y enjoy cleaning dog shit off the yard every day after they get home from 10 hours of wageslaving
they eat clothing
True Sup Forumsacks are Christians, and God charged man as good stewards of his creation.
For me, yes
>"There has always been an England...and older England, which was sweeter and purer. Where the hay smelt better, and the weather was always springtime"
that's literally the most retarded virgin v. chad meme i've ever seen
Well I like dogs and walking in forests, especially after rain because the air is fresh. And Finland has a lot of forests
I don't know. I personally love nature, but people tend to forget, that Sup Forums (and Sup Forums in particular) is full of a wide, diverse group of opinions.
>Sup Forums is ______ meme
There are two reasons why I don't let my cats outdoors: other animals and assholes. Cats wreck havoc on the bird and small mammal population, neutered or not. As for assholes, a neighbor of mine who regularly let his cat out ended up paying thousands of dollars in vet bills due to another neighbor using chemicals on his lawn that induce seizures and brain damage in cats. The worst part is that the faggot who sprayed the pesticide was likely aware of its potential damage to cats and he still had the audacity to spray it on the bushes that separate his property from my neighbors'.
"Hockey stick" graph and all of its data are fraudulent. Court case this year essentially proved it. All evidence, arguments, and the entire field of climate change was based off that data. Sure, the world is getting warmer (maybe, most of the raw data is "corrected" before being published), but human activity isn't causing it.
>catfags love smelling their animals shit inside and have no idea that everyon laughs at them for living in a cat sewer that they don't notice due to their acute toxoplasmosis brain infection that makes them gay and fap to traps online
>he doesn't own enough land that half-dozen german shepherds could not fill it with shit
LMAO why do you poorfags even come on pol?
I got a cat a few years ago. If it wasn't for the cat I wouldve an hero'd a long time ago. Pathetic? Yes but I don't give a fuck.
yessss where are we going with this? climate chae shilling? PETA shilling? i own cats, dogs, fish and chickens. is someone going to tell me i don't like animals for political reasons?
Cats tend to pair bond, which means if you are not the cat owner you don't understand the affection. I have a cat who greets me every day when I come home from work, he cries and goes crazy when I put on shoes to leave, he comes to me on command, he sleeps at my feet every night, he plays fetch, he is every bit the companion of the dogs I have had. With other people? He isn't mean in the least but he is very wary. His caution could be absolutely mistaken for indifference or coldness, but he is my best friend.
Nature is white supremacy
>they don't notice due to their acute toxoplasmosis brain infection that makes them gay and fap to traps online
top fucking kek
Very true for me. I don't believe in climate change nonsense, but for some reason people think this means I hate the environment.
Seeing animals go extinct, mass deforestation, and pollution of water sources breaks my heart. But what's worse is that everyone likes to blame white Republicans for it like we're causing it. The rainforests are disappearing because spics don't understand crop rotation and don't give a shit about responsible forest management.
Conservationism is one of the founding principles of conservatives (Hitler, Teddy Roosevelt, and Eisenhower were staunch conservationists and environmentalists).
As a Christian, I believe that Man is tasked by God not only to reap the benefits of Earth, but also to act as its caretaker. As the only sentient species on this planet, we have a duty to take care of our fellow inhabitants of Earth.
The type of people that disregard the environment are happily throw trash and oil into waterways, kill animals for no reason, and throw away shit like batteries and chemicals tend to be completely degenerate human beings. Oddly enough, most of the people I meet with this kind of disregard for nature are niggers and spics. The few times that I ever see niggers at campsites and trails, they trash everything, leave all of their shit, and break trees and shit for no other reason than that they think it's fun.
t. love thy neighbor turn the other cheek interracial faggot cuck
Sup Forums IS a Nat-Soc board gtfo jew.
being right wing for intellectual reasons is a lot more redpilled than being right wing because you're a Christcuck desu this user is correct
I love it as long as there are still whites to enjoy it.
you would be correct also, check EM
>H.P. Lovecraft was pretentious, the quote
Look, I love cats but there is no dogging our dog mates, m8. For all of the white man's history, dogs have protected the herd while cats protected the crops. They are equals in my eyes.
There's nothing pathetic about that man. Cats are great, and whatever keeps you moving forward is worthy of respect.
>Land of lost content
Cats are chads descended from african kangz of the jungle.
Dogs are cucks descended from pack niggers who lose every 1v1 to the superior feline.
>New Zealand
wtf is up with your women m8 do all the good looking ones move to fuck Aussie chads or what, sort it out
if you're going to own a cat buy an expensive one, the difference in personality is worth the money
dogs are suck ups but good company
fish are fucking shitheads i can't stop the guppies fighting
Accurate as long is not used to push wind and solar based power plants instead of coal and nuclear.
We have to draw a line somewhere.
Cats are actually appalling for most small critters around you yet killing virtually zero pests. Keep 'em in her concrete jungles please
>Court case this year essentially proved it.
I want to fuck that T H I C C dog
100% correct
Cats are worthless creatures that do absolutely nothing unless you own a farm and it hunts pests.
Doggos evolved alongside cumskins in the caves, hunted with us, watched over our homes for millennia and still to this day despise niggers with an enviable passion.
Catfags are first in line for the gas chambers when the day comes, even before marxists, fags, kikes and mudslimes. You get top priority.
i had sex with a maori girl a foot taller than me once and i drag about it on the internet a lot
i think she could have crushed my head though but that makes it even better
go to canada
I'm gonna get me one of these.
Why? We fuck reindeer's here
is that a lynx?
Pretty accurate.
oh fuck yeah serval cat love those things
ragdolls are good too
but you said you wanted to fuck that T H I C C dog, go to canada they have dog brothels there
Give me a list please of the native species on the continental United States or Europe that have gone extinct because of cats and only because of cats
You fucking faggots go on and on about them eating some song birds but seem to think that urban sprawl and concrete jungles aren't a bigger problem for those species.
Go hike in the forest if you need your faggot song birds, though we all know it is BS anyway. Those birds have survived in urban areas with cat population for centuries and will continue to do so
Is that a Savannah or actual wild cat? I'm going to try to get a savannah and bengal around the same time. I didn't realize they were 4k-7k+ though.
Fake news. Go clean da poopoos dogcuck.
Fellow 4 channers please help spread the name of anne marie waters a massive anti-muslim politician running for UKIP leadership, she's practically about to win but that final push would be a big help to seal it for more info please check the thread.
oh fug :DDDDDD
its true many nazis joined the greens after the war
i know nothing about natsoc: the post