Tell me your unpopular opinion, Sup Forums.
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Tell me your unpopular opinion, Sup Forums.
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A war is coming and whites are gonna win so hard that they're gonna be feeling more white guilt than 50 shoahs combined
There you go again, Moshe.
I'm of the opinion that someone should add crushed glass to chicken skin so that when niggers suck it off the bone with those huge lips it make them a bloody mess.
Traps are straight
Black people are ok
Finland is greatest ally
>Black people are ok
Where do you live?
I'd like to see these ok black folks for myself
We should promote abortions and stop trying to fight the invasion by breeding. The problem of the white race is not numbers, its purity and strength. I'd much rather have 200 million people in Europe who are strong, educated and ready to defend themselves than 800 million weaklings with a pansy ass liberal minority. By allowing abortion you are essentially letting weak, incapable parents kill of their children who will likely be nu-males or turbosluts. By promoting breeding and trying to have as many children as possible you are, again, promoting a future society of nu-males and turbosluts.
We need a crash before we can restart. This has nothing to do with allowing couples to have kids though, such as housing for married couples who want to have kids, primary education, etc.
Modern individualism was a mistake
I'd say we would need to abloish all forms of welfare. Including tax deductions for parents.
Each and every couple should raise their children with their own work, and not with the assistance of the welfare state.
This vid is related to your point, user
check it out
Free education and healthcare, there should be more taxes for the rich and wealth redistribution.
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
Evolution didn't happen the way people think it did, if it happened at all. People are wrong about everything and the more sure someone is they are right, the more wrong they are. Atheists and evolutionists think they are more right than anyone, therefor they are the most wrong.
I think the machine elves are faggots
The Jews practice the one true religion as laid out by God, which is why everyone hates (((us)))
thanks man
Sup Forums opinion on refugees is retarded and without any moral ground to stand on, pretty much entirely fueled by racism
Germans are this naive.
That is a damn lie and you know it
The Eternal German
>tax-financed universal healthcare should be implemented by the u.s.
>fetuses are alive; abortions should still be legalized
>civic nationalism works
>black people in America are in shitty conditions because of decades of racial segregation, not biology
Juche is the way to get rid of globalism
I love white babies.
There are more good Jews than bad Jews
The Holocaust happened and it was planned by Zionists
Yeh, but extreme actions like that are not only unlikely, even if possible they would take decades to undertake.
As it is, welfare takes from the income of hard working families. So until it is COMPLETELY abolished, there should be tax breaks and welfare for families.
The very last thing that should be removed, before there is 0 welfare, should be that.
This is very true in many ways. Zerg tactics belong to shitskins, who cannot work any other way and need critical mass to compensate for being shitskins.
>tax-financed universal healthcare should be implemented by the u.s.
Paying for Shanequa to go drop off her baby in the emergency room after feeding it a cigarette while she fucks off to the bar. It happens up here.
>fetuses are alive; abortions should still be legalized
Killing babies is ok
>civic nationalism works
proven wrong over the course of your gradual fall from grace the more non-white you get.
>black people in America are in shitty conditions because of decades of racial segregation, not biology
little bit of both, you cant help someone who doesnt want to help them selves.
These two statements come from different people normally. What has made you take up both at the same time?
Warhammer sucks and if you enjoy it you're a fag.
We should have 100% privatised healthcare. Literally the most unpopular opinion in the UK. Seriously there must be like a dozen people at most who agree with me here.
Welfare shouldn't be around anymore
>german flag
Like clockwork
pissing in the sink is a-okay
>>black people in America are in shitty conditions because of decades of racial segregation, not biology
You believe that even when controls are implemented which showed that no matter the circumstances, the blacks are always dumber and more criminal on average?
Libertarian forms of Government can work as long as its based on a constitution which bans nonwhites from citizenship
> Sup Forums thinks women divorce rape men
> men actually commit way more cheating
You'd have to be retarded to oppose single payer healthcare
pretty sure that violates the NAP
give me (you)s niggers
>pretty sure that violates the NAP
Our NAP is tweeked for our constitution to ensure the society actually works (by banning nonwhites)
>t. poor low iq subhuman
>Paying for Shanequa to go drop off her baby in the emergency room after feeding it a cigarette while she fucks off to the bar.
we already pay for firefighters and cops to help """"shanequa"""" when she calls, why not doctors?
>Killing babies is ok
>proven wrong over the course of your gradual fall from grace the more non-white you get.
[citation needed], also non-white just means multiracial, not multicultural. The US would objectively be a better place if immigrants decided to adopt American culture and customs instead of holding on to their homeland's and seeing themselves as temporary residents living in a country that they hate, instead of seeing themselves as full Americans. There's nothing wrong with remembering your roots, but it doesn't make any sense to move to America and then completely reject its culture.
>little bit of both
Nope. Black people in America are segregated into shitty neighborhoods with high crime and low infrastructure which they warmly embrace under the pretense of culture. There's a heavy crabs-in-a-bucket mentality that chastises all black Americans who decide to turn away from that, and when you're born into poverty and crime, it's difficult to acknowledge that there's a world outside your neighborhood when your neighborhood is all you've ever known.
What controls?
>that no matter the circumstances,
What circumstances? Who conducted this? Where are you getting this info from?
White people aren't that special.
The British empire was the best thing to ever happen for white people.
Agreed. Now if only you guys would accept that the Messiah has come...
I concur.
The response to terrorism is completely overblown compared to how many people it kills. If we actually cared about saving lives, we would divert the counter-terrorism budget into preventing diabetes, heart disease, etc.
Don't know if it's unpopular, but I know for sure it's the truth. I am a chairman manager for one of the biggest pharma companies in the world.
>American black people are very good people, rap music is one of the last few redpilled genres left in the industry.
>Muslims and slavs are the problem of the world, Russians are excepted since their bloodlines are strong. The problem stems from Balkan & near east.
>Freemasonry and NWO are the keys to a better world and must be preserved at all cost, people just don't know the ultimate goal yet or are too miseducated to understand.
>Religion, aside of islam and rebirth-implying types, is good and nourishing, people are just too uneducated and dumb to understand it's true purpose.
>A higher power created everything we know of and beyond. It is not scientifically explainable.
>We live in a pre-programmed simulation where most humans aren't real but transscripted projections.
Thank me later for the redpill. Or maybe your grandkids.
blac bois do it better
We know he hasn't. You've been tricked by the Romans. You'll stop the idol worship and graven images if you're smart.
I want to fuck a jewish mischling in an ERP of corrective breeding programs to make her children cleaner aryans, make her confess open rejection to the jewish tribe and call her rabbi or her parents while we fuck and talk about the joys of nazi cock.
I'd of course marry a white wife too and have children with her, the mischling would just be our side-pet, and any children would be raised christian uncircumcized.
Name calling is not an argument. I prefer free market healthcare to single payer as each person should responsible for paying their own healthcare rather than others also the competitive market would require healthcare to improve standards to keep business up. Btw don't bring up the "well some people can't afford it argument" because in the US healthcare was made unnafordable by loads of regulations that have increased over the decades. Hardly a laissez-faire society.
Typing properly by habit. I've been typing properly for roughly 19 years, though a learned a bit of proper typing before that, that's when i finally really learned it and have typed that way ever since.
So I have the habit of using paragraphs and spaces and I can't stop it.
And as you all know, it's one of THE most unpopular things on Sup Forums imaginable and generates tons and tons of (you)'s. I can't really help or stop it nor do I want to change just for all these angry people who don't ignore my posts.
But there it is. They of course accuse you of being from Reddit, when it is completely unrelated to reddit for me. Someone will in all likelihood do it to my RIIIGHT now from seeing this post.
>I think race mixing is ok as long it is not with niggers.
>people with blue eyes and blond hair shouldnt waste their rare genes, though. But a brown eyed spaniard marryng someeone outside his ethnicity is ok if that person is educated and doesnt look like a subhuman.
>Syrians are actually ok, the terrorists and sex offenders are mostly north africans and niggers.
My other opinions arent unpopular.
one minor issue Schlomo, you denied God and chose to worship Satan because he is more accepting of your Shekels.
The death penalty should be abolished. It does not dissuade people form committing crimes, especially violent crimes which are borne out of passion. Just give them life in prison, no parole.
Hitler was a faggot loser who shot himself after destroying Europe and his country.
Reincarnation is real
Once you attain a form that is sentient such as being a human being you are now tasked with being a net gain to consciousness or a net loss
If you are a net gain then you proceed further along the chain of entities you will become
If you are a shitty consciousness then you get knocked back a phase.
it costs 100k/year to keep a person in prison...
>What controls? What circumstances?
Controls like income, two parent household, neighbourhoods, religion, amount of books in the home
When everything is equal between a black and a white regarding factors environmental factors the black is always more likely to be a criminal and w/ a lower IQ and poorer grades in school
>Who conducted this? Where are you getting this info from?
Every educational research facility which has an interest in social justice and proving there is no biological differences between us, they confirmed it instead