I did my best Baked Alaska impersonation... but you know, with out the 1488 stuff.
Anyway. I had blast last night. Hung out with conservative activists and blogger, shitload of based black guys and even another Jew!
More MOAR vids to come.
I did my best Baked Alaska impersonation... but you know, with out the 1488 stuff.
Anyway. I had blast last night. Hung out with conservative activists and blogger, shitload of based black guys and even another Jew!
More MOAR vids to come.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fat Fucko ate Baked Alaska
The utter fucking state of both of you. Do you know what a gym is, or ever done a bit of mild walking now and then?
Don't expect CPR from me, chubby chubby chubkins, when you drop that's where you stop.
Now do the truffle shuffle... DO IT!
I don't eat baked stuff... only deep fried.
plus, he's not kosher.
name the Jew or piss off fatty mcfat fuck
lol, thanks. I'm actually losing weight, lost 60lbs already, down from 296
Ariel, did a whole interview with him!
sub to mah youtubs for more moar posts
Fucking shit.
Deep Far Fried Alaska.
Did you even see the BLM at the rally?
let us know when you goys are willing to address our real problems.
Is tony teaching you how to fight?
No, sorry. Ariel today me about them being there. I think I was at the Juggalo thing when that was happening.
Both rally vid dump:
You look like two planets colliding.
You're struggling to fit in a photograph, most humans don't have that problem.
use of the word goy is confusing in you reply
Are you addressing me and Ariel or gentiles?
lol, yes I'm fat. I get it.
>i dont understand how Sup Forums works
not really clarifying whether or not you know what the word "goy" means.
It's a kind of cake?
whats your stance on Israel?
They are a country and have the right to exist as much as any other country.
I stand with Israel
No you don't get it or you'd stop doing it, fatso.
what is the reason behind your morbid eating fetish, is it because you miss your foreskin or because babies are just so mmmm... delicia?
Israel could stand behind you
How the fuck do you get to the point where you weigh 296 lbs? Honestly dude.
lol blood libel reference?! Wow, way to go to the hills for that anti-Semite deep cuts classic!
I already told you, I'm losing weight, down 60 pounds. You're quip doesn't make sense since I'm not gaining or even maintaining my current weight.
And your fucking ginger!
OMG what were you thinking
>i stand with israel
you have no issue with israeli children being taught its ok to kill non-jews? you support a marriage ban in israel based on race? and you have no problem with the fact Israel runs a slave trade..?
when you say you support israel how far does that support go? are they free to do whatever?
>How the fuck do you get to the point where you weigh 296 lbs?
sedentary life style, non-energy intensive job and very slow metabolism.
Just changed my diet to lose dozens of pounds
Did you eat this guy?
lol, when I picked my genetic coding?
I don't know, man.
nope, all those things sound pretty bad
I don't like human rights violations or theocratic bullshit anywhere.
Country can still exist while people do bullshit.
For instance, human trafficking is a huge issue right here in US. Is every single American pimps, whores and pedophiles, slavers and murderers?
You racist twat, how dare you leap to the assumption I'm anti-semetic just because I'm a 'gentile' as you put it.
The baby eating question is a reference to Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.
You've really hurt my feelings now, fatty.
Did you tell the ginger he is the worst security person in the world?
That's Ariel...
and yes...
I cooked and ate him.
Not a lot of meat on him, though.
when prepared properly he made a low carb Kosher snack.
I also absorbed his Jewish powers and can read Hebrew better.
Baked, is that you?
Naw, I don't frost my tips bro
America isnt hiding its human trafficking problem or pretending we're a utopia and if you critize us you're "anti-s̶e̶m̶i̶t̶i̶c̶ American."
if you know Israel is corrupt and perverse why support it? why not march for reformation and change? why pretend like criticizing the kikes is racism? why pretend like israel is the model for how america should be? this is exactly why real, organic anti-Semitism exists:
you kikes are hard-pressed to even acknowledge the faults in your country/system and when you finally are force to do so by over-whelming fact, you play it off and deflect to the workings of other nations just like you did by deflecting to America. kikes have no interest in developing their own good character or changing their evil ways. and this is why people have hated you jews all throughout history.
This is Israel:
>kids indoctrinated to hate other children
>white genocide
If you stand with Israel then have integrity and march for reformation. Or just stick with making America great again!
Did you just fart?
Such range!
Best larp ever.
sounds based senpai
you're swinging wide but still funny
shut the fuck up this redditor needs to fuck off, he doesnt belong here
people there were awesome, real welcoming and all about conversation.
I don't think I could swing wide enough to miss you, I'm not Stretch Armstrong.
Your first time in human company I presume?
I spoke to Baked earlier and was still upset that nobody else managed to get to the horderves.
gg . antisocialnews . com
conveniently ignored
We can't all be sparkling socialites like you.
Maybe you can give me a few tips, should I grow ginger beard?
Answer the man He's out it right on your toes...
You remember your toes don't you?
>he's put it right on your toes
Sorry, I was distracted by not being a fat bastard
Whys it gone quiet
Has he killed himself already?
That was about four posts before I expected
yeah, whats the point in responding to you?
You're like a black guy who blames white kids for slavery 200 years ago.
Why bother responding to you?
I've never bought or sold people, molested anyone or punished someone for not following the laws of the Torah, like most Jews, but none of that matters to people like you.
I've got to go to the shop
Don't lose any weight 'til I get back
cant you be a jew AND acknowledge Israel has become corrupt like everywhere else, and that Israel needs reformation before you can fully support her as a State?
how is your answer any different than a Muslim saying:
>i dont behead people so...
?? entire countries are beheading people! israel is shit even if you arent! just like saudi arabia is shit even if some muslims arent..
I think he's eating
crying into a big bowl of baked alaska
Fuck, you're the best.
There's no point to this but it's still just the best thing on the internet for some reason.
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind
And sometimes just because it's really really funny
none of that made any sense. Just, complete, rambling garbage.
>bowl of baked alaska
lol, he's a breakfast cereal or a soup?
For some reason even your ID resembles a turd
>none of that made any sense.
can you be a Jew and critical of Israel at the same time?
it's called being a member of the knesset
you arent a member of knesset. im asking why you support the current and corrupt state of israel blindly like a sheep instead of protesting and marching for change?
Seriously though, lot's of Jews don't support Israel in the diaspora and in Israel, there are plenty of political discourse.
Here's an annoying Antifa Jew who doesn't support Israel:
I was looking at your pic
Is that one of your 'based black guys' behind you?
I think that white guys asking him to give something back. Make sure you've still got your wallet, Fucko.
>you arent a member of knesset
Oh really? I'm not?
are YOU working towards change or just blindly supporting israel? im asking about you personally. what are you doing?
Every frigging post
Why do I suspect you're being dishonest
I don't recognize that particular black fella.
I can't speak to his level of baseditivitude. lol
Was that a word or did your fat finger just mash all the keys
hmm... I think saying that I stand with Israel in so much as I'm okay with them being a country is a fairly tepid amount of support. It's weird that that small amount of support would bother you so much.
To your question, I'm an American, so I can't vote in their elections, I do promote freedom of speech and government transparency for all countries, including US and Israel. I'm not sure you are aiming at but I suppose that's something.
I enjoy making new, bold, spicy, words.
its weird Israel attacking America doesnt bother you at all. its weird that Israel is behind liberalism, ANTIFA, Alt-Right, white genocide and the migrant crisis via MOSSAD and our "Deep State" but you dont seem to give a shit because
>muh right to exist!
whats wrong with you? denounce israel until she stops being a cunt to everyone else, support america over israel or just go back to the Promised Land?
Soooo... you had a good time last night. I'm tickled pink for you.
But tell me, why choose to blog about it on /pol
And post your own picture too
You do realise you are several living memes incarnate. What did you think would happen?
>its weird Israel attacking America doesnt bother you at all.
you are completely schizophrenic and just respond to thing I never said or typed.
Thanks for the free entertainment.
>I'm an American so I can vote in THEIR elections
Not 'our'
>What did you think would happen?
lively discussion, some hilarious trolling and a few clicks on my vid.
you said:
>I think saying that I stand with Israel in so much as I'm okay with them being a country is a fairly tepid amount of support.
to which I responded here questioning your support for Israel. you cant explain why you support Israel as an America despite the fact Israel is behind all of the problems we currently face. in response you say im schizo for asking? LOL
That was a shady thing to write Fucko. Careful, you'll go down in my estimation
you're schizo because you see and read things that were never stated, not because you are making some sort of salient and cutting point.
Holy shit! That's like half of all the people who attended the MOAR rally. #MAGA
>That was a shady thing to write Fucko. Careful, you'll go down in my estimation
wasn't I already a walking pile of cringe memes and a baby eating villian in your eyes?
how much further down could I go??
no, we're just the size of half the MOAR rally.
>half the people who attended
commenting on the disappointing turn-out?
we're you there?
you said you support Israel.
i gave examples of why, as a Jew, you should not.
now im asking if you still support israel despite what Israel has become
>we're you there?
damn it, meant to type "were"
He's mad as a hatter isn't he
How could anyone suspect the Jews are up to something sneaky?
Jews are all about love and tickles and they spread joy wherever they travel. Look at history. Everyone's grateful to their Jewish friends.
Fuck I'll bet that party was jumpin' dowg.
Linda Sarsour? Is that you?
>avoiding the question
i accept your defeat ^_^
I looked at pics from non-fake news sites and holy shit, I cringed on your behalf. #MAGA
Fug. Hate it when that happens.
Earlier in the thread when I wrote 'Fat bastard' I meant to type 'Ginger is my favourite beard colour'.
what defeat? You've only attacked straw men, not me. I've stated my tepid level of support for Israel. Asking me if it's changed doesn't magically win you anything.
You won't get a straight answer because he thinks Israel should just be able to shit on us all because they are 'chosen' and we are what he calls 'gentiles', which to them means sucker/animal.
Means 'total but I don't want to admit that to the red pilled goy'.
you claiemd to support israel.
i gave multiple reasons why you, as an AMERICAN Jew, should not support Israel and you wont even acknowledge those points. you just go to ad hominems like "youre schizo."
can you explain why you, as an AMERICAN Jew, supports the State of Israel which has created ISIS, did 9/11, attacks our ships, spies on us, and etc etc etc?
i wonder if these "jews" would support Israel and Judaism if they knew they are not related to the actual Jews of the Bible and they're history is one big lie?
Actually Goyim originally just meant Nations.
Jews have always known not everybody is going to like them or see the world as they do.
It doesn't bother me that others have different opinions than me, or even that others want me dead.
I know who I am and that just is what it is.
Once again, I wasn't calling you a name (ad hominem) attack when I pointed out your schizophrenic behavior. I was making the point that you are having your own debate and reading responses I'm not writing.
Here you go Fuckwig The Jew, I need to go do some gentile shit now so I'm leaving you with directions to the place you should have dragged your fat photograph in the first place.
Seriously, they'll make you their king. Drop Bakeds' name and you'll have so much faggoty half brained attention you'll think your in chubby heaven.
>not related to the actual Jews of the Bible and they're history is one big lie?
lol, are you a Black Hebrew Israelite?
lol I fuckin hate reddit but thanks