** /SIG/ HEIL! Self Improvement General **

Thread theme: youtu.be/5-0rdXO8L6s

It’s time to clean your house. What have you done today to improve your mental/physical/spiritual wellbeing user?

Modern society is to blame for there being so many people who don't deserve to live. Most people in the West used to harden as they grow on their own, like anywhere else. Now without effort you can remain indefinitely infantile due to our decadence. There were always outliers that became like this throughout history, but now the general masses have succumbed to this condition. There is no longer a rite of passage into adulthood, you can be sheltered and live comfortably. This is de-evolution. Everyone has a dandy-ol time being a degenerate well into their 50s. Constant entertainment, pre-cooked meals and pornography has robbed us of our man-hood.

Realize that to live is to struggle. Really internalize this truth in your being and actions and when possible spread it to others that you care about. In the end the Natural Order will always prevail. Nature is inherently fascist. The modern world is a world that goes completely against nature and the results are telling. It's tearing itself apart. Nevertheless you as an individual can always choose to go against the flow and struggle and persevere while the rest of society rots and withers away. It's not an easy path, but you go on because you know that you are in the right and that in the end you will be vindicated.

The modern world is so self-destructive half the battle is just weathering the storm until the whole edifice has degenerated so much that we can rise and deal the final blow. Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.


Other urls found in this thread:

murdercube.com/files/Poisons/Volume 6-E Modified Bacteria Weapons.pdf
murdercube.com/files/Explosives & Incendiaries/

Stop drinking ALL soda/artificial juices and stop eating junkfood. Stop buying super-market meals and try to grow your own vegetables that aren't infected with pesticides and plastics. Healthy and economic, aswell as peaceful. Till the soil like your great grandfather did. Try to drink mostly water or coffee/tea with little to no sugar added. Purchase meat and produce from local producers that you know personally. A big reason why western men’s sperm count has gotten lower is because we do less outdoor jobs like we used to 50 years ago, which means less sun exposure and less Vitamin D production.

Thus we should grow our own food, get outside more, and not rely on commercial food producers. Over specialization creates a society without purpose for many and too much interdependence. Cities are inherently self-destructive because they are unnatural. Multiple cities reaching more than hundreds of thousands in population did not exist prior to the mid-19th century. The countryside would remain unaffected in the long run if a future collapse occurs. 99% of our history has not been like this with populations concentrated like ants and living like parasites. It’s a very volatile mix and you do not want to be a part of it. There’s a reason liberals are concentrated in these shitholes.


While you don't have to go 110% /innawoods/ right now, it's always good to be in a state of relative independence, and in a small closely knit community. It is such values and societal composition that will survive a collapse and reclaim what is left once the dust has settled. Hopefully the kikes will be gone with it, their degenerate little empire burned to ashes.


>unemployed and depressed guy who hardly ever goes out and has no social life

What can I do to sort myself out user?

good thread lad

Remember, you don't need all the latest work-out equipment, supplements or drugs to get a naturally fit look. All you need is natural movement and you'll achieve the body you're MEANT to have as the Homo-Sapien male. You have a tiled floor? Jump from one end to the other. A fence outside? Climb over. You have a lot of work on your computer? Put it on a shelf so you have to stand and thus better your posture.


Also, set goals for yourself. See if you can lift sandbags that weigh up to 80kgs eventually. Carry it on your shoulders, throw it as far as you can, attempt to eventually lift it with nothing but a single grip. Get used to being able to punch something aswell. Do NOT be a limp wristed fageutte who would cry if he gets hit. Be able to defend yourself.


Also anons, move out of the cities and learn a trade. Find a nice girl in church, start a family.

While I do use my computer like now, I try not to make it part of who I am am. We are constantly stimulated by technology. This is unnatural since we used to be able to just sit for hours and reflect, now we get anxious if there is no internet connection. To be able to relax and just think is a form of "meditation" I suppose, but it’s nice to do it. I have a garden I go sit in during the late afternoon and just gaze out on the nearby mountains. I don't think about anything in particular, I let my mind wander. Really healthy and fulfilling.

The vast majority of things that modern society has brought us have severe consequences. The only "good" things it has brought are directly or indirectly related with making life painstakingly easy and almost meaningless or just increasing world population to insane levels. The kikes would have us be dependent on them soon; once post-industrial society hits and we become unproductive slaves to the state for our monthly food ration.

Start working-out to kick-start some bloody self-pride.

>”Lmao nothing matters, I just want to enjoy pleasures in life, no higher being exists, no greater purpose in life exists”

To atheists/nihilists lurking the thread:

Your consciousness is the only thing verifiable in the entirety of Existence, since a consciousness not recognizing itself is a paradox. It's Descartes' cogito, and it's the basis for absolutely everything, and I say EVERYTHING, philosophical and scientific that can follow.

Then we have Parmenide's Existential paradox. If a thing ''is'', it cannot ''not'' be, for then we'd have no basis whatsoever to even contemplate it. Furthermore, saying that something came out from nothing and will go back to nothing is equally illogical, since nothing is logically impossible. So we have to assume that everything always was, and always will be, albeit not in the same form.

So what happens then? What happens is that your consciousness, your capacity to synthesize and accumulate information, or what is commonly known as the soul, whether it was inside your body or completely separate (the question is utterly irrelevant here) always was, and always will be, logically, which leads us to believe that there was a Before as well as there will be an after for every verified consciousness (i.e. you as a the observer and synthesizer of this text), there is an afterlife, and there was a before-life.

Mr. Blackpill, are you as charismatic of a speaker as you are a writer?
If you are, you should seriously consider starting up some sort of cult. I'm sure you could attract a big following, make somewhat of an ethnocommunity if you so wished.

Hit the gym, dude. I thought it was a fucking meme at first too, but after 9 months of lifting I can confirm that it sharpens your mind, gets you out of a funk, and honestly makes you feel a shitload better.

Get a job.
Start going out. Into sports? Go see a game, chat with people. Into music? Go see a show, chat with people. You must have some interest you can share with people. After a while, some of the people you meet may well become friends.

Where? I'm really fucking socially anxious, the gym would terrify me

The question remains, however, as to what that afterlife is. Equally interesting is the question of where consciousness comes from. And this is where philosophy lets religion take the torch.

I'm really getting bored of those pseudo-sophisticate ultra-materialists that seem to be everywhere these days. It seems funny to me how so many smart people insist that their capacity for logic and reason can somehow reach outside the bounds of our existence, explain it in a meaningful way, even though the very terms and concepts they use to, oh so authoritatively, state "idiot, when you're dead you're dead, see?!" have been invented in minds very much created by the very phenomena they so glibly dismiss as irrelevant. "Consciousness? Pff, a hallucination of the brain! Qualia? Ephemera! There's meat and dirt, and that's IT, and you're a fool, and probably some sort of weirdo, if you think otherwise."

The vehemence with which many of those people defend the idea that they're ultimately nothing, completely irrelevant and futile, makes me think that there's more to it than just pure calculation and cold logic on their part, as most of them claim. People don't get so worked up over things just because they think they're true. Most aren't nearly that noble. They have some sort of emotional stake in the game.

>doing keto - whole foods and no chemicals
>reading bible and some esotericism
>learning to program, also new languages
>trying to get fit but body keeps failing
but at least I'm trying

started this shit last week,hit the gym and hitting it again tommorow

my ex came sniffing around also? just blew her off i supposed to sleep at hers tonight but i think its time i cut her loose for sake of mind shes a whore and i deserve better

Working on the job part

I'm not really sure about the other things. I don't follow any sports and the music I listen to isn't played anymore. Wouldn't have anyone to go with either, and I know it'd just be me going there to isolate myself

Nobody will give a damn about you in the gym, so it's a good place to start. You have notions about what it will be like, but like with most other things you'll discover when you do it that it's nothing to worry about and you'll feel silly having feared this. Then you go onwards to the next thing that makes you feel like this.

see Take small steps. I don't know how bad your anxiety is but if you can go outside then go for daily walks. Order some home-weights or do something like 10-push ups every morning and night. Use your initiative. Once you make even a slight bit of progress you'll increase your confidence bit by bit. It can potentially be a long path full of stumbles but it's a necessity if you want to be a better, content person. Who knows, if you start small but are determined and strict with yourself then you'll garner the confidence needed to join a gym in no time.

i was the same lad,but just do it just walk in and just do it.

you do it once the 2nd time is easy,no one talks to you either,if you are on the dole then go in the daytime when its empty

Knowledge dump:

mega.nz/#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg (Sup Forums stuff I)

mega.nz/#F!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg (Sup Forums stuff II)

mega.nz/#F!cZoSEbpC!kdnYuLw3hvYSus9uZl6PRQ!QNAixJZL (Sup Forums stuff III)

mega.nz/#F!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw (Sup Forums stuff IV)

mega.nz/#F!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q (Sup Forums stuff V)

mega.nz/#F!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw (Sup Forums stuff VI)

mega.co.nz/#F!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg (Sup Forums stuff VII)

mega.co.nz/#F!fo0TDC4a!Ck2n3wuqWutm3FyLtxZB8A (Sup Forums related)

mega.co.nz/#F!UdxSVLJB!bgBwqzuFIV3z0HvCswA0dQ (Sup Forums related)

mega.co.nz/#F!eMs1HDRD!LJcwVTJXhhx1a5bUu2l0dg (Sup Forums related)

mega.co.nz/#F!6sgETKCa!vGFF5iTfCR6lH3ZLXaQorQ (TGSNT, William Pierce, Icelandic Sagas)

mega.co.nz/#F!zQtglTAY!JZ8y7bZpqPz6od5WmtLfIg (Third Reich films)

mega.co.nz/#F!MQ8ziQKK!rzb0LRaZoyL6te1tguBNnA!RBs1mRhC (Third Reich recordings)

mega.co.nz/#F!m00SjRRA!R_I9wzUTEhSN6spP35TyZg (Psychopolitics)

mega.nz/#F!1R0QATqZ!Eb1_M5KC9gkxK6w32R2ETw (/biz/ related)

mediafire.com/?i44dwzkf9j9n8 (art)

mega.nz/#F!MQBRHBJA!L_on3h-XUrtbc719UaMygw (philosophy)

mega.co.nz/#F!4FJSUTyL!gRWJW5eBK0ydunfSzDB3xg (/k/)

pastebin.com/JN01tWVF (Languages & Linguistics)

the audiobook is read by Pierce




murdercube.com/files/Poisons/Volume 6-E Modified Bacteria Weapons.pdf

murdercube.com/files/Explosives & Incendiaries/































If you feel like you have an actual depression search professional help. Having severe social anxiety and depression is hard to battle alone. Seek help in this case as your condition can trigger a spiral that´s hard to break.
Feel bad because unemployed->Feel bad->Get social anxiety->Don't get out to meet people or find a job->Feel bad because social anxiety and unemployed

Always let exes just go.

Move on.


Yes, the memories are sweet, but seriously,

Most importantly, do it for yourself, not her. Girls have a much easier time rebounding and finding someone new to fill the void and dull any pain/regret.

But you, you'll have to work for it.

So get started.

I will do exactly none of this.


>inb4 >>>> /fit/

Self-improvement and taking care of oneself is incredibly important in order to make any sort of positive change in the world. Before we can know right from wrong, we must enrich ourselves spiritually. Before we can argue and criticize we must improve our mental knowledge of philosophy and history. Before we can take back our communities and countries, we must be in top physical condition.


I think Christianity is outright dangerous, that's all. It's what got us into this mess in the first place, the God in that religion is a totalitarian bitch that imposes a slave mentality on his followers. Look at Rome and their success when they were totally pagan (during the Republic) they had strong independant citizens who worshipped strong gods. Now look at what happened to Rome after Constantine made Christianity the state religion, utter collapse. The West needs Tradition without cuckstianity. That's just like, my opinion.


I've tried therapy and medication and can confirm that it did sweet FA to make me feel better. Just fucked up my concentration and gave me palpitations.



Well, you have to learn how to mingle, otherwise it won't be easy. The classic training in front of the mirror thing might help you with your opening lines, your mimics, your bodylanguage. You could also have a few drinks (I know, it's frowned upon in here) to ease up a bit on beforehand. I have a massive social circle thanks to going to events that interest me and just mingling with people. Lots of close friends.

Also, sports and music were just example. Just something that interests you.

>not meditating
>taking the pharmaceutical jew

Karoo internet acting up, someone post those book recommendation thx.

>being a pessimist

Step one. Stop that. It's a harmful mental cycle. Think of the possibilities. The chance to put into practice your new learnt skills or learn some more. Stop thinking about what could go wrong and start thinking about your path of progress.

Start doing something at home and watch videos showing how to do exercises. Go in with a routine, if you aren't doing anything silly no one will pay attention to you, and even if they do nothings going to happen.

Alternatively you could just start by going in and using machines so you feel comfortable in the gym.

Hope you post about success in a few months!

Gotcha famalan

4channers please help spread the name of anne marie waters a massive anti-muslim politician running for UKIP leadership, she's practically about to win but that final push would be a big help to seal it for more info please check the thread.

those workouts are gay

Literally just buy a basic 45lb barbell, a power cage, and a bunch iron weights. Then also buy a chin up/dip belt.

That is literally all you fucking need and that is what every good olympic athlete basis their stuff around.

Also there is nothing wrong with supplements.

This. I started on machines and observed the weight-lifters before I started on weights. You can't go wrong with a rowing machine.

>have gf
>doing phd
>lift 4x a week (started 6 years ago)
>read like 300-400 pages a months of non work related stuff

Good dammit I still procrastinate a fuckton. I could easily go up to 1000 pages a month, add 2x cardio a week and clean my appartment more often. How the fuck do I deal with procrastination? Feels like I'm running at just 60-70%.

t. Bro

is that good or bad?

get out

Fuck man, maybe I'm a brainlet (inb4 burger) but I just couldn't get into it.


Paste bin for future threads pastebin.com/YFivF9ys

Respectable thread, user. My story as of now is:

>Be a smart and athletic kid
>Decide to join Nat. Guard as an 11B
>Go to BCT in between Junior/Senior year of high school
>End up getting ELS discharge due to having to sit out of training because of an injury
>Come back so depressed that I my doctor has me taking a light dosage of an antidepressant
>Hating life through Senior year
>Drinking way too much, not caring at all anymore
>Considered ending it all because fuck it why not
>One day begin reading the Havamal for an assignment
>Really great stuff in here actually
>Decide to get myself together
>Begin using gym as a means of stress relief
>Go out hunting/fishing more to get away from daily life
>Don't take pills anymore
>End up graduating with 4.0 and offer to play football at a college nearby
>Keep using the Havamal as a guidepost for when I'm having bad days
>190, 10% body fat
>Still maintaining a 4.0 GPA in college
>Yet to be in a stable relationship, but I've had my fun times with several girls already

It's possible Anons. Sometimes things are rough, but find something constructive to bury your stress with, whether that's work, relationships, or fitness.

Have your testosterone checked. It is likely lower than normal and if it is your doctor will prescribe you test. replacement therapy. It will blow your fucking mind how much just a little testosterone will boost your confidence and aggressive nature.

Constantine didn't make Christanity the State Religion you utter moron. That was Theodosius. Constantine made the Empire tolerate to Christanity and created a main line version to be adopted because each region had their own version they larped as Christian. Every asshole could make their own gospels, one Greek guy made a bit about Jesus tricking some sap into getting crucified and walked off laughing into the hills. Constantine and the Council of Nicae squashed that shit.

Also your timeline is fucked as well. Constantine came into power after the 3rd century crisis which outright split the Empire into three for a bit of time and suffered almost incessant barbarian incursions. Aurelian and Diocletian stabilized the Empire and they were staunch Pagans.


The idea is that many anons have the preconception that buying a bunch of equipment is expensive/a hassle. Also many are uncomfortable to go to a gym if they're really out of shape, so they need some basic stuff just to get a better self-image before they can go full /fit/

Today, I woke up at 3pm after staying up until 5 or 6 in the morning, ate some leftover pizza from last night, didn't shower or bathe, and am about to go to a BBQ to load up on some burgers. Am I doing muh white race a service?

here's the solution:

Get over it and be fucking man about it.

>wah wah I'm so fat people will look at me in the gym
t. faggot

let's not make this a gay religion debate thread thanks. As one user put it in the former thread " I wish more anons would stop the meaningless piss and shit throwing about "Muh christcucks" or "Muh baganism" and just appreciate both as significant contributions to western culture."

>a consciousness not recognizing itself is a paradox
is it?
a consciousness recognizes itself because at some points it doesn't

a consciousness that doesn't know not recognition of self, can't recognize itself

like a person who was born blind, never knows darkness despite being all they experience
because they never saw color.

like you only recognize something because something contrasts with other things.

Are you me?

Same exact situation, feel like i spend too much time on Sup Forums even though Sup Forums helped me improve my life.

I also play too much vidya.

Thoughts on Cold Showers ?

i remember when i had abs it has all been taken over by bitterness and hatred for liberals and Muslims who wont ever stop until the west is completely annihilated i have talked to my friends but they only keep me out i used to be popular now my life has turned to shit do i regret it.. no i have become to angry to make friends anymore i dont think anyone else is like this it is strange to have people who love people,people who feel anything anymore


This is bullshit and you know it. Better to do some preliminary work at home until you look like you know what you're doing. If you show up at the gym looking like a total newb you will be assfucked by Chads for laughs in the locker room, I've seen it happen so many times before.

Nope. Not doing yourself one either.

>also play too much vidya.

Glad I fixed that. Stopped hardcore gaming with WoW in 2007, went casual. Last game I played was Diablo3 when it was released.

But yes, Sup Forums and /fit/ are time sinks, god dammit.

>tfw pretty sorted out except i like alcohol and coke
>tfw married and saving for a house
Need to drop these last vices. I have like 6 things i know i need to be doing

The countryside is calling user. Nature doesn't love you or care about your fee-fees, but that's a good thing. Go out into the country, into the woods and wild places. Feel like a real human being for once.

A great idea. Very refreshing, and good for your balls.

do pushups in your house you mong

If i see a big guy at the gym I have 50x more respect for him than a chad doing the same

Literally no one cares about how fat you are in the gym, faggots, other than Milo the literal faggot of course

most of the people who buy expensive shit and try to work out at home stay fat. Going to the gym has the motivational factor of actually going out and trying to better yourself and sets discipline. And if you are "pressured" by others at the gym, that's something good.

fuck off

>Drinking the whey (cheese byproduct) jew.

It's like you goys enjoy being scammed by capitalist kikes.

Is it bad that I've basically skipped all the way to "abandon all hope ye who enter here" territory?

>t. insecure skinny bitch who never went to a gym

I feel you man. Nothing makes me more upset than seeing what the West has become. Trust me, I feel with enough (((Diversity))) playing a collegiate level sport.

Try finding white indentitarian groups near you if you're wanting to discuss your frustrations openly. If not, then probably just don't go full 14/88 in front of people. Be subtle about it, make them come to the conclusion themselves.

If nothing else, put your frustrations into self improvement. Nobody is going to take you serious if you can't even take care of yourself. You don't have to go full gym rat level, but take the effort to eat healthy and exercise.

Faith is good as well, whatever you choose to believe in.

But Paganism is the final redpill and self improvment

What a platitude.

Amazing user.


Hit the gym is great advice but also find your passion and try new things. Go to guitar lessons for a few weeks, try surfing, go to bars and club, join a book circle, physics society etc etc.

Just get out of your comfort zone. You don't have to do it often (going out to do new things once or twice a month at the beginning is A-Okay) but do it enough that you absorb yourself into different environments.

Get out of your room more. Go for a walk, see a movie, run some errands of volunteer. The more you do the more you socialize and learn how to hold conversations. You won't be perfect at first and you're going to make yourself cringe (especially asking girls out/interacting with people in your classes) but fuck that. It's human nature to be awkward so you just have to train yourself to be more outgoing.

Take it slow at first but never give up man. I was in the same position as you when I graduated college but I got my shit together. A lot of people go their whole lives living in depression and it's not good. You're a young guy, Just enjoy life and everything else is secondary).

if they are that self conscious they wont go to the gym then they need to do video workouts like P-90x

when i see friends of mine look at me with disgust nd they usually say mean stuff like what happened bruh?

i say the world bruh

curds and whey bitch.

If I see a total skinny guy I think good for him.

>you insecure faggot

Highly good. Increase test, sperm count, fights hair loss. Although I start out warm and then switch to cold.

whats a havamal?

theres a lot more to The Prince, or at least I got a lot more out of it after my 3rd reading than the other tier 1 books
that and discourses holy shit

Thanks OP

14/88 wont fix anything for me

oh man not you too

i started drinking an hour ago my life is a fuking crater

This is odd, so many people seem to be doing the same thing as me, Ive started to read philosophy, get fit and stop drugs. Why are we all doing it at the same time?

Did everyone save this?

She's an irish catholic and a lesbian. So......no. Fuck off

i am just regrouping brah

I just got off work, and have only eaten a salad today.
Gunna drink a protein shake and head to the gym

Basically it's a collection of Norse poems from the Viking Era that goes over how a person should conduct themselves in life. It's a very good read, and I highly suggest going through it.

Also, it's technically spelled Hávamál, but I was too lazy to put the accents on the original post.

Start off by cleaning your living space, then yourself, dont bother with a gym yet, just do a bit yourself, for me I started with situps and pushups, have just started planking that shit is fucking hard. start small user.

I've noticed the same from some redpilled friends of mine. We sort of collectively started doing these things. It's in the air, what is it? An ancient instinct resurfacing as the ultimate happening approaches?

Get a job. You know are forced to leave your house
Spend enough time around the same people, they become your friends.

>falling for the cow's milk jew

This isnt true, in a gym you can try to get to know people or you can keep to yourself, some people will help you out if you need it, but unless you go for it nobody will bother you.

Start on your own buddy then build up to the gym

blew her off,wound up shitposting on pol and playing splatoon 2 lol,off to the gym tomoz,gonna try and do 150 on the squat rack