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Damn son.
20 fucking times?

Can't say no one saw this coming.

How shitty was the security that this could even be allowed to happen?

He probably used a repeating knife.

>repeating knife

Seiyuus are fucking terrified and cancelling events, so it's beyond /jp/ now.

What's the problem with stalkers in Japan? Can't the fucking police do something against these nutcases?

Police is not omnipresent, user.
They also can't investigate beforehand unless someone calls for help.
Sadly this did not happen in this case.

The Japanese police don't do anything when they receive complaints.

Wotas gonna Wota

poor girl
>she's akb
akb have done porn so maybe emitsun will get stabbed too

Jap police and the Jap legal system are 3rd World tier.

Should have stabbed her more.

You'd think they'd already make an idolshit knock-off of "the bodyguard" already


Dont abuse pic him.
He did nothing wrong

>repeating knife

>3rd world tier
Do you even know what third world means, faget?

So is she dead ?

Corrupt/Borderline nonexistant

If they were 3rd world tier they'd be extorting bribes left and right and probably running drugs on the side.

Jap police are just beta.

Not anime.

This is a country that still believes in the guilty until proven innocent system to avoid cost in court

So they are just cucks?

In a coma.

>20 stabs to neck and chest
Nah, she'll walk it off.

this just happened today, the story was posted only a few hours ago

for the sake not having a human being die, i hope she recovers

but 20 times, holy SHIT

You're either baiting, or you don't go to school. Google the shit up so you don't embarrass yourself online anymore, faget.

It didn't happen today you fucking sperg.

I'd like to hear about some idols and seiyuu getting murdered

How would the fans react if an idol got raped and tried to continue her career? Would they still support her?

You don't think it's happened already?

Someone should have checked that.

Probably by featuring in her bukkake JAV for free.

I suggest we ban assault knives

Do you not understand what "tier" entails?

Martial artist who's arts core is daggers/knives here. I'll explain.
>The human body is a lot tougher then most people believe especially in fight/flight scenarios. If the attacker isn't trained in how to fight and kill with a blade chances are he 'll fuck up and have to try a stupid number of times.
That's why get muders in which a people has been stabbed 50 times cause the attacker didn't know what the fuck they were doing.

If so, tell us more.

Who are you quoting?

>What's the problem with stalkers in Japan?

Industry is fostering hardcore otaku culture for the sake of sales and you'll always get maniacs in every group. Keep in mind these are the same people who consider seiyuu 2.5D people.

go back to /jp/ you weeaboo/otaku shit. Japan is a shit country and will die out within the next 50 years due to their in ability to procreate.

Oh, this's you typical seiyuufag in this board for you

Holy shit, idol otaku are the fucking worst. They all deserve to be gassed. I have never scene a more crazy and autistic fanbase in my life.

You can't blame them they're federally funded and most prominent politicians are in the pockets of yakuza. That's when happens when you bomb a place to shit like in WWII. The government has to spend every penny just holding things together, so who do you think that leaves with all the monetary power in the country? Anyone who managed to keep their money off the books, of which 99% in Japan were organized crime affiliates. Yakuza literally paid out of pocket to rebuild parts of Japan, they own it down to the brick and mortar.

>go back to /jp/ you weeaboo/otaku shit. Japan is a shit country and will die out within the next 50 years due to their in ability to procreate.
That's not how it works. Unlike the west, japan will see a decline in population and some segments of them will suffer because there will be change, but a reduced population is not a death sentence.

Being flooded with third-worlders whose rapid breeding is subsidized at the expense of the native population, on the other hand...

Oh, I see now.
I thought it was because of plain old anger, but that makes sense.

Fuck the police. If you want to strong-arm stalkers into leaving you alone in Japan, you hire the Yakuza for that.

I still find it weird how Yakuza can operate so openly. I mean, they're not out in the streets hiring themselves out for assassinations, but they have well known headquarters and shit. It would be like Italian mafia advertising where they hold their weekly meetings and never get arrested for it.

Being insane, on drugs, "having an emotional event", or all three (not rare in these cases) can also play a part.

What don't kill ya make ya more strong

Bet he was Korean.

This is why retard strength is a thing

kill ALL the idols

shit>idol otaku>waifuist>lolicon>>>>>satan

idols gimmicks are "muh purity" so no, its not possible.

>implying it wasn't a black US marine and this is the cover story

her career died

I always thought it was impossible to survive if someone got stabbed in the stomach because that destroys multiple organs

To be fair "statistically" it'd even be the safer bet if it were the only problem, it's not even remotely the issue though. The problem is their unwillingness to lose face. The Japanese police will most often refuse to admit to falsely accusing or apprehending a suspect once press get a hold of the story. In that case step one is to shut up journalists before they say anything definitive, but if they can't manage that before it hits print, they will just interrogate and torture a confession out of suspects and leave it for courts to figure out. Though when I say "torture" it's nothing close to the scale of of, say, American military shenanigans. It's mostly just some yelling, threats of social and legal reprocussions, roughing up, and sleep and food deprivation.

stabbing something 20 times with a short knife takes under 30 seconds user

Fuck. Even if she somehow miraculously survives this she'll be scarred for life. And I don't mean just physically. Can you imagine how traumatizing this would be to someone?

If the Japanese police do believe you when you say the guy is a problem, they will sort it out. Japanese courts do not assume innocence until the opposite is proven, and since JUSTICE! is the end, the cops tend to see the means as justified by definition. They get their confession, somehow, and then the guilty verdict is a given.

If they don't believe you on the other hand, then it might be time for the yaks. They'll believe your wallet.

very traumatizing probably.

Hey, waifufags and lolicons only prefer 2D. They're not freaking out and stalking and killing people.