There's no stopping Musashi's wild ride.
Also Memetobe is back too.
There's no stopping Musashi's wild ride.
Also Memetobe is back too.
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And I really hope this was only figurative and Musashi didn't actually imagination cut down a building.
post the link to the chapter:
People stocked nukes just because of Yujiro, I can imagine musashi cutting a building.
Thanks, I meant to do so but forgot to paste.
Yeah, but if the imagination bullshit was capable of such destruction then they pretty much become standard shonen ki users by this point.
Planet buster level, when?
Also, I don't he has imagination cut anything inanimate before.
>gaia brought a gun to a baki fight
So did Speck.
Speck was a moron.
So who else needs to job before Musashi and Memetobe finally fight? Because after Jack and Pickle, Gaia is pretty pointless.
I'm fairly new to Baki but I just wanted to say it doesn't get nearly enough love.
Gaia will job sto hype Memetobe even more even if he's literallywho-tier.
Che and his army
Che has no victory worth shit though.
Gaia at least kind of killed Baki, and beat the fucking piss out of one of the Prisoners, who were the Arc bosses
Memetobe making Oliva job has to happen.
Worse than Doppo/Retsu. Not even worth for jobbing.
He could use losing another arm or a leg.
Maybe he inherited the will of retsu and seriously combines chinese and japanese arts now.
Anyone else hated the fuck out of him before that arc? I know that's kinda the point but holy shit if he was unbearable.
Che has an entire army of guys with his moveset
hahaha people over-reacting to yuujiro out of hysteria isn't as ridiculous as yujiro genuinely being super-powered.
Yujiro punched an earth quake but that was left as ambiguous whether his punch did anything or whether it earthquake stopped by itself.
When Oliva said "If I didn't limit my own muscles they'd expand and destroy this entire prison!" but then it turned out he was just making shit up because yolo.
Maybe Gaia is just the Mememaster's opening distraction. Because this does seem pretty pointless otherwise.
at least you aren't alone in that regard
It made me so happy seeing Doppo finally proud of his son.
Gaia jobs again
The one arm thing seriously sucks, but he is still the "hardest and fastest" hitter in the Baki series. I really enjoyed him during that arc. I wouldn't really want him to show up and die like Retsu, though.
"""hardest and fastest" hitter"" hum.... Well this is 10 years ago, today the things are different
In story it's like a few months, is it not?
He is probably the most balanced non-Hanma hand-to-hand fighter now that Retsu bit the dust.
you mean hand-to-hands?
Che did beat the mouth who in turn beat the fuck out of mcgregor,that doesn't say much but it's still more impresive than Gaia losing to kid Baki.
God what was itagaki thinking with that pube beard
In real world, (4 in fact) Itigaki mind is the thing, every change since the end of son of ogre and the beginning of Dou
got me laughing
Exactly, and remember, Che fight Oliva in a pretty much "sportive fighting " he only able to use 1 or 2 tricks, Guevara is a warrior, a tatical soldier, in a real fight he is able to make a amazing fight against Musashi. And in the romance book a old woman is able to escape from Musashi using a eye attack very similar to used by Che and Dorian.
>Gaia is back
what he could possibly do here
bring back the sumo guy who destroyed Motobe already, and have him destroy Musashi too
it runs in the family
but Kats is adopted
oh fuck gaia got got
who the fuck leveled this chapter though, really, how fuckin bad at this can you be after all these chapters
Musashi is musing about how the building can be standing, from what I can tell of the Japanese script underneath. Skyscrapers couldn't be built in his time because of different construction methods - he says something about how it's perfectly straight-up. He didn't literally destroy the building, he's imagining what it would look like if it collapsed under its weight (or so it appears) from the four top corners down. Maybe this is Itagaki's way of sneakily showing off his beliefs about 9/11. Fairly sure Musashi is also guessing Gaia's age, when he's saying '15-16' something.
Since this is pretty much a pure dialogue chapter, I'll see about TLing it when senmanga gets their shit together (in 2 days). I do hope Gaia does something awesome to Musashi, instead of being just another pointless victim. The gun could have made that happen. Maybe he has another gun. Gaia having learned gun kata? I think that'd be bretty alright.
>captcha is selecting skyscrapers
I was rereading the previous series and I have to say I adore this page.
>Fairly sure Musashi is also guessing Gaia's age, when he's saying '15-16'
Isn't he like 30 by this point? He's at least older than Baki.
Yeah, but he has child-face, remember? That was definitely something said at least once in series 1. Plus Musashi is not the best estimator of who/what a person is - he thought Payne was Portuguese for no real reason.
baki magic
pickles nuts had to be pretty sore at that point, got hit by katsumi and retsu as well
That's probably because Portugal was all the contact Japan had with white people back in his day.
>he thought Payne was Portuguese for no real reason
As far as a 16th/17th century Japanese man was concerned a Westerner could be either that or a Dutchman.
>in the romance book a old woman is able to escape from Musashi using a eye attack very similar to used by Che and Dorian.
pray tell, that sounds funny
>no reason
other than that they were among the first western people to come to Japan
japs learned how to build proper ships from an Englishman
did you all forget that he had like a 6 hour Q&A with Tokugawa and the scientists
he knows there's more of a world out there than just Japan, China and Portugal; he consciously chose to say what he said instead of just "foreigner" or something
I love this brand of stylized ambiguity though.
My favorite example were the GPS signals shifting when Oliva smashed Che into the ground. Coupled with Che making a point of attacking with the power of the Earth, it was as if Oliva managed to shift the whole planet by a few meters with his raw strength.
After a second you realize it's because they're being tracked by satellites and this was set up ahead of time, but it makes the imagery of what was a simple resolution to a fight very powerful.
The scientists were all Japanese, weren't they? Why would Musashi assume generic foreigners would look like the Portuguese (White) instead of like Asians (e.g. the Chinese).
>Portuguese (White)
Why would he assume *anyone* in modern day Japan is or isn't Japanese? Payne is speaking perfect Japanese to him, and Musashi bluntly claims that he doesn't understand his language. Top right.
How much would modern Japanese differ from the one spoken during the time of Musashi?
>Why would he assume *anyone* in modern day Japan is or isn't Japanese?
If the Portuguese are the only Whites he's ever seen he's likely to consider traits specific to Whites in general as specific to the Portuguese in particular.
Other far foreigners might well look like green ayy lmaos as far as he's concerned.
Plus, could the current word for the Portuguese have been more generic when it was first used (I don't speak Japanese)? I know the current Slav word for Germans basically means "foreigner".
Depends on who you asked and where you lived. Ultimately, this Musashi pretty much just speaks normal present-Modern Japanese with a few older words/phrases thrown in for flavor. It's pretty much the equivalent of someone using "thee" and "New-Worlder" instead of "you" and "American". Even though you don't use those words ever, your brain doesn't have to separately process it.
It's basically how all east asians are consider mongoloids by europeans mainly because Mongols were the only east asians europeans had any contact with.up until that point.
Did the author learn anatomy yet?
he invented anatomy
>Plus, could the current word for the Portuguese have been more generic when it was first used
He uses an old word with racist connotations that originated from China. Means "southern barbarian". It was later re-purposed to apply to the Portuguese, with mildly less offensive connotations. The Japanese did not quite like the Portuguese.
Seems quite generic then, like the Slavic "nemtsy" (foreigners in general but mostly Germans) or the Arabic "ajam" (foreigners in general but mostly Persians).
It's not; they used other words to specifically refer to the Dutch and the English and the Koreans and so on.
>When Europeans came to Japan, they were called nanban (南蛮?), literally Barbarians from the South, because the Portuguese ships appeared to sail from the South. The Dutch, who arrived later, were also called either nanban or kōmō (紅毛?), literally meaning "Red Hair."
>The Dutch, who arrived later, were also called either nanban
Assuming "nanban" is the term in question.
Would Musashi have met the Dutch or English though? They mainly focused on trade while the Portuguese were big into proselytizing and such until the shogunate got angry with that shit.
It's quite ironic that the japs called the Europeans barbarians even though they were clearly technologically superior.
>The Chinese characters for ang mo are the same as those in the historical Japanese term kōmō (紅毛?), which was used during the Edo period (1603–1868) as an epithet for (northwestern European) white people.
>It primarily referred to Dutch traders who were the only Europeans allowed to trade with Japan during its 200-year period of isolation.[2]
>Portuguese and Spanish traders were in contrast referred to as nanban (南蛮)
Einstein (which Payne seems to be basedon) didn't really look northwestern (fair haired and light eyed) European though, his eyes were brown and his hair was black (before it was white). Did we ever see Payne in color?
They held onto this sort of attitude well into modern times though. Even in the 19th century they considered the Japanese spirit and civilization superior, with Western technology just being accidentally superior and to be appropriated by their betters (the Wakon Yousai concept).
Technology is not the only thing that matters in a civilization. If it was, we'd all be dead.
Do Caucasians Arr Rook Same to Asians?
Inferior civilizations will also produce inferior technology though,in the case of Japs them having their borders closed also played a role.
>didn't really look northwestern European though
hence Portuguese...?
that's not what nobunaga told me
>no no dude your people are totally cool with me
>now give me more guns pls
That's the two options he's aware of, no? Assuming he even saw a Dutch person at any point; he's probably seen a Portuguese.
>meet green ayy lmaos from Mars
>get told the universe is full of differencent intelligent species
>later meet more green ayy lmaos
>assume they're from Mars
>they call me speciest because they're from a whole different galaxy and besides their xvyzbls are a completely different shape from those of martians
>turns out there's lots of types of green ayy lmaos and they all have subtle differences
"Inferior" is completely subjective to interpretation in this case. Like other guy said, cultures have faith in the abilities of their people and in their own technologies.
what are you trying to argue now, I'm lost
>what are you trying to argue now, I'm lost
That Musashi is perfectly reasonable in assuming white foreigners without the traits the Red Hairs were named for are Portuguese.
All the other foreigners he is likely to be aware of (e.g. the Korean or Chinese) are Asiatic.
>Inferior" is completely subjective
Not in this case,technology is not art and it's value can easily be determined.An unit of portuguese soldiers would have destroyed an unit of samurai.
>assuming the value of technology is its capacity to conquer in the hands of a set, predetermined group of users
Stop this line of thought, I don't have enough energy to care anymore
Well what other fucking use does technology have?
Humanity only evolved during times of war,this is an objective fact,just look at the current state of europe and america,completele moral decay and the death of civilization.All of your abstract concept of what technology is suppose to be means absolutely jackshit if a country cna simply use superior firepower to destroy your nation and take it away from you...
>Humanity only evolved during times of war,this is an objective fact
>your abstract concept of what technology is suppose to be means absolutely jackshit if...
>moral decay and the death of civilization
or if you want to learn what the words you use mean
abandon thread
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Yeah so you basically have no argument and decide to use buzzwords instead?If i'm wrong then how come they didn't split the atom in times of peace but instead they only did it so they can bomb the fuck out of their enemy?
Fae it faggot,human need adversity to evolve,in times of peace they get complacent and lazy.
>moral decay
>death of civilization
>political correctness
>gay marriage
>transgender toilets
>body acceptance
What else would you call this other than complete moral decay?It all started precisely because we started demonizing male values and instead let the cunts rule our countries.
Male values
>basic human decency
Female values
>complete lack of honor or loyalty
>female bed
>male gud
>things that have existed before but totally is le western moral decay
user, if you're going to buzz it up more in a baki thread, I'll have to redirect you to another board
holy shit this manga's artwork is fucking ugly.
>mocks other user by saying "muh Sup Forums" boogeyman
>proceeds to shitpost Sup Forums memes
Say it wouldn't hype for Musashi to kill like a dozen of Che's soldiers
He's more than enough hyped up for me, it wouldn't be too bad to get another fight that isn't pure jobbing.
Nah, jobbers will be there.
>Did the author learn anatomy yet?
If you think this is bad, I implore you to read Garouden.
Wats the point of musahsi facing other caracter when it was show how he could fight at yujiros level.
Ancient Nippon stronk, bitch boy.
Let's be honest though. When was the last time we had fights that weren't pure Jobbing?
Closest thing was Katsumi vs. Pickle, and we knew Kasumi wasn't going to win.
Garouden had better anatomy than Baki though.