Personally, I REALLY love this chapter.
Boku no Hero Academia Shokugeki no Souma
Personally, I REALLY love this chapter.
Boku no Hero Academia Shokugeki no Souma
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I guess some of the stats stuff from RPGs could be applied to Triggers
Katori a cute
Mature kid.
Man, the more I read about it, the more the Japanese school system seems like a nightmare
First time we really got a sense of scale of just how bad the first invasion was
Her fingertips looked chopped off in the early scans
Somehow this seems so much worse
I'd rather have this instead of chopped off finger tips. At least fingernails grow back.
Didn't she call them/him the main character? That's way better than "heroes", I think.
Anyway, this flashback is brilliant. This isn't a flashback that provides motivation or goals to either of these girls. Katori's family is okay, Hana's is lost but it wasn't the best family, Hana joins Border just because of the benefits, Katori halfassedly comes along.
It's just miserable and horrible and harsh and you can see why tensions are probably high for Katori Squad in present day. This explains things, but doesn't excuse anything. It's great.
>I only chose who was more likely to survive
Reminds me of that scene in I, Robot where it turns out Will Smith hates robots because a robot had saved him instead of a little girl because it had calculated that Will Smith had better chances of survival.
>Didn't she call them/him the main character? That's way better than "heroes", I think.
Sometimes "MC" and "hero" are synonymous, but maybe VIZ wanted to keep that fourth wall in prime condition.
>Didn't she call them/him the main character? That's way better than "heroes", I think.
I prefer Main Characters as well. But heroes are just as good in this case. In my opinion.
>Tfw your friend lets her family die to save you and your family.
Man she must have really hated her parents...
NEW series: Takuan and Batsu's Daily Demon Diary
thanks. author comments, pls
Welp, if the flashback is used as a parallel, Katori will likely accomplish something next chapter.
I'd be annoyed if she managed to take both Osamu and Yuma out though.
Didn't we had this? Strong feelings doesn't automatically make you a winner.
I'm expecting Katori will rush things and go straight into a trap.
How did such a cute girl grow up to be the biggest slut in town?
Oh look Osamu is making more wires for you to trip on
Oh I know. But just as Kakizaki's flashback preceded some minor character growth, it'd follow that Katori will likewise develop a little. With Yuma one scratch from bailout, she still has a chance at taking one or both of them with her.
The wire cubes literally look like they were taken out of last chapter and shrieked
Holy shit Daisuke is pure
The only thing she's developed so far is a seething hatred of the real main characters of the story.
Man I can't wait for the full explanation of first impact.. I mean first invasion
Just cause someone is hot doesn't mean that person is a slut
I'm usually pretty immune to gore, but finger injuries always get to me (this, Joyline Jostar's power, and Higurashi nail scene to name a few).
The cleaner image always makes things better and worse depending on the scene too. In this finger scene makes it harder for me to stare but now with the clean image I can appreciate the pages with the Katori household like since now I notice that Yoko has a strait mix of both of her parents hair, while the dirty scans made it look like both her parents had normal hair while Yoko had the weird gradient.
The crap scans actually made me come up with a theory that Yoko because a self serving only in for the money as she grew older type. Since if you notice that Katori house its old, small, made entirely out of wood, and it was inherited from their grandparents suggesting the Katori household had financial troubles. So the extra money from border finally allowed Yoko money on beauty products.
But nope, throw all that out, Yoko just has a mix of her parents hair. Which is better than my beauty product whoring version of her. Instead she just has natural beauty.
I quite enjoy how this is the first Rank War fight where someone has a personal vested interest in Osamu.
Vote for your favorite match
Is she playing Demon's Souls?
WT started in 2013, 4 years before that it was 2009 and DeS came out in 2009
>Didn't she call them/him the main character? That's way better than "heroes", I think.
Not really, the MC in a game is called "Hero". She used to play a lot of games and she's acting like she's in a game.
Katori will grow after the match.
Maybe. Worst case scenario for her is that this loss ends up causing her to decline even further or give up. All she's got right now is an anger high and it's probably gonna make her sloppy.
>Chiharu Sawashiro
>New Seiyuu
>Younger brother of Miyuki Sawashiro
Nah user. She's going to lose, and then she will finally change, because of this line . Losing badly will make Katori want to do something since she remembered her promise to Hana that they'll be the best.
>and she's acting like she's in a game.
Pity she has no concept of training and level grinding. She just assumes her naturally high stats will grant her the advantage.
Between Katori and Kunichika, Ashihara like his female gamers.
Better image of the WJ 26 preview. Second popularity voting has started. Results will be announced in 5 to 10 issues, along with a color page (Probably. Not sure about that).
>Second popularity voting has started.
Where's the first?
This is the first invasion literally 4 and a half years ago
Chapter 60 or so
So far it is the poll at 10 votes is 4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1
C'mon guys, as fucking kickass Match 4 was Ko vs Yuma is by far the best 1 v 1 fights as it showcases the best qualities of daisukes battles
>I only need my intuition
>I'm a genius
I think I am in love with Katori.
? What's your point?
uR a fGGt
I had never seen it before.
Suprised Osamu is 1, thought Yuma was much more popular
I don't really see her succeeding here. Kakizaki's flashback followed him ordering Teruya to go after Chika, and was interspersed with fight and an internal monologue about what his mistakes up to that point had been. Leading up to the 'reward' of inflicting major damage on Yuma.
Katori's flashback hasn't had any of that. It's just an explanation of why Katori and Hana joined Border. Which isn't anything particularly deep. They lost their homes to the first invasion, and Hana lost her parents. Hana then joined Border seeking the opportunities that they offered, and Katori basically tagged along to help her out. It also establishes that Katori's laziness is a long standing character flaw.
There's nothing to show Katori getting insight into what's wrong with her behavior. She's the same as she's been. The only thing she's got going for her at the moment is that she's pissed off that Osamu and Yuma are undeterred by bouncing off the top B-rank teams, and possibly that they have high minded ideals for reaching the top, when she just has pride and personal gain on the line.
That shouldn't be enough for her to do anything. At best spite will make her stop caring about scoring points, enabling her to damage Yuma enough that he bails out giving Kakizaki unit the point, herself being defeated in the process.
Either way, I expect her to be defeated without scoring any points next chapter. Leaving Teruya as the only threat.
On that note, assuming that Katori gets BTFO, how do people think T-2 will deal with Teruya? Will she miss a dodge and get lead bullet sniped by Chika? Will she reach Chika only to be the first victim of Chika using an asteroid or hound lead bullet? Will Osamu and Yuma intercept and defeat her before she gets to Chika?
Technically Yuma is more popular
Daisuke goes on about it in volume 7 or 8 but basically you could vote in your top 3 characters
Yuma had more 1st places but Osamu was more apparent in peoples top 3
osamu's great but it's probably mc/underdog effect too. also I think this is with multiple votes and one-vote results were a bit different.
Can't even let Osamu win, can you
I bet he'll lose to all the new cooler characters in the new popularity poll though. Wouldn't be surprised if he fell off top 3.
Osamu birthday is coming so no. He has a lot of fangirls. Bithces dig wek people like him.
Well you CAN beat Dark Souls without ever leveling up through sheer skill
I really want to see Katori manage to throw a great fight (and somehow win or score point?) against those two. In this series the background characters are almost equally interesting as the main ones imo.
Blame Ashihara for being honest about it not us. But while it's true other people have been much flashier I don't believe Osamu will drop too much. He might not be an absolute favourite but I think almost everyone's rooting for him.
Posting the Viz Color version of this shit
as well as doing Top 10 perdictions
1. Hyuse
2. Yuma
3. Osamu
Konami a best
Yes but Katori is also an ace. Before they are all over the place because they had not know much about Tamakoma 2 strategies. They don't have any clue about those wires and how it could change the tide of the battle. Now that Katori fully aware of this, she should be able to do better
Here is the sub top 10 (part 1)
4. Jin
5. Yotaro
6. Chika
7. Kageura
Sub top 10 part 2
8. Ema
9. Azuma
10. Murakami
I wonder which female character will be in Top 10 this time. Chika is almost a certainty, but Konami hadn't done much recently. Nasu?
>Technically Yuma is more popular
Not really
>Daisuke goes on about it in volume 7 or 8 but basically you could vote in your top 3 characters
I know that
>Yuma had more 1st places but Osamu was more apparent in peoples top 3
Then Yuma is not more popular. Otherwise he'd be in everyone's top 3 just like Osamu.
Ninomiya will be in the top 5. World trigger is fuji manga.
>that satori window
I think this is my favourite running gag. And although people are hype for Hyuse joining I don't see him beating everyone.
Jesus I haven't seen people Osamufagging this hard since chapter 112
I hope Hyuse fight with Miwa. The ultimate edgy fight. The true Edgy-lord will be the one left alive.
Are you always misspelling the word on purpose so we'll know it's you or something?
Shitposting never ends.
It bothers me how unpopular Kitora is.
I finally got 100 golden triggers in the Smash Borders, I got a 5 stars Osamu with them, there is not justice in this world.
Satori would be in my top 3
Not really, the new popularity poll opens now, Osamu just rekt everyone in the match with his wires.
Hyuse will rank high too.
Is there a link for all WT scans with good quality or something like that?
So 5 week from now we shall see. Wonder how may people will vote.
We've been doing this since last chapter.
Where have you been?
There were a lot of votes in the first poll( total of 25,981 applications.) so.. more than that I assume since it wasn't that popular back then
Props to Hanna for being a fucking child with ripped nails and a dead family and acting so calm. Her nerves are top tier.
Just noticed Hana switched from long hair to short hair after her family died. Imitating Katori or just finally out of her father's shadow?
Maybe she just wanted to cut her hair you autistic fucker
Third time's the charm. Katori is going to bite it before she even hits the ground.
But my chinese cartoons say it's symbolic. And it fits that she'd want to let go of her past and start anew.
>chinese cartoons
One it is Japanese and two it is a manga or comic for plebs not a shitty american cartoon