...What did Julian Assange mean by this?


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He's wise to ZOG

O-oy vey stop this hate speech Israel greatest ally

>what is a neocon?

Stop spamming your account. We get it. You're fake news. Is this really redpilling anyone?

I guess not every info is leaked to him or why the US has very little American centric interests

I'm 99% sure Julian got bored in the embassy and got redpilled

He is 100% right. Just like Israel, Saudi Arabia was a construct for the same puprose as Israel. The reasons for it's construction you may not agree on, but the evidence is overwhelming.

that's a good word, i'm feeling pretty persuaded right now

I think it's based in some loose idea of the existence of God.
>don't touch my Guns
>stop pissing off God with your rampant faggotry
Really all u need to know to win over the right

It's the same in the UK. Most conservatives think the persecuted jews and isolated israel need our protection. They think they will be thanked for it, like a big brother helping a bullied sibling.
Fucking clowns.

The American right's base actually despises the Saudis, and a fair amount of the American left is anti-Israel. The Israel-Saudi "nexus" has unwavering bipartisan support by the politicians and the (((lobbyists))) funding them

There's a 0% chance Assange hasn't been here. Once you come here once, you can't stop.

the Middle East Conflicts, most all centered by the actions of Pissrael, are the lifeblood of the One Trillion Dollar a year Military Industrial Complex. It's about the money, pure and simple.

Christcucks. That's really all it is. The department of defense sunk a lot of money into spreading eschatology that supports their foreign policy.

Religious brainwashing, that's why

Biggest churches in America teach that Jews are chosen people and Americans must protect Israel. That's a lie and completely opposite of what Christianity is.

Right wingers= Christians= defend Israel

That's why


What really tips it for me is when they say we should DIE for Israel. As they'd necessarily expect us to put their homeland above all until the bitter end.

Honestly, he's a smart guy, but I don't see how he doesn't understand it.
If any Islamic Caliphate starts in either the ME or in North Africa, it would get shut off by Israel and the Saudi's.
It eliminates the possibility of an Islamic Caliphate.

Saudi Arabia is already an islamic caliphate.


Saudi royals are Kikes.
They drink.
They have droves of prostitutes.
They smoke hash all day long every single day.
Israel has tons of behind closed doors deals with them because they're the same tribe. Its why they both support ISIS.

He is being incredibly antisemitic, I think it's time we abandon Julian

A small one.
The thing people are worried about is an real Islamic caliphate that spread through the Middle east and Africa.

Ill give my 2 cents. Once you enter politics its easy to see Israel as the victim. Once you learn the truth you flip sides.





remember when julian accidentally redpilled himself by asking why all the people who hated him on twitter had ((())) on their names?

There will never be a chance for that.
They co-operate because the Saudis are nothing more than a construct to serve Israel. Israel wants nothing more than de-stabilized neighbors.
Why do you think the Saudis funneled money so much into the Syrian rebels?
Why do you think they funneled so much money and manpower in trying (and failing spectacularly) to take down the original Yemeni government?
Why are the Saudis so buttscared of Iran moving it's military closer to Israel?

He very explicitly referred to them once as something like ladder climbers with tribal interests. Hes well aware of the JQ. The guy has read most classified documents sent between embassies in recent history. He knows who is doing what and for what reasons.

I wouldn't call it "naming the jew", but he points out the hypocrisy.

It will never happen because they keep their neighbors from organizing together.

baby steps

based julian

It works by Jeebus

It it easy. Israel represents the rights of the strong against the weak, very classic left right divide.

Most Americans are unaware of how in deep we are with Saudi. Israel gets memed as greatest ally because they kill Muslims and dude democracy lmao. That's all there really is to it


We need Israel as a nexus to spy on the Muslim world, its that simple Assange

I think you are mistaken.
It isn't a caliphate that they are trying to prevent, but a more unified Arabia.
Ba'athism and it's Pan-Arabic Nationalism comes into play now. Notice how all Ba'athists were hunted down?
Bashar still stands, but the ideology is dead.

He's asking a rhetorical question.

fuck off. Israel is commits human rights violations of a daily basis.

For people that cry so hard about muh 6 gorillion jews you're pretty comfortable genociding another race of people.

There's no real historical base for the way the "conservative" bloc in the US has acted in the postwar, and especially post-60s, era. They are entirely anti-American and oppose the foundational American system [protectionist tariffs, highly developed domestic industry, isolationism, restrictive immigration] that made this country great to begin with.

The real truth is the Sunni elite and the Jewish elite have sided to destroy Europeans once and for all.

That is why the Arabs are relocating to Europe for the new Jewish super state which will stretch through Syria and Iraq.

The Arabs get Europe and the Jews get a huge part of the Middle East. Its not the first time the semites have sided with each other against us. Look what happened in Spain with the moors/jews.

That may or may not be the short term goal. But it all leads to the larger picture of making sure a large scale Caliphate can't happen.

Assad is the last stand. It will be a sad day for Sup Forums especially Syria general when he falls

Fuck Israel. Seriously they are entitled, play victim, and destroy the middle east all at the same time. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

>If any Islamic Caliphate starts in either the ME or in North Africa, it would get shut off by Israel and the Saudi's.

>The thing people are worried about is an real Islamic caliphate that spread through the Middle east and Africa.

Oh... like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant???

You know, the one that Saudi Arabia and Israel arm and fund?

Take your meme flag off, jewish shill.

Not America's left fampai
And no, the Democrats aren't left, Hillary Clinton's biggest donor was Saudi Arabia.
The reason is cause Jews push multiculturalism as to united the world's people under one common language so they can fulfill a plot of building a tower to heaven or some shit like that. It's also why usury is forbidden which in the middle ages only Jews were allowed to do which is how they became the internationalist bankers we have today.

And why do we need to spy on the Muslim world?

>You're fake news.
>fake news
>Julian fucking Assange

> Got redpilled

Dude have seen some shit when it comes to classified material.

But they still funded wahhabists, who want a caliphate.
ISIS, HTS and their other various muppets.
Of course, but he won't fall. He is safe now, since the war with the rebels is essentially coming to a close.

A small group in the big picture. Easily defeated when any nation gets serious about it.
Both Russia and the US allowed them to move against the enemies they wanted at times and used them as a buffer.

While Assange is correct, we are only allowed to choose between two options when we vote, and even then we know that they are both just puppets of the Israel-Saudi nexus.

>how does it work?
Kike lobby groups run american politics like a mafia prison planet. If you do not comply, you are replaced with a carpetbagger, and, if possible, you suddenly get prosecuted for corruption, outted for being a homo, or accused of being a pedo.

Fuck off Shariabue shill. Israel is fucking based because the left hates them and they're conservatives!


Because Israel needs the US to use Israel to spy on the muslim world so Israel doesn't get evicted.

Its not about jews idiot. Its about Zionists jews and globalism. Just spouting jew is intellectually dishonest.

Reddit. Go back to it.

Why not have an ethno-nationalist rebellion to purge the (((academia))) and the (((government))) then? You have the guns.

Israel produces world class Research and development, have the highest number of successful start-ups per capita. Not to mention they're a reliable ally. Whilst Saudi Arabia is the leading OPEC member and pretty much sets the price for the global price of oil. Also America's elite are inextricably linked with the Saudi monarch. America wants Jewish brains and Saudi influence and oil.

I'm talking about the base rather than the politicians, as I said the politicians on both sides are pro-Israel and pro-Saud. There is or at least was a strong anti-Israel streak in the left due to Palestine sympathisers, opposition to Evangelical Christian Israel worship and Israel acting like a colonial power

The Conservative movement is responsible for the Boomers, while the Liberal movement is responsible for the degeneracy.

Post-war, the Conservative movement was in control which lead to unprecedented prosperity at the cost of their posterity. The Liberal movement was always there, working in step, to eventually dominate as they began to during Bush's 2nd term.

I wouldn't say they were ever opposed, just different prongs to an encirclement.

> Israel.
> Based.
I want to live to see Israel turned to ash.

And where has this "great alliance" led us?

You just know Israel is stealing secrets and claiming ownership. Also theres massive human, ethic and moral reprehensible activities going on behind the scenes in that nation all protected by antisemitism .

Its pretty simple, petrodollars.

Because you're a cuck shill shariablue stormfag kike loser!

Trump and Israel are winners and will always win!


what did you expect from a guy who was accused of (((raping))) some degenerante feminazi?

99% of jews in the USA support Israel unconditionally. That's the definition of Kikery.

What is the Christian Right for 100 Alex?

when most churches are so pro-israel they forget their actually Christian, this is the result.

Many people have not really delved deep into the Christian mythos like I have, so i have seen first hand what many preachers and pastors actually say to their congregations. It would be very surprising to many people, perhaps even many Christians to know how utterly pro-zionist these preachers actually are. Here's one of the most popular pastors denying Jesus was the Messiah all for the defense of Israel. and this is just the tip of the iceberg.


For USA a massive military and 20 trillion in debt plus technologies. Still the trade off is not worth it at all plus the deaths and suffering is gross.
A fiat currency would Trump the petrol dollar. Why do i care about the purchasing power of the dollar? Actually a lower USD would make USA competitive. We need jobs!

I think it's time for America's political and capitalist elite to stop pretending we are friends with Israel and Saudi Arabia for any noble reasons. It's always been about money and influence. America will always be willing to be the bad guys and support shitty regimes for her own self interests.

American Jew's need to seriously do some soul searching. They need to understand that our country, the country they live in, the country they belong to, The United States, is more important than a fucking kike nation in the desert that is illegitimate.

Why do American Jews not understand that if they shouldn't support Israel and that it is fundamentally unamerican to do so?

i've got more, see how he twists and turns all for the sake of godless jews


I heard that the US has a specifically translated bible, written to look pro-zionist and distributed as the main bible there, is it true?
That's the main point. All this alliance has done is create the crisis that the jews use as an excuse to flood europe with non-whites.

Master Truthman Assange is right again.

>It would be very surprising to many people, perhaps even many Christians to know how utterly pro-zionist these preachers actually are

No it wouldn't. Anyone who has gone to church would know this. Christianity is a religion built on servitude to the Jews. America is a Christian Country is code word for America is a Jewish Country.

Because they are jews user, it's in their blood to be vermin.

>so Israel doesn't get evicted
bad goy

He knows damn well the alt-right hates the Saudi cunts and their Jewish lap dogs

>for her own self interests
And even then it's only the interests for those (((elites))) at the top. For the average American life is only getting worse.

>I heard that the US has a specifically translated bible, written to look pro-zionist and distributed as the main bible there, is it true?

no...we have literally every version of the bible. You think our stores only sale one version of the bible? Why? We don't just have one form of Christianity.

Come on man use your head

No such thing user.

I seriously don't see how people can throw out labels like alt-right when it doesn't mean anything!

I think if you voted for trump and you're under 30 you're instantly labelled alt-right. Fucking Kikes and their mind control kike magic.

True. Those trillion dollar wars, along with (((banking deregulation))) and the destruction of the labour union is why so many Americans are poorer than their parents generation

Its worse for other countries like brazil. They are required to pay interest on bank loans estentialy draining the wealth out of their nations for nothing while we just keep printing our own money.

The alt-right is an umbrella term for the normies in both sides to understand. It's purpose is to connect the right to controlled opposition figures like Spence and to muddle the waters as to what a true right-wing is.
Absolute jewery.

I didn't even vote for Trump, i just played devils advocate on facebook and defended him when people were spouting easy to debate bullshit. Now I have people saying shit like "you're my alt right friend" or "when did you become alt right?". There are the same retards who think Ben Shapiro is a neo nazi

Not to mention the massive social unrest caused by an increasing non-white population.

Assange visits for sure-confirmed. Kimmy Chan more so though

It was a tiny thing but then the media platformed Richard spencer and just had to wait for an event like Charlottesville to happen so they could cement it in place.


A clever tweet, the man asks the reader the question.

he's responsible for a great deal of us becoming "redpilled" and not just meme worthy infograph redpilled


Shut up neocon faggot.

it wasn't an accident and it was just a nod in our direction.

It all feels like everything is in place to specifically target the Right and condemn it in order to put it down for good.
Really makes me think.
And don't say that Trump's silence is a good thing.
People see "nazi skiheads" screaming their meme-tier bullshit ala and their views shift dramatically.
It gets worsened by the fact that the Republican voter base is overwhelmingly... republican.
Pro-Israel, pro-intervention, anti-"nazi" and even anti-"racist" deep down.