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Megumin scale when?
not buying crap?
Some books came today.
>buy garage kit three months ago
>never shipped it
>ask them about it
>this was their response
What should I do?
Ask to cancel? If they refuse, go to paypal or your credit card.
After Aqua scale.
You can wait, or cancel/refund.
e2046 really needs to stop this bullshit and give a set PO period and either make the amount of kits PO'd or reset to PO to the desired minimum amount.
>non removable
Why. I'll have to cut the bar off and re-glue it on just to paint the wheels. Fucking why.
Thinking of liquidating all my buyfag stuff. But I just can't let go for some reason. Help.
Post collection and we'll buy some off ya
is that tank for figmas?
Almost page 10 getting really excited
Yeah basically.
Nice dedication
I own six.
Three of them have QC issues and you're blind or naive as fuck if you don't see this.
>5 months of wait for 18 page black&white doujin
what a letdown comparing to previous ones
i wish i could paint models, so i could get one for myself.
Spray paint is good enough.
sadly, i live in place where it is eternally cold and humid so most spay paints run off like shit. so hand painting or airbrushing inside is my only option
I've got 3 blank nendo faces. What expressions should I draw on them?
Probably shouldn't risk bidding for figures that have known bootlegs on Yahoo Auctions, huh? What with the lack of support for bootleg returns.
I was thinking about getting the Rabbit book, how well did it come out?
wide faces obviously
That's awesome
>Spray paint is good enough
Good enough to look like a $1 chinese toy.
isn't it awful when shit companies get sculpts you love?
i know the feel as 2hufag.
posted a couple weeks ago lamenting the lack of gatari keychains (specifically Mayoi). Found this on Manda for 500 and ordered. It's a rubber strap from Madogatari that must have been buried in MFC, but I can replace the strap bullshit with a regular keychain right?
anyone else buy this or any of the other 8?
yeah you can replace the strap easily, the metal ring opens up
It looks cute. Need to see the tits and ass though.
That's a cute face.
Goin' to the post office to pick these two up tomorrow. Paid $50 shipped. Not a bad deal if I do say so myself.
Why the fuck doesn't Vert have anything? Does Nippon hate Xbox that much?
Do people normally throw away those little paper things wrapped around the manga?
I don't know about others but I keep them all.
I keep mine on the books.
Some books are actually valued less if they do not have it.
I keep mine.
oh ok cool
That base.
They are called dust jackets. Protects the book from shelf wear, yes you're supposed to keep them unless you don't move them much
I think they're referring to the obi. Why would anyone throw away a dust jacket?
Ahegao is always timeless.
You mean the obi? I keep mine.
Which one?
Right one.
You'd be surprised. I've seen people assume that the jacket is sales packaging because it's removable.
If it's the Obi then that's all on collector value. Don't personally see a point in throwing it away though.
I'd use it as bookmark of current book i'm reading
There are options.
I usually use the inserts for those, if they have them.
Yeah, I don't throw the obi away, but I also don't really care if I buy a secondhand book and it's not included.
I'm surprised people will throw away dust jackets though. They usually have nice art or a design on them, depending on the type of book it is.
I don't throw them away but I don't keep them attached either since I don't see myself reselling any of my books and like to see the full cover.
You'd think they'd notice that the covers underneath don't have the same art or, in some cases, any art at all.
Obi I can understand throwing away, but not the dust jackets.
July release date.
I think it was another stealth push back cause that's what Ami emailed just now. Look again to confirm.
Is that Robin?
Very good. It's full of cute pictures.
Damn , that face looks cute as fuck.
GSC's site still says June. Until they change it that's what it is. Although if they don't ship it until June 30th, then it's technically a July release for every other store.
Is that why Ami says July from getting stock later?
A used set that I got recently had the obi things folded and tucked behind the back cover along with any other inserts. I will probably be doing this myself, because I don't like throwing them away but I also don't like leaving them on.
Sakura statue when?
Paypal's currency conversion sucks. Credit card charges foreign transaction fees. Feels like I'm being taken advantage of here.
If thats the MadoGatari one I have Cat and Crab. Is right, the strap isnt nessisary, you can just clip it on any other chain.
>weird huge head
>floaty, flaccid, low energy pose
don't even need to see the final product, won't be buying it
Quick, everybody post your Amiami thank you cards.
Anyone interested in buying sealed tomoko nendo? Got a couple from GSC Booth i'm lookin to scalp.
I don't care about the game, but she's an instant preorder for me.
left is best
She'll look great on my Halloween Shelf so that's perfect
>May 10
>I initiate a new proxy order at Big in Japan, giving them a link to the item and all the information they need to place the order.
>May 12
>They send me an invoice for a 50% deposit.
>May 16
>They reply to my email (which I sent on the 13th) confirming that they have placed the order with the merchant.
>May 23
>They send me the second invoice for the other 50% of the cost of the item, the shipping (EMS) and their commission.
Good lord. This company takes forever to get an order processed. Anybody want to place any bets on when I'll finally get the item delivered to my mailbox?
Pic unrelated.
Why are you using paypal?
Gee, thanks, Alter.
I recently payed them for a forwarding order and they marked it as shipped the same day, which i find it hard to believe they did since they suck. Hope you get yours soon, mine was SAL
Convince my dick not to buy.
Who is this? I love the colors.
Why aren't you using a fee free CC for overseas purchases?
it finally arrived
>tfw paying with paypal but they don't take paypal credit
Do Japanese companies hate money?
Exchange rate is so unpredictable.
If I get within the US the price is set but I have to pay immediately. It's also usually higher.
If I get the at a JP site I can cancel but I can't lock in the price. It's also usually cheaper.
Decisions, decisions.
Fuck the yen and fuck shipping.
Is there a database of all the different cards or all the illustrations they've used over the years?
>not getting the superior FC
Christ how much of a drifting baboon can you be?