Macross Delta
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Reminder that GG took liberties with the translation and gave Arad's line a lot more meaning than it actually had
I want to cum inside Mikumo
It's been 8 episodes and I still don't know how Mikumo would respond to that
Keep voting for your favorite Walkure Songs!
You are able to pick as much choices as you want, but only the ones you actually like of course~
Mikumo-san wants to playfully bully you!
Pic related
That episode was so good. Man I hope Delta has a "filming Frontier the movie" or SDF callback episode
I may not like Ranka's songs but Seikan Hikou was fucking special
When she's singing that, you see a bunch of heart runes and star runes float around. Clearly Freya ends up with a Windamerian.
correct answer is obviously Ikenai Borderline
but I was really digging the solo Giraffe Blues this episode. When she started I initially confused it with the ending to Nana.
would it be beyond kawamori to actually make mikumo like some kind of vengeful jellyfish?
He already somehow made APPLES the windermerian superweapon
Or was that just to pull some poetry with the sharon apple-mindcontrol thing?
There is no correct answer. You just vote for the songs you like. You are allowed to vote for Ikenai Borderline and Giraffe Blues. You can even vote for every song too!
Why does the NUNS even bother with recruiting Zentradi soldiers?
>Macross 7
All of Macross 5 dies
>Macross Frontier
The entire garrison of Gallia IV gets dimension-bombed
>Macross Delta
Al-Shahal garrison gets Var'd and destroys half the colony.
And this isn't even mentioning all the half-Zentrans who do shit all, like Mirage. They're fucking useless.
>it's a zentraedi episode
>but they go ga-ga over an idol and shit
no it was ass
The stars represent Venus Goddess Mikumo. Clearly Mikumo and Freyja are the true couple of Delta!
those are just the generic representation of runes
kawamori hates zentran
It was okay. This one was better.
probably to keep them employed so they don't just sit around getting drunk and breaking shit
Mirage will win and bring honor to Zents and Melts around the universe
Pretty much this.
>not marrying a Zent waifu
wrong see
>it's a zentraedi episode
More like it was an SDF/DYRL throwback episode
Ironically, I think Ranka is the only post-SDF Zentraedi who kind of was actually important
Why can't Zentraedi ever not go apeshit over music?
>Macross Plus
>Some butthurt green hair faggot tries to kill his old friend over a not-rape misunderstanding and then dies taking his highly expensive VF with him
Every series has a NotBritai and NotExedol. The problem is with Delta's plot being kind of focused, I don't think there's any time for a wacky SDF throwback episode unless it's like an OVA or something
Will she be relevant next episode? Will Messer ever notice her?
in the movies his VF doesn't kamikaze and the G forces just explode his head
The only Zentraedis that weren't fucking incompetent wastes of space were Veffidas and Exsedol
And Veffidas wasn't even particularly useful too, she was just cool as heck
Now Exsedol, that was best character material
attempted rape, he stopped when he sees himself in the mirror
He tried to. But it didn't happen which made it worse in my opinion. That fucking "twist" more or less ruined Plus for me. I mean at least be butthurt over something that really happened
Don't forget Ranka, who is part zent, or Mylenne. Milia's marriage was a failure too.
which one?
>series gets many killed with DYRL
>movie one was based as fuck
>Milia's marriage was a failure too.
Yeah but they obviously got back together at the end
Are we sure he saw himself in the mirror 'before' putting it in?
Well the majority of her clothes were still on.
Yes because in his earlier flashbacks we see Isamu holding Myung with ripped clothes but her underwear is still on.
Next episode is based Messer and that disgusting old hag
That was her best by a fucking mile.
Kawamori stated they were a failure after 7, so no, he didn't share that interpretation, user.
>Why can't Zentraedi ever not go apeshit over music?
Millennia of suppression of all non-war related creative activities.
Next ep will be Hayate and Mirage dogfighting Messer while the old hag sings to him.
Do I need to watch something before to understand this show?
Nope, just start watching it!
>MiliaxMax was a mistake
It makes some sense I guess, considering how they got together and all that.
So Mikumo won't be bullying the fuck out of Freya anymore?
IRatings are gonna pummel hard, I might have to drop this show if it happens.
stop this shitty meme already
Is this what we call sex?
Ikenai Borderline is the only choice
Only 4 episodes until she becomes a shit just like Ranka, right?
Stop replying to it already.
Did any of those guys survive or did the entire group get wiped out by Grace? I don't really remember that episode well.
Dat scene. Fucking BEST girl and OTP.
Man, just look at those meltrans. I wish we see another Meltan Fleet show up. They so hot.
Didn't even know that it was a meme, I just posted because I wanted to know
The planet kind of imploded. I assume they all died.
I think this is going somewhere
Macross is heavily self referential so you'll get more out of it the more of the franchise you've seen, but each entry is self contained and can be watched on its own. You'll be fine starting with Delta if you're interested.
>Her face when she knows she'll win
I thought the hacking shit at the start of episode 7 was dumb but holy fuck I was not ready for how dumb it was yet to get
>tfw delta is the most srs bzns macross
Messer is fine right? THE PREVIEW SHOWS HE'S FINE
Which line?
Mikumo is just setting her up to fall from a greater height so she can bully her even more later on.
Messer is going to be fine for a long time, he can't die. If he does, the next time the Aerial Knights attack, Keith kills everyone. Messer dying leads to a bad end.
You ever see what happens when Korean soldiers get a k-pop concert? They absolutely lose their shit
What did he originally say?
So this... is the power... of music... whoa
Why Miragefags are so butthurt?
If Messer died, someone might replace him with his Valkyrie and Keith will try to fight it without knowing who is the pilot.
Maybe that is the plot development for Mirage.
I bet KumoKumo will get jelly at some point and go full Sheryl
Wow, I don't know if I should hate it or love it.
Why are Walkure songs so vulgar
>You ever see what happens when Korean soldiers get a k-pop concert?
I can't say that's something I look for
can DECULTURE end north korea?
>Keith notices right away that is not Messer
>shoots the fake Shinigami down in rage
unless death magically makes mirage fly better, which it shouldnt
why did kawamori make mirage such a weak pilot; is it so she can be an idol?
Her sole existence is to make Hayate look better.
>yfw Keith thinks it's still Messer and now believes var turns you into a grill
So they're going with the "Freyja has the same power as Heinz" kind of deal then?
>mfw I imagined Freyja with space vitiligo
pls no
>Keith realize that "fake" Messer is really weak he left him alive because of disappointment.
>The fake Messer is Mirage and she swear that she's going to git gud to pay for this humiliation.
>The final episode will be Mirage shoot down Keith by herself.
I want to lick Freyja's rune
She's stronger. She revived the ruins.
Freyja's hair-penis is the strongest.
Thanks user