>tfw we will never be able to discuss how bad gakusen toshi asterisk is only because some shitty youtuber made a review series about it
asterisk war thread
>tfw we will never be able to discuss how bad gakusen toshi asterisk is only because some shitty youtuber made a review series about it
asterisk war thread
Other urls found in this thread:
digibro a faggot cuck.
Asterisk >>>>>>>>>>>>> rakudai
It's incredible how much better is the second cour compared to the first.
Asterisk will always be trash on the level of Gundoh Musashi, SAO, Elfen Lied, and Akame ga Kill.
People only defend it because Digibro is a literal homosexual
>vomit > shit
Literally worse than Ichika.
>OP from 141919264 making another thread
At least use a different pic, Digibro.
You meant good, right?
>saving different pictures of trash
Digibro is a flaming homosexual but he's right. Being right matters more than being a likable person
Don't take the bait, anons. Don't reply. Just ignore and move on.
>he's right.
And because Digibro hated on it, it's there only excuse except he give actual evidence from the show while the fans dont.
>Check and mate
Asterisk is the same flavor of garbage Endride, Sacred Seven, and Active Raid are; offensively generic and uninspired shit. People only defend it because some retarded e-celeb made 12 autistic videos on why it sucks even though you'd probably agree with said autism if it was aimed at SAO and Naruto.
He is right. He's just an autistic ponyfucker.
He's better that Ichika and Ikki.
>le bait
Oh right, here's your reply ^
No one is falling for it, Digibro. Fuck off already.
>made 12 autistic videos on why it sucks even though you'd probably agree with said autism if it was aimed at SAO and Naruto.
Just for using examples from the show and pointing them out for how bad the cons are. What a cunt you are.
>e celeb thread
Take your garbage back to
>He's better that Ichika and Ikki.
Pretty much.
Ikki gets shit done even though Stella is a cock hungry slut.
>Being this mad a retarded ponyfucker is right that your show is shit
Asterisk is bottom feeder trash.
>comparing it to over the top, wacky, or lifeless series
Trying too hard much? Asterisk is literally average, if not a bit above average. The only reason you're going out of your way to blow it up and make it more had than it is because of Digibro, who I'm sure is you.
How hard will we have to shitpost so OP gets mad we aren't paying atention to him and leaves to make another shiposting thread?
Asterisk is the definition of lifeless.
Asterisk threads only goes bad when Digibro and Stellafag are lurking.
>special olympics
Wait, you are the asterisk war? I could swear it was a ln with anime adaptation. Maybe grammar nazis fighting each other
>Asterisk is literally average, if not a bit above average.
>Awful nonsensical plot
>Characters are all generic trope like
>MC is literally bland as fuck with no spine
>Awful fight scenes
>No main male rival to balance this shitty femalefest
Boy this anime is no way average and too think you said above average is hilarious.
It's just another shitty battle harem from a shitty LN.
Already 1/4 there.
>Awful nonsensical plot
Confirmed for retarded.
I'm almost 100% he was being contrarian with hopes of sparking controversy.
Neither show is great, but there is no way Asterisk isn't the better of the two. Fuck that.
Except it isn't unless you're 8 years old and can't even follow Jr. level of writing that's actually solid in plot and structure
>generic trope like
Every harem ever, including good harems
No not really.
>no spine
Wrong. He has confidence in his skills and doesn't cower or act weak. Even trolls people who tried to make him mad.
>Awful fight scenes
It has several well animated fight scenes that are cool or exciting. Better hsrems have had worse and badly done animated fight scenes before, do count your blessings A-1 fid the show.
>no main rival
Wrong. MC's roommate is that guy and he has major roles in future volumes.
>Replying seriously to him
Stop, user.
Fuck you, Active Raid was the dark horse of last season.
That doesn't mean Asterisk isn't total dogshit.
>Except it isn't unless you're 8 years old and can't even follow Jr. level of writing that's actually solid in plot and structure
>why don't the twins just use their invisibility and hit the badges instead of pointlessly beating them up?
>why doesn't Julis use her flight to avoid getting hit by the hammer?
>MC gets a power-up whenever its convenient, eliminating all tension (ex. against gravity girl, twins) since everything devolves to "hurr purple sword cuts everything
>Every harem ever, including good harems
Other harems at least manage to execute the cliches in an interesting way. Antimagic had a lot of cliches and still managed to be fun to watch.
>No not really.
Yes, it is. Everything is fed down your throat with exposition and talking. They even pause in the middle of battle to talk about how strong their opponents are. No one cares about the tournament battles because they care about the opponents at all. The pacing is slow, there is barely any content each episode, and all of the characters have the personality of a brick wall. Apparently the MC wants to find his sister but I don't feel any urgency or need to give a shit at all.
>Wrong. He has confidence in his skills and doesn't cower or act weak. Even trolls people who tried to make him mad.
If he had a spine he would've fucked Julis already. And then there's the standard blushing and stuttering in the ecchi situations.
>It has several well animated fight scenes that are cool or exciting. Better hsrems have had worse and badly done animated fight scenes before, do count your blessings A-1 fid the show.
Animation isn't all there is to a fight scene, it isn't even the most important thing. The characters keep on talking and talking, breaking the momentum of the fight. The well-animated portions are short and fleeting.
>Wrong. MC's roommate is that guy and he has major roles in future volumes.
Don't care, talking about the anime right now and the future volumes will never be animated.
I didn't know people here care about YT reviews now.
Don't give this faggot more fame.
Just ignore him.
Actually you should ignore any anime reviewer in YouTube.
Youtubers garbage is allowed in 2016 Sup Forums.