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meme girl of the season
Tits of the season.
Overrated autistic retarded yandere Bitch
What are you, a normie?
Yeah, sure.
Tomoko made me immune to shitfu like this.
Anyone know if 2ch is getting all bent out of shape about memes on TV like how Sup Forums does about anything internet related going to air?
she looks very soft
she will be raped this week
By me.
>ocko normie this bad bajama woifoo
What did he mean by this?
And me
Can't rape the willing.
Her hair actually looks nice when it's like that. Why doesn't she just do that to fix her hair?
her own damn fault
can't double up on twintail characters
Pig > Ako
Ako a shit.
Likely about hacking Rusian account and taking advantage of Ako because Ako is Ako ...
>Likely about hacking Rusian account and taking advantage of Ako because Ako is Ako ...
Ugh, no.
OP Full is here guys.
Sensei best girl.
>hates normies
>wants to do the normie thing IRL
That bulge
>fuck normalfags
Ako doesn't really hate normies, she's just the equivalent of an /r9k/ user or a lonely redditor. She just spouts memes but it's mainly jealousy.
Buta got the booty
Best girl.
Hisasi stop, my dick hurts.
They have clones in the old Hisasi H manga, right? Like Inazuma and Tosh.
>fat pig slut with the personality of a wet bag of sod and more baggage than a Hilton roadtrip
It's not rocket science, user.
based user
What baggage does she have? She's just a loser.
I want to have a normie relationship with Ako.
She has the kind of baggage that makes someone want to shut themselves off from all outside contact and rot in a dark room because they literally cannot bear the emotional turmoil associated with stepping outside their room.
It's the worst kind of baggage because it produces a parasitic dependent.
>Rich as fuck
>Likes to play MMO all day
>People still lusting after that good for nothing Ako
For what reason?
that schwein
She's just different and introverted.
More relatable
I like shy busty girls.
stopped reading right there
She has 0 personality and basically isn't a character beyond the occasional pay2win gag.
I would hit it except I have this nagging suspicion the inside of her snatch feels like cardboard and has as much depth as the rest of her character.
The proportions of this persons body are all wrong.
I am really fucking hoping the people saying it's his imouto are telling the truth because if it's not then this is just fucked up NTR shit
So guys is that ClariS?
because her lover doesn't want to, or he does but is holding back because he wants to "cure" her first. Either way it's just an excuse. Literally nothing wrong with fugging her while she's crazy.
She's nonfunctional, and she's the kind of nonfunctional that sees absolutely no issue with their nonfunctionality, despite practical concerns like who's going to end up paying for you to sit on your ass and wallow in filth when you've flunked out of school and can't hold a job. They don't care because they don't understand the value of those things, and because they don't understand their value, they'll never appreciate the person who gives it to them. You know what they call a person that takes and takes and takes and always asks for more and more and more, and that never gives anything back or even understands why they should give something back? A parasite.
Ako isn't waifu material, she's "waste your money and your work and your love and never say thank you" material.
>Literally nothing wrong with fugging her while she's crazy
Please god don't let this be an NTR anime, please no. I'm tired of this cuck meme, I never want to see it ever again.
Spoilers as to what's going on
It's his sister logging onto his account to fuck with him as payback for not studying with her. Nothing happens, she just teases Ako but it fucks with her since she's Ako and starts becoming less autistic about internet/reallife
but Ako's aspirations are to be a housewife which apparently she would probably be fine at. There is literally nothing wrong with that
She just said thank you to rusian last episode user, she's appreciative of him for sure
Being a housewife is a lot more work than going to highschool, and she can't even manage that without emotional breakdowns. Just because she can rub a few basic ingredients together doesn't mean that she'd make a good housewife.
High school involves talking to normies which is why she hates it. She would be fine as a housewife.
Fuck you and your responsibilities shit.
She's like 15.
15 year olds grow up eventually. Anyway, that's pretty much why they're helping her out
Fuck you, Ako.
>you will never fuck ako
Life isn't fair
> hates "normies"
> acts like the blatant one herself
If you like her, you might as well say "I like average /r9k/ poster"
If the average /r9k/ poster was a 2d and had a body like that, they'd at least be worth a pump&dump
Deep down, everyone wants to be a normie.
no i fucking don't. i really want to be a neet. hell i'm fine playing videogames all day shitposting and watching anime. i'm tired of being a wagecuck.
why was i blessed with a chad body and face? ;_;
>why was i blessed with a chad body and face?
Just shut up you faggot.
Giving her the D might actually cure her though
>unironically using the name "chad" as a pejorative
i'm a manlet though 5'7 ;_;
>tfw you will never playing net game with these fine beauties
soon to be ntr
>Imouto mad that oniichan has a GF and is ignoring her.
>Hacked his account to NTR him.
>"See oniichan, she's a slut who is unfaithful to you!"
Kinda like that.
what kind of imoto is that?
Please no she's too pure for that
Ako is NOT pure she wants to be dicked
The crazy kind.
I kinda remember a hentai anime like that. The one with the girl with pink hair.
I would "have sex" with her and her tits.
Nah she's just trying to be a good wife
oh the otome something
I don't wakaru
You realize that Ako is in the next room and it's just her avatar in Rusian's imagination?
Otomedori. Yeah.
Really disgusting affair that was. All orchestrated by the imouto.
it still feels wrong
>tfw your little sister hacks your account and ERPs with your busty internet wife while pretending to be you
Sounds hot but messed up.
Its like finding your imouto and your waifu having tribadism one day, behind your back and it was initiated by your imouto and your waifu liked it so much she fell for your imouto.
Just fuck your imouto so the woman of your woman is still your woman
Then fuck them both some more for good measure
I just hope this NTR gag doesn't last more than an episode.
You think that's awkward. I brought my shows when I went to visit my family for the holiday. I left some of my blu rays behind, one of which was OniAi and my 7 year old sister ended up watching it, from beginning to fucking end.
Satan, guide my cock
Did she start acting like the sister in that show?
I haven't even watched this shit and I know that you have shit taste
Is she still calling him Rusian? What the hell's wrong with her? I absolutely hate that about her.
Bro, you would think that shit would be funny. But, it's all sorts of awkward. She thought it was silly, but I seriously hope she didn't get the wrong Idea. Fuck, man. Just thinking about is embarrassing.
>putting this much thought into a character in a weeaboo show
Fucking crikey mate
And what if she actually starts wanting you?
Bro, I'm 22 and she's 9.
Ah well, disregard that.