So if the Earth really is flat, what's at the edge? Beyond?

So if the Earth really is flat, what's at the edge? Beyond?

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IF the earth was flat why hasn't anyone flown a plane to the edge?

Our lord KEK

because it's (((not possible)))

Sea monsters

>flat earth
proven false by this vid.

learn it.
know it.
deal with it.

Buddy, you don't even know the half of it.

I'm shocked at how many fucking boats are on the water, more cars than on a country highway

Bro the Earth is hollow. That's the whole reason for the Flat Earth psy op. Distraction

Just look at the Illuminati card

This is stupid. using this model if you were in southern Sweden you'd be able to see the lights from New York at night.

It's basically like Pac-Man: reality repeats itself ad nauseam, in both time and space.

Think again, brainlet.

Reminder to sage these alienating threads.

Your mum's chest is flat.

That's not a gopro lens corrected. That whole image is bullshit.

All of this is bullshit. Take it to /x/ you dumb cunt

it is like minecraft.
Goes on forever
but covered in ice after a realitivly short distance. (From where you sit out to the ""poles"".)

There may be other warm bubbles out there like ours but from observations they would not be reached for 100s of years while flying at Mach speed in a jet.



Why wouldn't you be able to look further than that?

The earth is not flat - Die with your rage!

High chances that you're larping but you're actually correct. These flat earthers are but a distraction that Earth (and all large celestial bodies) is hollow and could harbor life (and protection in the case of catastrophes).

>going beyond the edge

Dragons and shit, dude. Don't go beyond the edge.

because planes don't exist

Earth is a hollow sphere and the nazis are living inside it or in antarctica

if the earth is flat why not finding it out? Get in a boat and travel a straight line until you reach the edge. Then you have your proof (if you dont' fall down).

not larping at all. I was being 100% genuine.

What's at the edge??? Space (DUH!)

You balltards are something else...

if the earth is flat then is the moon and other planets flat? what about the sun?

Of course the are! If the galaxies are flat of course the other celestial bodies are flat! The same mechanisms that created the galaxies are the same mechanism that created the celestial bodies.

Matter starts to attract each other, it starts to spin and spinning makes the whole thing flat.

Why do you assume there's an edge?

If the Earth is flat why is the moon round?

Flatearthers bfto

Flat earth is a troll by the conspitards against the truthers. Entertain the idea and you already lost.

At the edge lies a great waterfall. But if you manage to look under the Earth you'll see the Great A'Tuin the World Turtle, with its massive carapace being trampled by four huge elephants, on whose backs lies the World.

Chocolate milk and rhum.

>not aware of the hollow earth theory. >implying our planet isn't the center of the universe and that you are actually moving in a curvature of bent-time space, (making you move in a wheel like space)

>not promoting flat earth.
meh, we all know this is a fun shit we promote for keks and to stretch our minds of promoting the obviously false. Don't ruin this kek for me.
If you are intelligent you should be able to defend it atleast a little bit. And enjoy seeing the plebs squirming in irritation as you defend it. Try it.

Who is to say there is an edge? And if it exists who it to say it is close? Richard E Byrd flew 5000 kilometers into Antarctica without reaching the other side, Antarctica is supposedly only 4500 thousand kilometers across on our current maps.

The earth is round.

>Flat earth
>No edge
Ok. It's just procedurally generated then.


so you're saying Pandaria is real?

moshi moshi