Look down

>look down
>see this

What do?


It seems I lost some fat around my chest, but I still can't see my dick.


Play with my tits

You call that a woman?

Masturbate furiously

Spend the first 18 hours of the day playing with myself

See what my face looks like.
If attractive, go suck cock.
If unattractive, buy makeup, go suck cock.

oh god I'm colorblind

Buy a dildo and masturbate

Whore myself out

You can still do that right now.

My range of choices suffers significantly though. As well as that whole HIV thing.

be one of those innocent looking girls on the outside; slut on the inside
then ntr all the nice boys

Pick the envelope up

Masturbate furiously and then seek cute clothes to wear and try to become idoru.

I already see that so nothing.

Masturbate and then have a mental breakdown and become bi-polar

Poor hot water on myself in desperation.

If I'm in my sister's body, who is in mine?


Kill yourself.

Examine contents of envelope, admire self, then masturbate.

Sauce first.

>all the responses ITT
You guys are a bunch of sluts.

Let's abandon the male gender as possible sexual partners and go for other girls together, user-nee. All the good boys get stolen by bitches for don't really love them, and normal unfucked-up prospective fathers don't go for the kind of women that go on Sup Forums anyway.

This is a joke and I'm a guy but I honestly regret not being normal sometimes

wait what?

Masturbate for 1 week straight then kill myself.

You look like this.

I'm not really looking for a husband on Sup Forums, my daki works fine.

Your mother.


Boku wa Mari no Naka

Immediately test my DNA.

Became the queen of the whores.
and died with a dick stabbed on my pussy.

You need to also kill yourself. Get the fuck out.

What if the contents of the envelope state that you die if you masturbate?


Pick up the letter on the ground.



Drink bleach


>my titties aren't big enough to obscure my feet

What a fucking ripoff.

thanks, I remembered reading this but didn't bookmarked so I forgot completely.

1. Masturbate
2. uh, what else is there?

disgusted that I´m not DFC
then proceed to

Become a feminist.

Every few months, I catch up with this manga, and am always left wondering why I keep reading this piece of shit.


Check if I'm in fantasy world.
If yes, learn magic and become adventurer to get fucked by magical monsters.
If no, Enjo Kousai.

First thing you'd learn: keep the toilet seat down.

>Sell my self to JAV industry.
>Enjoy getting fucked
>Get paid

Wonder why my tits became smaller and why I'm Japanese now

>a dick stabbed on

If you blur your eyes just right, this image looks like a scruffy, dignified old bird

Underrated post

Holy shit, I think I kind of see that. Nice catch user.

Men want it up, women want it down. Put it the way you want it instead of bitching at others to do it for you. It takes two fucking seconds.

rofl, I see it now. How the fuck did you notice this?

attempt to masturbate and then realize that no matte how hard I try I can't get turned on because of the nature of the female body and all the thoughts in my head are of hot girls even though my body craves dick now then have an existential crises about whether or not it is gay to be a male trapped in a female thinking about dicks and how much I wanna suck on one at that moment how much I'd want one inside of my newly acquired dripping wet pussy then get turned on and masturbate.

But you are already caving dicks in the body of a male

Take off VR goggles.

Damn it.
Anyway, you get it fagget

Good post.

This is why traps are god tier.

I want the whole cover down so piss and shit doesn't splash all over the place.

Find the nearest toilet and take a massive shit.

>be me no fap for 3 months
>can't erect my cock anymore

please help me

Nope i want my dick back.

Lift weights faggot

Not posting the time of the month page

One job


Pay a hooker to help you

Become FtM trans
Shitpost on Sup Forums during transition
Probably kill myself a few months later

Sup Forums route

I guess when you are already used to tiny dick you'll feel right at home

Fucking look before you sit. It seriously isn't that hard.

>not becoming a dyke

It's much too difficult for a woman to be aware of their surroundings.

Have sex with another girl

>no bulge

fuck this shit

>tfw this question showed up in my japanese class and i was the only guy to not say this but to buy cute clothes

maybe you're transforming into a girl for not doing man things for 3 months

Continue as normal, that is nothing new.

Except that you lost 200 lbs over night.

>What do?

nothing? what else would i do after getting turned into a drawing

no...that's not true......

that's pretty hot to think about

What exactly do you jerk off when you have a vagina?

>samefagging this hard

take your forced jokes back 2 reddit, there are no upboats here


Lurk moar retard.

I finally have the bigger tits I always wanted.

>he thinks his """screenshot""" means anything

kill yourself retard

wondering what kind of animal I am?

>when did I dye my hair?
>everything appears to be in order

Go to walmart and ask a girl there.
