
This is how my friends watch anime, every day.

How can I help these trash lords?

Suicide pact.

Tell the one using the dog sweater pic hes cool. Kill yourself along with the rest of the meme loving fucks though.

Why desu tho?

>having friends

What is wrong with you?

Why not desu?

So, which one is your waifu?

Tell them to stop being a bunch of queefs and install bittorrent.

Sadly my waifu isn't in this show.

holy fuck

Holy shit go fuck yourself

>Having friends
>Watching Desu Desu Unyuu with them
>On fucking rabbit
>in 2016

what the fuck dude i'd rather be alone


Is there any way to watch anime with friends that isn't cancer?

On the couch with a couple beers

On the couch with a gun in your mouth

Kill them.

is that monster princess

>getting mad about watching anime with friends
is it that hard to just have fun?

>that fucking ad with the nigress hamplanet


>tfw no friends to watch anime with

What am I seeing here, which program is this?


Ding ding, we have a winner.


Streaming on Kissanime is perfectly ok these days. Quality is good and if you don't like ads, just watch it in full screen.

The problem with torrents is that you have to organize folders and delete when you're done. I have enough trouble organizing Sup Forums images with over 4000 in a single folder. On top of that, some of them don't have enough seeds, and old ones in particular can be shit.


I'm not baiting, I'm being genuinely honest. I never torrent unless all the streams are shit quality. I watched the entirety of Hunter X Hunter 2011 on Kissanime last year.

>streaming a stream


That's because you're a fucking pleb. XDCC or torrent. If you don't have HDD space for torrents yet have fast enough internet to stream then something is wrong with this picture (for example you're underage and can't throw $50 at a terabyte drive).

The quality isn't that bad. Most of the time.

Well, the QUALITY is, but that's 2000s for you.

Nah, that looks visibly shitty. You're blind, I am truely sorry for your lots

If you can't tell this looks like shit, then you might be legally blind.

If you're seriously asking for the optimal way to watch anime with friends online, why in the world would you not use a streaming service like CC or justin or literally anything else to stream a downloaded file? This quality is abysmal.

This, you'll still lose quality but at least you'll be able to control it somewhat so it won't look like complete shit.
Y'know, if you're such a unlikeable cunt that no-one wants to come over to your house.

>not using syncplay

>not using instasync
It's pretty great

After a watching a blu-ray rip of gunbuster in MPC with LAV codecs, the quality is incomparable. Granted, you need MPC-HC because VLC degrades the quality, but streaming is ten times worse.

Consider suicide

Or they're far away from you.

Thanks for the suggestions.

better than
You autists can't into optimism can you?

>expecting this dickhead and co. to all grab the file without fucking it up somehow

Ease of access for the lazy and forgetful. It's the best way but not the most convenient.

mpv (or one of its forks) > MPC-HC

>you autists can't into optimism can you?
>accepting shit when you can easily download better
Hey man if you want a subpar experince go ahead. Just never post any of those shitty images on Sup Forums thanks, I prefer it when I eyes don't bleed.

that's what I meant

I haven't used it in ages because my online friends hate me.

if i stream an anime, it loads barely faster than it plays. in all the video takes about 20 minutes to load fully. torrenting just isn't practical if i just want to watch a show quickly

>accepting shit when you can easily download better

Did you read the OP? I'll accept the answer, "No, my eyes were bleeding."

And we've already offered several better alternatives.

No need meme players. MPC-HC has been working reliably over the years. Upgrading just for the sake of mystical quality improvements that are hardly noticeable would be sheer autism.

>being so autistic you can't wait an extra few minutes to watch a show in superior quality
Guess what, it takes longer because you're downloading a bigger, better quality file. Disregarding the fact that any torrent with a couple of seeders will download fast enough to watch, providing you don't live in a third world shithole.

just fucking download an episode, watch it, and download another as you're watching it

what's so fucking hard about this? I genuinely wouldn't want to stream shit on some ad ridden piece of shit of a site when I can simply download stuff over utorrent instead.

I usually just use the player that comes with the distro I'm using, or else VLC.

I end up streaming a lot simply because I watch a lot of anime on my phone, so there isn't really an alternative.

Are you streaming anime on fucking skype or something
What the fuck

Baka MPlayer is just as feature-rich as MPC-HC and you even get to keep your pretty menu that you can't live without.
Or fuck, just use mpc-qt. It's MPC remade using libmpv so you get all of the upsides of mpv without triggering your autistic aversion to config files.
Shut up you goddamn retard. Anyone with half a brain can get RSS downloading going and download the shows the instant they are released, so you will have them long before your streaming sites can download them and rape the quality to put on their site.

I honestly don't know why autists sperg over quality that much. In the end I'm still watching cartoon people that are hardly as detailed as anything 3D.

Must be nice living under a rock.

What anime are even good to watch with your friends?

Link them to this thread so they know how retarded they are.

>mystical quality improvements that are hardly noticeable would be sheer autism
You're an idiot. mpv does offer quality improvements over MPC-HC, but most people don't use it for that. mpv has great frontends and scripts that give it many more features than MPC-HC could ever even dream of implementing.

Boku no Pico.

Boku no Pico.

I have MPC-HC from like 5 years ago installed on my desktop and I couldn't care less what new players came out. Everything works and the quality is good. What'd be the fucking point?

>watching Dog Days Season 1 with friends on the big screen
the memories come rushing back in


The only reason I don't watch streamed anime is the fact I like archiving shit.
In the future, it'll be pretty much impossible to find obscurer older shows and the thought of that I can't handle.

>many more features than MPC-HC
what fucking features? to get your dick as you're watching? I can't even think of anything else I'd need than I already don't have with MPC-HC

>mpv has great frontends and scripts that give it many more features than MPC-HC could ever even dream of implementing.
I'm a lazy fuck and I've never swapped over because fuck that. What kind of features we talking here? I just want to watch animu and have it look good, no extra bollocks.

Oh trust me I did that a long time ago.

And hopefully they'll use some of those alternatives with my- encouragement. I don't know what you're butt-blasted about.

What's wrong with streaming anime?
I get it in 1080p, same as if I downloaded it

I mixed it up with vaughn. RIP in pieces.

Come on senpai, try harder than that. Here's a complementary (you).

objectively? the quality is bad and it's a shitty practice because you don't partake in the community

I used to sync up and watch some anime with some faggots and talk over skype
They were great
I'd rather stream anime with good friends than watch 10-bit anime in MPC alone ;_;

You missed the shitposting, didn't you? KissAnime downloads HorribleSubs, halves the bitrate, and puts it on their website.
Resolution ≠ quality

>still giving him replies

You can have one too if you're feeling jealous.
Here you go.

Reminder that streamfags are cognitively inferior. Streaming is indeed the easier route for them.

Streamfags claim that the quality is the same because they are actually blind

Blaming downloading instead of the release group for bad releases

Streamfag can't even find things on nyaa and can't even download from bbt.

Streamfags don't even know how to use spoiler tags properly

Reminder as well that resolution doesn't equal quality.

Streamfags find it difficult to just delete shows.

Streamfags STILL confusing screen resolution with the native resolution it's produced.

Streaming is indeed the easier route for them.
But it's not the easier route for anyone. I spend ≈20 minutes once per season to set up an RSS downloader.

Ok, but I'm not an achivist. That's the job of the LoC, or whatever its Japanese equivalent is. This isn't like the 1960s where the studio masters were recycled and the only copy left of a Doctor Who episode was some bootleg recording found in an old barn.

>Fucked up the greentexting
I'll see myself out.

I don't know why anyone would ever be a willing streamfag
I'm still traumatized from streaming shit when I was 9-12, having to wait 72 minutes every three episodes, it taking 4 hours to watch 1 hours worth of Strawberry Panic, missing episodes, watching seasons in mixed languages because I couldn't find them all in English of Japanese.
The horror

>72 minutes every three episodes, it taking 4 hours to watch 1 hours worth of Strawberry Panic

Your internet sounds like it was garbage.

If you had tried to torrent you would have waited longer I can guarantee.

>>Your internet sounds like it was garbage.
Yes, it was, but that's besides the point. Streaming doesn't suddenly become better if you have decent internet, it is still a much inferior format for watching anime, especially in times where """"illegal"""" streaming was the only streaming available.

>If you had tried to torrent you would have waited longer I can guarantee.
Absolutely not true. Tormenting is outright quicker than streaming in sending data, not to mention you can torrent while you sleep.

Are those extra pixels really all that worth it to you guys?
Do you watch on 50 inch screens or something?
>participating in the community
the anime "community" is cringe and autism, why do i want to participate in that

>Tormenting is outright quicker than streaming

>the anime "community" is cringe and autism, why do i want to participate in that
You tell me. Why are you here?

>PT replies to one of my posts

So are there any streaming sites that are worth it then besides kiss anime? There have to be some sites with torrent quality streams right how could there not be? And if I wanted to download shows without tormenting where should I go?

>And if I wanted to download shows without tormenting where should I go?

>the anime "community" is cringe and autism, why do i want to participate in that
He says, while participating in one of the largest anime communities in existence.

I stream to check out new shows or watch odd notable episodes of shows that Sup Forums talks about, but I torrent stuff of value that I want to watch in good quality eg Planetes, GiTS, Ebongolions. Different tools for different scenarios, honestly.

Reminder that the only way to watch the new Berserk anime is going to be streaming, in the lowest quality available, that way the cgi won't look that bad and it will just look like an old ass anime.

Kill yourself.


>having to rely on other people to get a download to 50% only for them to stop seeding and your file gets fucked up
DDLs are way better, torrents are just as bad as streaming considering nowadays most files come from fucking stream rips

>Group activity.
They are having fun. Let them be.

That's only because you rely on shitty torrent sites.

This show gave me a doll joint fetish.